This fucking meme was a good laugh when it first appeared 2 months ago but now EVERYONE is fucking talking about it

This is going to bring ALOT more eyes to this board and may even shut it down. Hell even Trump mentioned it, albeit briefly, in his speech today.

How do we shut it down for the sake of this site?

Attached: NPC2238.jpg (680x698, 89K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Learn to have interior dialogue and be able to see with your mind’s eye, then you won’t be an npc anymore.

>Hell even Trump mentioned it, albeit briefly, in his speech today.

They're planning a false flag you gotta prepare and shoot the shooter before he shoots.

Funny thing is, I was pretty sure it had run its course until news outlets started reporting on it.

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Orange man good
Orange man make America Great Again
Drain Swamp
Build Wall

Attached: 1511771644881.jpg (603x1200, 734K)

>progressives not amused

how many slide threads are faggots going to make tonight? saged.

>the wrong guy at CNN has a bad day and tells his actors to pretend that civil war has broken out
>NPCs begin shooting eachother and everyone else
NPCs are a danger and must be eliminated.

The idea that this is partisan is totally false. The entire US pop culture is having a post modern meltdown

Did we create the meme, or were we tricked by Russians into creating the meme? Are the Russians now spreading it or are we spreading it?

Did we trick the Russians or did the Russians trick us?

Attached: you guys are fake news.png (644x543, 59K)

Think of the culture of the last decade. How much more could a people status preen? And how much is it worth?

I can't even call Ukrainians NPCs desu

They're more like mobs that need to be farmed

Attached: 1538887132748m.jpg (1024x618, 83K)

>spam shitty meme everywhere
>get angry when people wonder what the fuck this shitty meme is and it gets attention

Attached: 1524890821444.png (1440x1557, 738K)

This meme can more correctly be seen as a continuation of the american teenage demographic's "i want to die lmao" meme

Another leftist GAYOP

Attached: AA086352-8EC3-4502-8897-84358C859D57.png (800x600, 324K)

>NPC Meme
>it's just gray wojak
Can't Jow Forums ever come up with something original anymore? This place used to be more creative.

Attached: 4chan_memes.jpg (600x600, 115K)

>may even shut it down.
Please merciful god, release us from this prison and give us no refuge in the digital world that we may finally change the real world.

Attached: 3F45558C-A331-4D96-B6A2-039DC68C6219.jpg (633x758, 138K)

This is how you win. Rather than us reacting to what they do, make them react to what we do.

>This is going to bring ALOT more eyes to this board
Nothing compared to the 2016 election, pizzagate, and Q faggets
>and may even shut it down
That's not how free speech works.

I've never seen the Jews get so scared of a meme so quicky.

I love you mr. president

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Fucking kek at that tweet.
Big Don has taken trolling to the highest office in the world.
Maybe there is a God after all.

Attached: nothingisbeoyndourreach.jpg (1024x1024, 142K)

>How do we shut it down for the sake of this site?
I hate you kikes so fucking much

I'm surprised we've lasted this long desu.

Attached: Npt0cmN.jpg (568x335, 35K)

>Hell even Trump mentioned it, albeit briefly, in his speech today.


Attached: 1539768822726s.jpg (110x125, 1K)

Fuck off faggot you wanna get rid of it because it reminds you of yourself and what you have become.

>This is going to bring ALOT more eyes to this board

Great, i am ready.

Attached: eatm.jpg (700x573, 52K)

>how do we stop this meme

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retards seriously

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What do you get when you shift each letter of MOB over by one?

Attached: kek.jpg (320x479, 138K)

>anyone who doesn't hate Jews is an NPC/bluepilled
stormniggers are the dumbest of the NPC's
like the training area quest givers or mobs you practice on before you interact with normal NPC's

that is not a real illuminati card, but if it is we have entered the void.

There's a reason for all that rhymes, it's the fact and the way of the times
It's moving emotion, it's high and it's low, no matter where you go
There is something for all who look, there's a story in every book
All of the pages, between all the lines, so much that you can find
But there's too many empty lives my friend
And we just can't let them waste away
For this life is a precious thing my friend
And we just can't wait another day
There's a message in every word, and it's more than the word you heard
It's moving emotion, it comes like a sea, washing all over me
For there's nothing that we can't do my friend, cause the spirit is with us all
And it's here and it's now, it's up and it's down
You can feel it surrounding us all.
After all we're all the same, only difference is a name and where we are
In this crazy mixed up deal, there's so much that you can feel
Near and far it's where you are
And there's times when I can't contain all the feelings of love I'll gain
It's there for the asking, it's for all of you if you would take it too
But there's too many empty lives my friend
And we just can't let them waste away
For this life is a precious thing my friend
And we just can't wait another day

Attached: NPC_reporting_in.png (416x435, 114K)

Checked x2

>Meme causing chaos
Faggot fuck off and kys

First troll president

(thumbs up)


>14 years of hearing "this will get Jow Forums shut down!"
I'm still waiting.

Implying you are any different

I was listening to infowars the other day and the only thing that both Alex Jones and Owen Shroyer talked about for like 2 hours was the NPC meme.

It's getting tiresome as all memes. But as long as it makes people mad, let it be


It's good because it makes a total laughing stock of the left. Every looks at it and can see plainly the fat grain of truth that underlies it.

We created it

Leaf teaching newpol how to win this timeline is scramblin my hippopotimus

>this out of control
>everyone is talking about it
oh no how awful, memes that spread suck

This is why

I fucking hate this meme. You can't have a decent conversation without some retard resorting to >muh NPC
If the bar for conversation here was low before, then its planted itself in the fucking floor now

Attached: Oblivious.png (1911x405, 77K)

Phase 2 and 3 phase two showing the npc=goylem aka golum+goyim for the redpilled stage three drop redpills on influx of newfags mass awakening incoming

/b/ is a social media porn board for poos and Jow Forums is a bunch of paranoid conspiratards. One needs to be fixed for the creativity to flow again.

Kike spotted

>t. npc

>>it's just gray wojak
very low energy jeb

>we need your help

Attached: sketch1539930746935~2.png (720x433, 567K)

Because they want people to report "npc trolls" because its almost impossible to detect npc talk

>How do we shut it down for the sake of this site?
You can't be serious kike.
Holy fuck.

Attached: the-goyim-know-shut-it-down-jew-walkie-talkie.jpg (408x632, 32K)

You forgot breitbart and zerohedge
Is it true mr. Durden is building an army?

shills m8, they're willingly blind to your thoughts

>no war for mind

Attached: download_20181019_035359.png (1280x720, 678K)

yes i agree shut it down!

Attached: npc-processing4.gif (385x349, 40K)

Funny, this is the same argument that
>russian bots
>the red chinese

>EVERYONE is fucking talking about it
>This is going to bring ALOT more eyes to this board
>shut it down
>Trump mentioned it
>shut it down

Attached: angry.jpg (600x737, 68K)

Attached: 1616_4.jpg (728x409, 164K)

I used to hate saudis and Israel but now that Trump came along I finally realized the complex geo-petro-political situation in middle east. We have to protect our best allies saudis and Israel AT ALL costs

Or people who want to have a somewhat back and forth dialogue on an idea

Attached: 1539939297829.jpg (960x678, 26K)

please do it for reals , shut it down leftists for once just go some good press the delete key.

release me, I'm trapped here since 2006 I been unable to muster the courge to leave its full of meme's and kike propaganda and racemixing the whole shabang...

Please do it.
I NEED to be free, we need to escape free us!

>he doesn't trust us reptilebros
big mistake. During the convergence with planet X you're kind are going to regret not knowing who your true friends were.

alex jones is hate speech im literally shaking you apologize!

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golem waiting in the wings

Attached: 1539897440345.jpg (2348x1464, 548K)

2 months ?

Attached: Custom Image 19102018130920.jpg (443x332, 41K)

False Flag incoming

Attached: FF.png (1900x972, 431K)

>Love Somalis

Attached: download_20181019_001244.png (1280x720, 527K)

They mad:


>What do you get when you shift each letter of MOB over by one?

Attached: WhatifItoldyou.jpg (500x586, 60K)

Don't know much about your island. I do know that in recent years a lot of browns and chinks have invaded your lands. How is it that you guys haven't had major acts of terrorism? I remember the coffee shop thing a few years back, but that was small potatoes.

Attached: download_20181019_031740.png (1280x720, 610K)

Like clockwork.

no u r

Attached: 1539841001409.jpg (383x420, 45K)

fucking based.


why did jones get banned again, wasnt it for calling out the war in syria?

>implying we aren't the bots

>Hell even Trump mentioned it, albeit briefly, in his speech today.

youre gay and you dont get it

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how do you dehumanize something inhuman?

Jow Forums IS the internet, the internet IS Jow Forums.

Attached: nothingisbeyondourreach.png (550x550, 386K)


What speech?

Based Jew.

We're stuck in a fucking loop
Even worse it feels time flies backwards

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Wait til they get their surprise

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