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WTF - the devils mark for thots.

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>roasties tattoo themselves the same way jews had numbers tattooed on their arms
>tfw you can avoid all the coat hanger roasties

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So this is why they call this board cuck chan now...

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Feminists are pure evil!

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Every fucking headline:

X is now Y... and it’s a good thing!

by Schlomo Steinbergowicz

Reason #3009678 why we need to win. Once we're in charge we execute any woman with this tattoo.


All whores who have abortions deserve to die, so saith I.

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wouldnt a proper tattoo to signal that you dont approve of back alley abortions be a coat hanger in a circle with a line through it?

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Damn, so fucking powerful it recharged my cell phone

Aye... I hate frogposters!

I'm all for abortion.
There is enough of our shit species in the world.

I hate memeflag users.

If you are ayOK with abortion, its not such an amazing stretch of mind to go the eugenics route.
Kill the weak, end degeneracy, end the spiritual suffering.

great! now they're literally identifying themselves as women to avoid, makes it infinitely easier for me.

When the day comes they won't even need to be tattooed

Pic related

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Tattoos are disgusting, especially on women.

Get an apron tat and make me a sandwich, whore

like the fact it has one of those fat wooden coat hangers in the middle. how's that gonna work or is that one just for kicks?

I guess a vacuum cleaner tat would've been too gender normative.


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So two mentally insane women equals 'nearly everybody'.

Yup, same way two mentally insane men equals nearly all men.

let's ban this retard sex from voting.

wow you go girls! Kill that baby that invades YOUR body!

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Why are these articles always so passive aggressive? They constantly write things like "you're about to see a lot more women do X or Y" and it just screams insecurity, like it's the only way they can keep living in their made up universe and avoid reality

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we should encourage them to brand their feet with hot coat hangers as a signal of high virtue and true empathy

All 2?

The only reason they're doing this is so shitty men will get them pregnant under the assumption that they'll abort the kid. The woman will refuse to do so and win in the custody battle.

This is how feminists outsmart assholes.

Also, this thread already exists.

That's a man. He's celebrating the fact that he's murdered a bunch of his kids. Feminists like guys like that since they'll predictably try to get their kids aborted. As a result, a feminists can get knocked up by one of them and use his efforts to get her to abort the child against him in court and own his ass for 18 years.

This is why women both HATE abortion and love it: they trick shitty men into thinking they can get sex without fatherhood and, when the man tries to get out of fatherhood, they defeat him in court.

This is why we have an epidemic of single mothers and leftist men trying to justify their child support payments.

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Most are.

Its one thing to get pregnant by shitty men who're under the assumption that the kid will be aborted only to refuse to do so and use the evidence that the guy wanted the kid killed against him in court. That part isn't the really bad part.

The really bad feminists are the ones who want ALL women to murder at least one child.

I'm so glad the headline told me it was powerful, I wouldn't have been able to form an opinion about it otherwise.

>shitty men will get them pregnant under the assumption that they'll abort the kid.
you're assuming anyone willing to put their dick in that even give a shit about pregnancy in the first place

>and it's incredibly powerful
>and that's a good thing
>and here's why

Woman sucks on her used tampons and is icredibly powerful. Women put corks in their vaginas to fight muhsoggyknees and it is amazingly powerful. Women do x and y, powerful! Woman gets up in the morning, outrageously powerful!

>a couple hundred mentally ill folks with an abortion addiction are doing a thing
>this is a national emergency

>you're assuming anyone willing to put their dick in that even give a shit about pregnancy in the first place
They often do. They just assume the kid will be killed and all their text messages saying "hey, girl, when you gonna get rid of it" won't be used against them in court.

Shitty men only value money and freedom: 2 things they lose when they try to get out of fatherhood with a girl who's already been used once.

Vice is probably run by shitty men who tried to get their kids aborted and thus love articles like this since it makes them feel better about the fact that they're either owned by their wives or already paying child support for kids they don't have custody over.

When something gets called "powerful" in the modern world, it will be evil in some way 10 times out of 10.

So brave, reminds me of the time, Jow Forums memed the left in wearing a symbol for wanting safe gay sex, pic related.

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That's what I was thinking

What's that from?

I don't know for sure, but I think it was a movie called "Flowers in the Attic".

>become "journalist"
>make headline
>report fact
>then tell the reader how to feel about it

aaaaaand done

The name of the movie is Mommie Dearest...

> tattoos once the exclusive domain of prostitutes and criminals
> requires no talent or skill to obtain
> "incredibly powerful"

Are women retarded or is it just a millennial thing?