Seriously, what is wrong with Canada?

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typists were smokin that herb LOL
that reminds me LOL let me hit my bong real quick

Ban test


I took immediate advantage of this loophole. Checkmate animal eaters.

doesn't surprise me they rushed that shit so fast..

It's the will of the people.

Cannibalism shouldn't be called barbaric.

Wait really?
Brb going to Canada to butcher jews

Cannibalism is a vital and celebrated part of many diverse and colorful cultures across the globe. How dare you be so judgmental you fucking bigots?


I don't know why Canada didn't legalize cannibalism earlier. All the immigrant doctors, engineers, and scientists should be able to practice their cultural traditions in a progressive multicultural nation such as Canada.

Btw faggots this is Canada's version of the onion

Why the homophobia?

Getting the place ready for the 240 million refugees?

Just for anyone who's not from Canuckistan, The Beaverton is our version of The Onion

The munchies.

It's completely legal in your country, nip. You just can't buy the needles.

Oh the varying colors of leafs

To late... I'm on my second one... and now everyone is going to label ma as some sort of criminal.

Holy shit the occult really isn't even hiding anymore...

Is this now a Canada is collapsing thread? Where's Humongous when u need him

>Btw faggots this is Canada's version of the onion
Funsucker, now I have to unpack those tarps, knives, and seasonings from my truck. Was even planning on releasing a Canadian cook book.

if you killed someone and ate them before they corrected the typo would you get away with it?


Source or it didn't happen.

>something that makes you retarded to the point even the users admit its effects, that it impairs short term memory, etc
>still willingly take it
Why? It's pure soma.

Probably not an accident.

Better hurry leafs, you've only got until they fix this shit to reclaim your country. Tick tock.

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Nice bait

>typos in bills
LOL retards



“Cannibal” and “cannabis” are three letters different. That isn’t a typo, that is an intentional use of the wrong word by an idiot.

I think they’d separate the murder from the consuming, the latter part bring the act of cannibalism, killing is not implicit in the term.

Googles bigoted ways

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And the word 'Carrib'' is a corruption of 'Cannib' due to sloppy penmenship by a Eurofag in the 1500's. "Cannib' was the name of an island tribe that Euros thought ate people so they called it 'cannibalism'. A Euro mapmaker misread some notes brought back from there and so they became Caribs who live in the Caribbean sea.

What in the actual and legitimate fuck? Was the bill typed on a phone? Is that what is being insinuated here?

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phoneposting in action

Where the fuck is the Queen in all of this? She should dissolve their Parliament, move over there, and take direct control again. They don't deserve self-governance.

the beaverton is satire you idiots
the article is a joke

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>Site Disclaimer
>The Beaverton is a news satire and parody publication . All articles contained within this website, however similar to real events, are fictitious. When public figures are mentioned by name, the corresponding story details are invented. In all other cases, any resemblance to actual persons or events is entirely coincidental.

Don't think it's completely satire - they use these joke sites as a way of calming people down (ha ha ha) so the shock is less when time comes later they seriously propose the same degenerate thing.

I better eat someone befor this gets corrected.

if you eat your enemy they win

>Canada signed the wrong line on the Japanese WWII surrender document
Why can't Canada do anything right?

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someone please ask when trudeau plans to commute luke magnotta

Sounds like something dems would legalize.

this is unironically what most likely happened here


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uh huh

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ha, ok I'm a sore loser eating their rations, equipping their guns, and fucking their women

I can live with losing if that's what losing is to them

Dog dick in the left cheek, Hunan meat in the right.

Not a typo just part of the democrat plan

Canada just proves again how behind it is on the world cultural stage.

those baby devouring chinks must be openly salivating at the sight of young pedigree canuck children


Does this mean all the vorefags can be deported to Canada?


its about time

dude, stfu.

This is fake but lets assume its true.

If someone goes out and eats another person, can they avoid criminal charges because TECHNICALLY its legal? Even though it was a typo and they are in the process of fixing it?

How would this play out in America or Canada?

420! recipes bro.

Reminder that cannibalism is legal in every state except Idaho

The potato lobby hates competition

Based and LEAF-Pilled

I'd go fight you but you sick bastards might eat me.

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shutup faggot

Its kikes trying to get legal baby feasting

>be like hilary

a fucking leaf.

would the taste like rich or cheap cuts of pork?

You fucking Japs need all the test you can get, you skinnyfat onions loving fucks

Wow Irish language looking good there paddy

The beaverton is the canadian Onion

Lmao when I'm not even Irish, go hug a fucking bodypillow and cry about no gf you scion of a dying race.

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>Jow Forums falling for leaf version of the onion

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Lmao I'm not even japanese you absolute fucking negroid cunt

remember this when they are arguing for an AI government.
> lol and we fucked up so bad we almost legalised this crazy shit that the AI gov't is gonna legalize anyway. lol people be crazy tho *dabs*

I don't know, but I suspect that not many western countries have ever had such cannibalism problem that they should have written it in the law.
Cannibals would be prosecuted for Desecration of a dead body.

Can I go to Canada and finally be able to legally eat myself?

This is not acceptable behavior. We've basically normalize degeneracy and it's already really bad here - I can tell right away this won't end well.

>tfw see a qt white girl at wawa
>tfw she buys a pack of camel menthol and a pineapple game

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With all that kosher salt they eat probably something like very salty low grade ham.

Imagine being this much of a woke fucking retard

because we all know The Onion invented satire news

Is Cannibalism legal inCanada now?
We can eat the Jews?

Seriously you have the right suck cock if you want to, faggot. Will you nigger faggots stop being so homophobic so as not to offend this leaf faggot

what was the typo that legalized bestiality?

Dawn of the leaf

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its like beef with a hint of gamey taste but the fat smells like bacon