The police in Berlin made video to promote diversity. The entire video shows only nigger and muslims. Worst thing about is they are really sassy in the comments to people who criticize them.

The director of the video, Tahsin Özkan, worked in the past with a radical muslim rapper (SadiQ) which videos got banned in Germany. He made one in which he glorifies the Charlie Hebdo attack.

Feel free to dislike it and write a nice comment.

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>they are really sassy in the comments
ask them, "so when are the trains coming, himmler?"

Go fuck yourself Hans

Okay Benjamin you won’t stop us from cutting out your kinds bullshit

Fuck you Hans

They removed most of their replies and pinned the most retarded one
>+5 EHRE
pathetic. Hopefully that PR worker got a call last night.

Wish I could understand the comments

Attached: sad pepe.gif (200x150, 28K)

Surprisingly 90% of them are really redpilled

Don't have a jewtube
Write something like
Vielleicht hätten wir weniger Gewaltprobleme würdet Ihr Kriminaltaten aufklären statt euch anzubiedern.

Also everybody use the hashtag
as mockery

Jesus Christ and I thought our police force was cucked

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