What happens here, besides US senators getting BTFO?
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Nice camping spots in the Ozarks.
The good:
The amish undercut mexican labor gangs and keep missouri white.
Cops shoot black people without hesitation.
I know four people that own barrett 50cals (lots of guns)
Whiteman AFB is home to the b2 bomber and the majority of the US nuclear arsenal.
Evangelicals are contained by a well educated majority of german descendants.
Few jews (they're smart)
The bad:
All our industrial base left starting in the 90s
The countryside/small towns have been depopulated due to the vanishing industrial base.
80% of the states population are in Kansas City and St. Louis.
Democrats have very little power and are looking to gerrymander their way into power
Meth/heroin/fentanyl is raping the young
I'm from missouri; AMA
Great BBQ on one side. The other side has Kansas City.
Missouri, pronounce misery, is just another piece of desolate wasteland in flyover country. There is nothing of value there. Only the most depraved of scoundrels and rural retards dwell in the shitholes of misery. The state's most popular land marks are the departure terminals at the airport and "Welcome to Kansas" on the I 70.
More coastline than california! (shame the lake is filled with human waste and boat fuel)
Sugarfire has the best bbq in the state even if it's run by hipsters
I can't tell if you're trolling just to keep foreigners out of missouri; I've done that
If you're not joking, kill yourself
missourfag here. this user is correct
>be me
>from the west coast
>visit missouri because my childhood friend moved there
>stay a few months durning summer
>few niggers outside of KC, STL, and COMO and those that are know their place
>everyone is friendly
>so you are from warshington?
>trip out because a small group of people from washington say it that way
>hyvee is the shit
>the meth problem isn't that bad considering my state has a far worse opi problem
>gas station, church, fast food joint and sex shop off every interstate exit
>no commieforians jacking up housing costs
If it wasn't for the crazy weather I would move there. Nice state full of friendly people.