What are you faggots doing to ensure the existence of your race. pic related my baby girl born today

what are you faggots doing to ensure the existence of your race. pic related my baby girl born today

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Looks like a future dyke to me.

First of all congratulation on breeding
Im doing my part by breeding in the future

congrats man, girls tougher than boys to raise!

>short hair
Absolutely degenerate.

Okay, that's pretty cute. Congratulations, papanon.

Good job OP, stick around and be there for her

She gonna take the BBC in 18 years time my bro

I converted to Islam.

Kys niggers

Her head is not at all deformed. Was it a c-section?

Why did she shave her eyebrows? Degenerate move if you ask me.

That baby wasn't born in the past 24 hours

grats user, stock up on extra necessities in case shtf
t. loving parent of two girls

Only about 16 years until she is a used up thot user, enjoy

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Nothing because the existence of all races will soon cease once mother nature wipes us out.

He's so little and cute, own. Congratulations, user, i hope you'll raise her to be happy and intelligent.

Congratulations Bruce, I've got one girl and two boys myself. Raise her right, and God bless you and yours.

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congrats godbless

Checked. I have a son. Working on creating son #2.

That's what it's all about there, user. Good work. Now you know what true love feels like.

by not posting my child on internet, the worst people do this

look at this nigger who cares about the species, fucking idiot.

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>pic related my baby girl born today
The final, and ultimate cuck

I think you can control the temperature of your ball sack in order to make boys. Steve Irwin did a piece on it.

Just make sure the next 4 are boys :)

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Sorry i didn't saw the baby was a she.

congrats, but she's probably going to grow up to be a thot

White women LOVE black men

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How does it feel knowing she'll ruin your bloodline by fucking 60 niggers?


I have four. Raise them right. Also don’t post them here. But she is really a cutie, congrats user!

congrats dawg

but maybe you should preserve her virtual footprint by omitting her picture

we would believe you if you didn't include a picture because we ascertain with sense as well as visual data analysis

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Fucking edgy undrage faggots. I hope OP ignores you cunts.

Teach her to love her own race, without being overly aggressive and forceful about it. If you're an asshole, she will just fuck niggers to rebel, and you will end up with a mutt grandchild

congrats user

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Dont involve your daughter in politics for the love of god.
My mother did that to me and I still resent her for it

>bringing children into this world

Lol. Nice try.

thats great user, no body likes me and so its hard for me to have a family

Congratulations, I hope you two have a happy and fortunate life together!
As for helping the white race, I have a white daughter. I also found out just yesterday that my wife is pregnant again.

For what reason do you post this? You must have some sort of disgusting pathological disorder to see a new born girl and think about niggers fucking her.

Go see a psychiatrist.

T. My wife's son

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not posting my baby photos on an abbo photo bombing forum
she will be when she finds out her father posted her baby photo on a poo in loo dick washing forum. I would be just to spite the poofta

Today OP was not a faggot. Good job mate.

digits baby

she will become the ultimate shitposter

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Enjoy your half-chink grandchildren

White genocide is beautiful

Twin boys and a third boy. My lineage is dutch/german and the wife is irish

my dick is too small

Well I made a bleached thread today

Aye suck my dick bro

ha look at this french fag that cares about people

Congrats user, I hope she's healthy

I hope to have my first kid out in 3-5 years

Congratulations OP! She's adorable, and I hope baby and mom are doing well.

My wife and I are expecting a son next month.

Fuck off JIDF.

cheers to all the supportive anons and the not so supportive anons lol i love all you faggots ill raise her right

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Fresh meat for the grinder, eh? What will it be?
>Infantry, Sir
Great choice, son, having an infant made me the man I am today!

>T. Exhausted father and empty shell of a man

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Congrats, user. Raise him to spread his white seed and break lefties jaws

Have fun with the sleepless nights for the next 6 months. If she's not crying you'll still be worried sick about sids.

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Don't mention it Aus bro. I hope you raise a happy and healthy daughter.

Congrats dude

That baby is uggo. Stomp it

I just bought a sex doll.

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Congrats user!

Congrats kangaroo.

My little girl is 5 months old tomorrow.

Unfortunately my child's mother turned into a raging cunt near the end of the pregnancy and decided to get some naive guy that blows his money on my ex's money hungry habits (eating out, constantly going everywhere, etc..) to play step dad right when my baby was born (I did perform a paternity test FYI, get it done if you have any doubts) So it's a complete clusterfuck on my end.

Other than that I have good faith your wife won't pull a 180 on you. Always be there even if shit gets hard or the wife/girlfriend starts going feminist mode with family law.

>my baby girl born today
When are you going to start eating her out?

Remember she’s not yours, she belongs to your wife who’s just temporarily loaning her out to you until the divorce.

I read somewhere some study that appeared to suggest couples who spent "a lot" of time in close physical contact (cuddling, snuggling , hugging etc ) were more likely to have male offspring.

I was very close with my son's mother spending as much time as I could touching and sleeping with her and we conceived a healthy son first try.. is there perhaps some transfer of something from the male to create whatever tips the scales to a male at fertilization?

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Thanks. She’s a hottie and she doesn’t bitch and complain, and I’ll never have to worry about her taking half my stuff.

>is there perhaps some transfer of something from the male to create whatever tips the scales to a male at fertilization?
You do understand how babby gets made, right? Your sperm decides the sex, she has nothing to do with it.

bro SIDS was pretty much solved by putting a fucking fan in a baby's room

Congrats user!


I just had a daughter a month ago.

Isn't having a kid the ultimate red pill? The extreme love I felt for my daughter the moment I saw her, only solidified my extreme beliefs. Also, anti-natalism is the biggest fucking scam, "kids suck" "don't have kids" "we have too many people". All a fucking scam.

OP knows this, but for everyone else, you have no idea what it feels like to have a child with a women you love. Seeing someone that looks like you, that you know is your child. Children are an asset, and if you can afford to have one, do it.

does it have a dick?

>Reproduction objective: Complete
>Existence status: Validated

Congrats OP.

This is now a white babies thread. Post your white babies.

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make sure she mews mate dont want an ugly cunt

cute baby & good job

>85 IQ for posting her image.

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Fuck off faggot.

SIDS is not real. Its infanticide.

"oh shit my baby stopped breathing and suffocated, wonder what happened?"

Its not real. Its just doctors turning a blind eye.

But my son hasn't been a baby in 8 years

Found out wife was pregnant last Tuesday, but she miscarried two days later. Shit sucks.

Don't take her for granted, Jow Forums bro.

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Couldn't you have rotated the image and compressed the file size. I don't need to waste 2.5MB of my precious bandwidth to look at some generic baby.

Bad father detected.

Sleeping position dipshit

Less than 18 years...

Congrats dude! Hope she lives a long and prosperous life!

Pure white pill


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but what makes one sperm from the same man one time make a male and another a female? Some preponderance of elements leads to one or the other..


The work by Corry Gellatly, a research scientist at the university, has shown that men inherit a tendency to have more sons or more daughters from their parents.

"tendency" I'm just asking what leads to this tendency? The position of the stars? I mean come on lets dig...

Congratulations! She's absolutely beautiful.

Gratz user, but you shouldn't post this on pol.
Maybe not on any social media.

Based on looking at the timing of it I think my wife got pregnant from being pushed over the kitchen counter each of the times.

Just debated some retard sjw for some reason.
She says abortion should be legal because of rape babies, and self defence against rape doesn't work because of a story where a rapist paralyzed a women and raped her, and its victim blaming to tell girls to carry guns

They're literally Orwellian in their doublethink

What's the big deal with posting a picture of a 1 day old baby? No one is going to abduct her. Even with that picture you wouldn't be able to pick her out from 3 other new born humans.