Attached: jim.jpg (1514x1076, 220K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Fucking kek I've seen at least 10 diifferent people you retards have called Metokur

doesnt sound like him at all. Op is a fag.

wow, voice sounds almost identical. good work op

Sounds like black pigeon


Okay, this is epic.

that guy is too chad to be jim

wow its jim, that's his voice, he was using a voice changer all along!

Dude if you want to know who jim is, Look into his life before youtube. I'm not spoonfeeding you faggots

No, this is Jim

Attached: jim.png (1352x749, 342K)

I escaped for awhile, who is he and why should I care
> Here forever

no this is, rapper James Oshagging:

what kind of witchcraft is this? just found this video and was about to post it. the google algorithm is starting to shitpost

Some user posted a picture of a map in he last thread. I think he may be there too, close any way. What are your reasons?

lol. Yeah, i got suggested it today too

The dox are real but this video isn't him. He just has the same name.

As I said in the previous thread, if anyone's in the killstream discord or youtube chat (I don't use discord or twitter or google accounts. I watch the killstream through streamlink), I replicated that snapchat thing from yesterday easily:

Just open it in an iphone, fullscreen it, and scroll around. Then click on the name on the blue thing, which will scroll you down. Then click on the text that starts with "One cried". Then on the saved. Then on the unsaved. Then on the grey text at the bottom. Then on the grey text that'll show up.

Made it easily with css3 transformations and very basic javascript in like half an hour. The very simple code (more like markup) can be saved through the page source.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-18_20-57-39.png (798x642, 57K)

Jim is actually sargon and all of their debates are staged with pre recorded audio. This is a key part of sargons 20 year plan


If you don't watch the killstream, or if you didn't watch it yesterday, ignore.

He's also James Petrov:

Jim is supposed to be James O'Shaughnessy, not Patrick O'Shaughness... who just happens to have almost the same voice.

Maybe his brother?

Same name and same voice. That's his brother.

wait a minute metokur is a dirty fucking irish all along?!?!?!

>the infamous Mr. Metokur finally gets doxed
>all of the e-celebs involved fan bases are too autistic to even have a coherent conversation about it
This is funny as fuck. Hope he doesn't get sued to hell though.

Nice ID faggot

Patrick is his middle name.

He can’t pronounce his own surname then.

best part about this is Null getting butthurt that a crackhead got the credit instead of foxdick farms

I don't think he really gives a fuck. He owned up to it on stream so nobody can use it as ammo against him and is still continuing content and streams as usual

OK but somehow I doubt Metokur is a hedge fund manager who also happens to spend his life trolling furries on Youtube.
He's either the loser of the family, or someone else entirely.

Or, maybe, he is actually a second Martin Shkreli.

Is kiwi farms worth lurking or just 24/7 e-celeb shit? The idea of a site centered around cyber stalking appeals to me but this is not the best first impression.

Isn't James O'Shaughnessy a falseflag dox from years ago? Why is everyone saying its real now?

that's not Jim.

>mfw the voice isn't even remotely close
>mfw metokur uses a shit mike because he's a poorfag
You people are completely fucking retarded

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I need more Jim fan art

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it's worth lurking if you need info on certain people.
Don't make an account because Null/Josh is known for leaking IPs of people he doesn't like.
He even leaked IPs of EighTchan posters when he worked there. Of course Hotwheels fired him.

That... thing has a dick, right?

Jade does not have a dick.


Wtf i hate jim now.

Attached: 1523549336526.jpg (680x453, 26K)

>that boku no pico copypasta
Fucking dying here. And yeah, I'm like 20 minutes behind.

Yep. He even addressed his kiwifarms page in a super chat. Someone asked him if he is ok with his kf page and he said he was fine with it.
Then also said he is sure his shit is not out there later on another kill stream. He knew about the page. He didn't care.

I actually thought this was a shitty dox, but fucking LISTEN TO THIS. This J Patrick O'Shaughnessy on a shitty mic podcast actually does sound like the very least his brother. It's REALLY close.

Doesn't sound like him

O'Shaughnessy actually does look like a slightly older version of pic related too.

Attached: jim.jpg (600x800, 36K)

Then it's a brother.

Potentially, people can sound alike and not be related. Here's a recording of his voice with good audio equipment.

That voice is too close to be a random with the other name info. The voice modulation and the accent and articulation...if it's not Jim speaking in a more professional context, then it's his brother. They share DNA and grew up in the same house.

I find it hilarious he is a total normal looking dude. Sargon, Vee, and all the rest of the people that have been dying for him to reveal his face are ugly in comparison. Aside from swatting theres not much ammo to be had there.

I'm not debating that unrelated people can sound alike. I'm saying that the other circumstantial evidence regarding jade and the MN info and the consumer info...that makes it very unlikely that O'Shaughnessy isn't related to Jim if not Jim himself.

Or all minisodans sound the same.

What disease does Jim have?

It's not me you faggot. Bet you would like if it was though huh? Makes your meatstick tickle? Get the blood pumpin'?

doesn't really sound like him. Plus "Jim" is in a wheelchair

voice is not even close to Jim

last stage canceraids

weird that this happens after CIA asset mundane matt got destroyed.

Sargon is a fat fuck and vee is fucking hideous.

Finally all of the trans and furries are safe from the tyrant known as Jim. Get out there and punch that nazi!

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Phytophthora infestans

That doesn't sound like jim. The voice is a little to deep

how are we supposed to throw them off your scent if you keep acting like a tremendous faggot about it

Uh, guys...

could Jim be an old boomer (and retired billionaire with too much time on his hands)?

yes, arrthedonald. you've cracked the case

over a year old fake dox
part of the dox is based on info that lists his gf as Caucasian, that's really the only new part
>newfags will never learn

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Yellow Fever

Attached: 1534680073624.jpg (162x200, 9K)

nothing retard. its just an excuse to kill off the character when the zionist job is done.

Attached: 1e6d3bf7116ed7c5309e74f0ffee97fd--laughter-therapy-laughter-yoga.jpg (540x360, 37K)

something progressive anyhow. his voice has been changing slightly, but consistently for a long time. might be a direct effect, or result of pain meds I'm thinking.

Do people not realize we've had jims dox since fucking goober gate.
I mean he goes by fucking jim, Are we really at this level of spoon feeding?

Honestly, I really want to see what jim looks like

You kiwifarms fags are so retarded, that isnt him.

Ah shit, you got me guys. I sure hope you don't do anything reckless with this information. That would be a terrible thing.

This isn't him, just some guy on twitter

At least the tits seem good

Stop pretending to be jim

nah, doesn't sound like the guy.

it's the same guy that did this, Marc M(etokur)

If you're really jim tell jade to post her big titty asian tits

where's the video, jim?

multi-drug resistant tuberculosis. it's come up a few time when he's answered superchats.

Autism, that's about it.

from Somalis?

You got boomer-tier editing skills, Jim.

The James Patrick o’shaughnessy fake dox are older than the James Tristan fake dox

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No, the TB was something that was going around Minisoda, apparently from the somalis, and he caught it.
The disease he used to justify his patreon is something else.

yes, he speculated it was from Somalis.

confirmed as a retard boomer dying of cancer-aids

Unironically probably something close to this

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