hear me out here, so the places that will be most badly affected by climate change are the places with brown faces, why should we try to limit this?
Why climate change could be a good thing
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Yes, it is good thing indeed that brown skinned areas will be rekted. I believe in climate change and I support it.
>why should we try to limit this?
Seeing brown people suffer will pathological altruism: Super Extreme Plus mode in white people. Prompting them to invite millions into their homelands.
This kills the white race.
No we can stop immigration to our countries and watch them rot in their own. I especially hate hindus.
whit*ids are too cuck for that
because the fucks would get the bright idea to move instead of starving to death and around here some fucks with power would get the brighter idea to let them in
>me no make mudcake now
"climate refugees" is already a ready-made term in leftist circles just waiting to exploited for yet another bigger wave of demographic displacement.
>why should we try to limit this?
Maybe because European "migrant crisis" will look like child's play?
>No, we can stop immigration to our countries and watch them rot in their own.
Like we're doing right now?