Redpill me on Nazi Germany: Were they the baddies or goodies?
Redpill me on Nazi Germany: Were they the baddies or goodies?
what do you think you retard
they were angry and for good reason but their leader was retarded and fucked everything up and now they are the villains of history
Watch 'the greatest story never told'
some one is bad
some one is good
do I need to say more ?
german people just like the rest of the world. someone like what you don't like
This, but unironically
We shouldve fought the Communists instead, Hitler was reasonable compared to the jews, in fact he was WAY too nice if you ask me.
Allies were the good gu-
Was their invasion of Poland their first mistake?
The Germans had every right in the world to be angry over the economic situation of the time. But following a butt fuck like Hitler was the biggest mistake they ever made. He turned them people into NPC's before NPC was even a thing.
It's too bad really.....
That's a fake quote
This look like a bad guy to you?
germans were, are, and will be evil people
Them chicks are ugly.
that's an actor, looks nothing like Him
You're ugly
In 59 BC, they basically declared war on all civilization, and have never stopped fighting
take a gander at post ww1 germany
Poland held onto land with 95%+ ethnic Germans.
Britain and France started posturing so their empires could stay intact.
The allies were the baddies.
Umm no, it's from his Autobiography published in 1986. Nice try, sweetie.
All you had to do was give a 97% ethnically German town to them and avoided causing WW2.
why do you post dumb fake photos like this?
No way man. I'm the sexiest thing that ever came to this site. You people are truly blessed to have somebody of caliber joining you.
Ill post what ever the fuck i want.
Hey hold on. That's not Hitler. That's just some goofball.
correct it's from a movie
I be damned...
With bitches that ugly being gay might not be such a bad idea.
That is a pretty good diet he has for middle to late in the war, I eat all that when able, he should have some bacon ends in the bag to fry up with the green beans and some onion and black pepper
>so their empires could stay intact
And how did that work out for all of us?
oh picture for ants
They were the goodies from what I know. I know that jews are undeniably evil and that europe would be for europeans if Germany won WW2. America didn't even want to fight in WW1 until the false flag
slide threads are so awesome but this one is better and the reason for these really awesome slide threads.
Not entirely either, but mostly goodies.
They saw the threat of kikes, and tried to address it.
As far as their agression went, it was an effort to unify Germanic peoples into one state, which is really the same goal Israel has for the Jewish people which all the matzoh-sucking sons of bitches who support Israel applaud, with the only difference being that Germans are actually from Germany, while Jews are just LARPing as Israelites. Palestinians are the real owners of the land between the Jordan and Mediterranean, and Germans are the real owners of Germany. Sadly, now Rapefugees are taking over Germany and Jews are stealing Palestine.
Hopefully trends will reverse in future. If not, the world is a waste and should die as far as I'm concerned.
they were germans fighting for their own people and country. rest of the world started shitting on them.
still do. eternally plundered. like maybe the germans are the real jews.
good job, retard
My grandfather on my father's side fought in WW2 and survived the war, though he died in the 50s. The one thing my dad always talks about is how his father never trusted the government after that.
Um no Hitler was very smart and could have one without shooting a fucking bullet you dumb bastards. I am basically a self educated ww2 scholor. Hitler made good with last real Pope. Catholics had such good relationship with business partners on oil they wanted to stop oil production worldwide for Hitler. Hitler didnt want the world to be dark and some many without hope he denied an offersd peace when could of whipped out britian and France in 39 hours.... literally. America bombed at night and then bombed during humanitarian cleanups killed 600,000 people in such a sick way that Hitler was seen crying and even called us satan. Before ww2 America wasnt known for u.s.a. but kept the three letters said by germans that they thought they were being praised. Actually meant in German "our great Adolf. Hitler was only thing to stop dirty Jews in Soviet union or FDR would of joined to make USA and Russian a communist union. Stalin got power hungry and America couldnt control the real news flooding in. FDR spends 116 billion in aid to help Russian during the great depression and spends another 2 billion in Pentagon but doeent do a fucking thing for economy. It was all setup Hitler knew an tried to get agents to inform American public. Hitler was not only good he was 2nd only to jesus. He will never be looked at as what he should of been because of Jews but isreal and rest of world should of died an Germany should of taken over world. Fact: Hitlers Germany had a public computer as equal to a ps2 in 1939 for its civilians. 70 years in advancements. Happiest people ever. Now we got multicultural take over because they knee this could never bring another one like the great u.s.a
Depends on if you're Jewish
On the grand scale of things Germany was pretty neutral. In comparison, its plans for the world did not differ in vileness to those of the other world powers like Soviet Union, Japan, Italy, Great Britain and even France. People say that one of the worst crimes of the nazi regime was ethnic cleansing the subsequent ethnic german colonialism of non-german lands but I doubt that there would be many arabs in Tripolitania or niggers in Botswana had Germany not ass blasted France and GB so hard they gave up on colonialism.
they were retarded for attacking slavic nations,
I guess economical warfare to destroy white race is more suitable this time
>That is a pretty good diet he has for middle to late in the war
That was the point of that terror campaign, to strafe and bomb the Bavarian villagers that the Russkies wouldn't be able to rape and starve.
In the west it was ambiguous.
In the east they were truly engaging in a holy crusade.