So I was watching "The Eagle Has Landed" earlier and got to thinking, "how would it have been possible to actually make the reich win?" the film (pic related) goes through the plot to kidnap churchill, but what about other possibilities (like say focus on taking the middle east over fighting the soviets, etc.) any strategies in mind, pol?
Nazi germany wouldn't be able to get to the middle east without fighting the soviets. That was the point of fighting the soviets, to get to the middle east.
Tyler Russell
Germany did not have the industry or logistics to win, at least not with the US involved against them.
Colton Robinson
by middle east I meant north africa. there was definitely a way to tiptoe around the soviets (obviously you'd still be fighting britain+france, but they were already getting btfo'd)
Samuel Wilson
that is the biggest issue, which is why making sure you neutralize england ASAP is the main priority. rush B(ritain) Cyka Blyat
Hunter Jenkins
If you liked the movie, check out the book by Jack Higgins. It's even better. Germany couldn't fight on that many fronts. Russia was the mistake. I know they wanted that sweet oil, but the price turned out to be too much.
Tyler Cook
Nazi Germany should have surrendered instantly upon entry of the US.
Ethan Harris
Hardloled. Nazy airborn DVD shittroopers.
Jason Brown
Ohlol. Ardens winner became.
Cooper Cox
that was my point of implying that they could take the oil from north africa first, avoid fighting the soviets, and use the resources to fight Britain.
Joshua Hill
how many times were you dropped on your head by babushka?
Jonathan Hernandez
DVD airborn today - without tasks. I hope DVD divisions of russia will convert to mechanized brigade
Henry Rivera
That would've been better, but that winter is really what saved the Russians it seems. Germany almost made it far enough. Almost.
Christopher King
The buzz-bomb was a mistake, as was the yearly upgrade of their 100's of varieties of indirect fire. They should have invested more in subs and nothing in battleships. Their own air-doctrine should have shown them the Bismark was a bad idea. If they had taken the effort they put into the Bismark and made sub crews instead, they would have destroyed any shipping in the Atlantic and taken both Britain and Russia. And likely their interruption would have forced the US to bring carriers into the Atlantic, possibly turning the tide at Midway, etc.
Dominic Price
oh yeah, U-boats would have fucked the germans had they pressed on it more. obviously, other things like the sturmgeweher and Me-262 could have been useful in greater numbers, but you'd need more resources. the main thing is to avoid pissing off the US (at least until britain is dealt with.)
Zachary Hernandez
Lol. Us have more shipbuildung power at 42. On german 1 sub - usa make 4-6 destroyers.
Ryan Wood
Cameron Sanchez
do us all a favor and either use proper grammar or neck yourself
you mistake me for someone who actually cares about your incoherent babbling. but serious question, why would you shit on paratroopers. they have an important role to play in grand scale military operations
Leo Ross
Germans u-boat cannot change war. Us destroyers can cover all convoys. Convoys = equip for soviets. Soviets kill all hanses and get berlin
Evan Richardson
ok in case you aren't versed in the atlantic war: the US didn't actually start using destroyers to cover british shipping until they actually entered the war, my point was avoiding the soviets like a nigger with aids, also I thought that it was all russia that won without any help from the "capitalist pigs"
Dominic Perez
At present days paratrupers have no tasks. Russia have 3 dvd division. Dvd have different from army equip. Airdroprrady rmoured vehicles, airdropped artilery and another... But AA made all this shit unusable.
Easton Kelly
you are aware there exist counter-AAA, right? jammers, air to ground missiles, etc.
Mason Torres
Most of russian aces flyed on aircobra. Willis and stoodebekker. Cans and other food
Jonathan Lee
also you may not realize, but in english, THIS is a dvd
the p39 is a wicked plane, but my point about avoiding war with the USSR stands and makes it all a moot point.
Julian Cruz
If aa crashed - use bombers. And heavy mechanized infantry
Ethan Davis
People always tends to focus on Nazi Germany ignoring that the biggest industrial power of the axis was Japan.
If Nippon didn't attack the U.S and actually started to invade the east of Russia, forcing the Soviets to relocate millions only to try to stop them, then it would have been quite a game changer...
Ethan Butler
Dvd is russian mem. Vdv dvd same sheet
Jose Collins
You are way off here. please refrain from this.
Andrew Ortiz
while japan was a powerhouse, they were using outdated stratagem by the time germany entered the war, but you're right. keep the US out of the war and it's a solid win.
Owen Howard
Avoid war with ussr? I think it is impossible. Romanian oil dont cover requirements. Hitla need caucacian oil
Jeremiah Cook
I was thinking "he DOES realize that the germans could get to the middle east through north africa, right?"
John Roberts
The Japanese Army was based on fighting chinese peasant armys not Soviets. Their tanks were quiet small and they wouldnt be able to use their fleet in Russia.
Evan Reed
I'm saying to use oil the arabian peninsula, which would cover most of it, and be less of a fight than fighting the soviets.
Nathaniel Lewis
Jackson Stewart
the theme reminds me of BF1942
Sebastian Campbell
it is a little bit like that, innit?
Parker Thomas
Baku have ready oil industry. Arabs have nothing. Spend 2 years to make oil refinery ? Logistik from baku is better then from iraq
Aiden Price
except the whole "getting into a fruitless war" bit
Anthony Thompson
Based broken english muscovite tell em about those nazy dvds man
>how would it have been possible to actually make the reich win well battle of britain the reich should have kept bombing the airfields and radar stations, the moment they stopped and focused on cities they lost. even brits admitted they were grateful they stopped cuz they were on the edge. Also hitler should have not sacked all the professional prussian officers and led the military himself. but you can pick any year of the war and find 20 things wrong with what the reich did
Juan Lopez
I forgot to mention the BoB airfields thing. goering should have been liquidated for that shit. goering also was the reason ernst udet killed himself.
i hope you understood why airborn forces dont need in present days?
Kevin Hall
Hitler could have won if he sent enough troops into North Africa sooner. He would have been able to crush the British in Egypt and Gibraltar which would have destroyed their supply lines. This would have sealed off the entire Mediterranean cut off English access to the Suez Canal. The Axis would have gained access to the Middle East and been able to establish supply lines to their allies in Iran. This strategy would have given them all the oil they needed as well as granting them the capability of opening a southern front against the USSR, as well as the very real possibility of Germany being able to arm Iranian proxies to assault British India.
Okay, as a Historian I probably am the most qualified person on this board to talk about this.
I'm about to head to work though so I can't go into too much detail.
There was absolutely no possibility for any of the Axis countries to win in the long run.
Had Hitler not attacked the Soviets when he did they would have just declared war themselves some years later (with a proper build up army). This is fact and plans for this had been drafted up already when the Germans attacked.
With Japan and the United States it is a similar picture. The Americans were only going to increase their grip on the region and waiting wouldn't have served Japan very well either.
Noah Collins
>allies in Iran lol iran was occupated by soviets and english troops in 41.. google it
Robert Clark
>they would have just declared war themselves some years later it must be not anti-hitler war it must be war for worldwide communism