.(((Refugees))) being sent to Aussie country towns, mention how fucking stupid this is > Boomer goes on how we need them for the economy I point there are no jobs there and they'll just leech off gibs. >I point the economy won't last a minority of whites paying for the gibs of middle easterns and Africans they'll never contribute to the country anyway. >I point all the country towns and small cities will receive is a massive spike violent crime and sexual assault. >Hurr they did it in WW2 >Yes with culturally compatible Europeans not niggers and back then there was work.
Boomers will be gone in 10 years tops, my own grandmother went like 5 years ago and soon the niggers and refuges will die to the natural Aussie environment. Lucky you, fuck Canada, the cold should kill them but they are given homes.
Cameron Ramirez
I hate this treacherous government so much.
Gavin Cox
They tried that here too with "they will reinvigorate rural towns" narrative, but most of migrants just fucked off to bigger cities the first chance they got.
Jeremiah Lewis
Oh, and they also liked "of course it will work because refugees from Vietnam integrated to this one village so well" narrative for a while.
Jeremiah Butler
its all over
Tyler Taylor
>waiting for civil war and re legalisation of guns
Aussies handle the wildlife trying to kill them every day fine, surely they can handle a bunch of half-starved (((refugees)))
Jack Russell
Isn't it better to spread them around the country than let them take over a city? Seems like that's where no-go rape zones start. Not letting them in would be ideal but if you had to put them somewhere...