Are leftists actually retarded?

After joining the NPC ranks on Twitter, I've been getting sooo many retweets from legitimate leftists and I gotta say, im not that surprised. Ive said shit about Voter ID being racist because people of color have to pay for the ID's and people actually ate that shit up. I hope im getting meme'd but holy shit Jow Forums the NPC has unlocked a gold mind of idiocy from the left.

Pic related my contribution to the effort.

Attached: NPC News.png (2700x3300, 1.72M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>say facts
>people agree
what a surprise
explain to me why it would be a bad idea to have the government pay for IDs for citizens instead of the other way around

because I don't want to pay for anything you want

>whites have to pay for ID's too
>Somehow that's ok and not racist
I'm glad your kind can't reproduce.

It's not racist, it's just classist, which is racist entirely as an incidental thing.

A pretty good chunk of liberal twitter is just a botnet. A good chunk of what isn't are so stupid that they might as well just be retweet bots.

I want to believe they're not all irredeemably retarded and some are just locked in a mentally ill while loop.

You're memeing me right? "Incidental racism"? My dude, spending $20 for a fucking government issued ID which is accessible to everyone that doesn't live in a cardboard box isn't classist.

The reason the left doesn't want any form of voter ID laws to pass is they have 30 million illegal south Americans in the country, and they vote.

>not racist, it's just classist,

You saying everyone who isn't white is poor?