The LEFT has Finially worked out HOW to Attack Trump

2 years of REEEEE'ing about mindless bullshit.
FINALLY, the Left are getting on point.
Trumps Support for Terrorist regimes like,
(((Saudi Arabia))) & Israel

Imagine if we can get the Left to expose the JQ, by attacking trumps Zionist loyalties.

Thoughts? How do we make it happen.

Attached: trump saudi.png (688x529, 522K)

This isn't effective at all. Nobody gives a fuck. There's no proof of anything. The media is once again pushing a narrative and never showing evidence of shit. How about the media just shut the fuck up and wait for the indictments to open up.

>oy vey don't redpill people on Israel!!!!1

let's meme the public into hating jews just like Jow Forums then, retard

>1 post by this ID

Lefties are already socialist because they see the injustice created by the elites of capitalistic society. All it will really take to convert them is having them finally make the connection that basically all of the ultra-capitalists are jews.

too bad nobody in USA cares at all.

hating Israel and Zionism, sure.
work on diaspora after.

Dam those 1 poster faggots

Oh... its me -_-

7 minutes my ass it took this guy .7 seconds to kill two sand people.

Attached: Sand people chopped up.gif (586x250, 1002K)