Are poor people even human?

If you make under $150,000 a year, you're not human.

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t. Silicon valley nigger

Your wife making that much doesn’t count


God damn she uses a lot of photoshop.

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This is unironically what the elites think of us. But to them anything less than 50 million networth is pathetic.

Sorry OP, you are here with the rest of us.

Would a poorfag own a .gif of such fine quality as I had posted? I should think not.

lol that dude looks like a total FAG!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Npc reporting in 25k aud

i look down on poor people.

all the opportunities out there, but they remain poor. fucking laziness is the problem

>own my own home since 28
>now only work part time for 30k or less a year
I don't need the money. I prefer free time. I'm basically semi retired.

>$150,000 a year
Damn, I thought I was doing good with my $30,000 a year....

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Wait does a 20-40% bonus count?

Someone must have just gotten a promotion! Congrats user. Here is a thought. If you have not bought the hours in your day and the days in your years, you are a true poor fag. Driving a new car to your slave job?

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I think the barrier should be $1 million

depending on where you live, you are. If you live anywhere BUT a big city your 30k/year has more spending power than 150k/year does in Jew York

I salute thee Plutocrat

Poor people are vermin kill them like rodents !!

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post a screenshot of your bank account or a paystub, OP

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Its usually poor people's own fault or their parent's fault for being poor. They are financially illiterate and impulsive with their purchases. They lease and loan and finance and lose everything. To top it all off poor people breed more than wealthy people and they pass their poverty on to their children. Why do you think the starving nig/spic stereotype who begs for a toilet cleaning job because he has 20 cousins to feed exists? Because its true. Poor people are perpetually stupid and spread it like a disease. It always surprises me that 3rd world shitholes have such high birth rates. Who could possibly think its a good idea to bring children into that world? Maybe its an evolutionary strategy like "hey we're living in tin shacks surrounded by pools of ebola water but we should have 10 kids and maybe one of them will live to adulthood". Pisses me off. There should be a LAW to chemically castrate poor people.


150k a year will buy you a 2000 sqft w story home in a respectable suburban neighborhood, 2 financed cars, possibly a boat, funds for retirement, and plenty left over for property tax, varying insurances, family trips, and the needs to maintain the home+cars+family in most conservative led states.

If 150k isn't enough to live a fruitious lifestyle, you live in an over regulated, freedom hating oppressive state.

Wow you can buy like 6 vidya a year.

Don't look down on people for not conforming to a system that they can't get out of. The only way we can get out of this problem is by bringing back National Socialism. 100% employment rates.

Explain this then, faggot.

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>you're not human.


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I make 125 in a red state, its cozy

i agree.

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I only make 70k and have a decent amount of savings for a 25 year old

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what do u do