Macron is going to visit our Shithole next Friday

So, as the title suggests, Mister jewpiter, is going to visit Bratislava and given how I am a student of our Bilingual Lyceum, I was offered to be a part of the people who are going to ask him a question, so, any suggestions? Note: the professor specified that the questions have to be "diplomatic", "intelligent" and etc

Attached: 1539194812403.png (488x500, 44K)

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Hello looks like a profile of a Jew face

Just tell him we know he forced the Bogdanoff meme to get elected.

Ask him if his ancestors smile upon him knowing be hugs naked niggers and ruins the very country they waved the white flag to preserve.

Tell him you saw the leaked video of him getting fisted by a nigger

Attached: blacked._.jpg (665x431, 53K)

Ask him what he thinks about the """showers""" in Auschwitz, and why the chimneys there aren't connected to the ovens.

Ask him if he's still friend with Ludo Fournier at BNP...

oof, I like this one, though I'd have to phrase it without the nigger part

Ask him why he keeps throwing his unwanted garbage in Italy without permission

Well yes, obviously. Maybe if you ask him this you'll make the news, bratček.