NPC Personality Test

About 500 people have taken the NPC Personality Test. Who here /NPC/?

Attached: quiz.png (925x539, 255K)

Other urls found in this thread:

KYS sage

Did it tell you that you're an AI? Is that why you're mad?

where do you see the results? also, player character checking in.

At the end, it will tell you if you're a PC or NPC.

no , we have literally told you that your fucking retards and that no one reads your threads but you keep fucking posting

its like watching an autistic kid trying to read

Who is "we"? Also, you should learn what apostrophes are.

I used to hate saudis and Israel but now that Trump came along I finally realized the complex geo-petro-political situtation in middle east. We have to protect our best allies saudis and Israel AT ALL costs

yeah fucking obviously, i mean where are the overall results that OP is talking about

>About 500 people

>are you a bad enough dude to hit your own dick with a hammer?

Nice numbers


Unfortunately, I don't think this site has a breakdown of the final results. In the analytics it shows me how many people answered a question in a particular manner (pic related), which I'm going to use to refine the test. Any suggestions on which platform would work better for this sort of test? It kills me that I can't see the overall final results. I think it's too easy as it is, although I do know for sure that some people have gotten the NPC result.

Attached: test analytics.png (714x292, 33K)

pc master race

>npc thread
>meme flag
You fucking fucks are falling for this shit 2 weeks out from an election? The democrats are out there bussing people in and you retarded fucks resort to using the lefts own tactics now? There's fucking shit happening out there and you're all fucking distracted as fuck

Memes are our strength. I prefer the Nazi flag, but I'll go with my geographical location. Waking people up from their automated state is important.

Attached: gas.png (1126x619, 605K)

Only NPCs complain about meme flags.
This is fact, automation_australia #18413412

I'm a big fan of capeshit, but otherwise I'm a player character.

Giving one or even multiple NPC answers doesn't necessarily give the NPC result. That question is there because liking capeshit is an indicator that one consumes endless mainstream media.

>needs someone (a test) to tell him he's sentient

It’s 39 questions. I’m banging teenagers here. I don’t have time for that

>are you a bad enough dude to hit your own dick with a hammer?

>no option for "No dick"


>not being curious as to what kinds of questions and answers would be on such a test.
When was your last reboot fampai

Ok, so now I'm curious what the other result answers are:

You are a Player Character.

You have an inner monologue and a soul. You are capable of abstract thought and can form your own opinions. No one writes your script.

i am a player character

There's not a "no" option for that question either. If you're not smart enough to figure out which option to select from the three available, I think I know how yours turned out.

Attached: elmos final solution.jpg (416x381, 18K)

I am a player character

Attached: FC39E9CD-A87E-4272-BDCB-F8BC3217D043.png (640x427, 17K)

Here's what the NPC result looks like.

Attached: NPC Result.png (654x664, 205K)

who else /PC/ here

>this quiz was made by jesus christ

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-10-19 at 5.29.57 AM.png (1984x1480, 325K)

I am also taking suggestions on what questions/answers any future NPC test should have. The analytics from this test will help me refine it and come up with a better, more accurate test. Some of the questions actually came from a thread last night where people were talking about making a test, but nobody did. The "Are you a bad enough dude to hit your own dick with a hammer?" for instance, came from there. I thought it was a good way to throw the test taker off a bit by lightening the mood.

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>chose no if asked if I have a soul
>get told I have soul
The first half of the questions where decent enough but the later half of them are way too obvious, make a few adjustments and you could trick a lot of normies to take the test

>tfw player character

I am open to suggestions. Any questions specifically where you thought they were too easy or could be reworded? All help refining this is appreciated.

>my autistic self-doubt and fear of fucking up gets me more points

Get rid of the questions that contains Jow Forums lingo i.e. roasties, whitebois, blackbois, jews

Self-doubt and contemplation demonstrates an ability to question.


I'll take that under consideration. The first three answers are NPC answers and the last one is a PC answer. I put that one in especially for channers, because there are definitely NPCs here. Parroting memes mindlessly can be an indication of NPCism, but if I wanted this test to go mainstream, I'd definitely need to remove it. Thanks for the input! Pic related is how people have answered that question so far.

Attached: some results.png (688x359, 42K)

PC race ftw

It is funny in a WTF kind of way but mentioning hitting your dick with a hammer makes it less mainstream if you want to weaponize it in less 4chany circles.

Yeah, I see what you did here and I like where you're coming from, but the jargon is a little too specific to the Jow Forums culture NPC's. I'm sure you'll figure on something suitable, good job.

Found a bug, the conclusion is wrong.

Attached: Capture.png (636x599, 38K)

You're probably right and I think I'll follow that suggestion when I do the next version of the test. The first answer on that one shows a desire to go along and the second answer shows an inability to find humor in something ridiculous. Only the third answer is a PC answer. Pic related is how respondents have answered thus far.

Attached: bad dude.png (694x294, 34K)

No one writes my script
I have a soul.

Attached: 1537976414604.gif (660x780, 201K)

>NPC Personality Test
The only test is answering if you use inner monologue or not.

this would be funnier without the dumbass autright wingcuckery lmao

I also don't know if "Player Character" or "PC" is the best term for a non NPC person since it can easily be confused with the term "Politically Correct"

I'm guessing you gave "NPC" answers to the questions and came up with that result? Can you tell me specifically which questions you gave NPC answers? With some work, I feel I can get an accurate result but I'll have to look at the data to figure it all out.

>if you use inner monologue or not.
stop this.
everyone is born with an inner monologue.
real npc's are the ones who believe their inner voice.
you can only call yourself a PC when you learn to control and ignore your inner voice.

not an npc

Attached: f.gif (220x220, 17K)

The real indicator of being a PC is not letting an online personality test tell you whether you're a thinking human or not

My gf is a npc, breaking up with her tonight

You can't outright ask that question, though. You have to dance around it to determine if the person answering is telling the truth. There are other factors, such as "going along to get along," that indicate NPCism. Going with the flow, indicates that rather than thinking, the person is automated.

user... no

That's incorrect. Pic related is from the below article on the study.

Attached: inner speech.png (817x248, 28K)

Yes you can, unless they have a reason to lie. If they don't know that not having an inner monologue is bad, then they have no incentive to lie.
>How can I know if someone is trying to lie about not being an NPC
In that case you can never know, you'll never be in their head to know for sure.
Go read the study the meme is based off of, so you can look like you know what you're talking about.

Attached: npc study never.png (640x186, 18K)

>ignoring your thoughts
but my thoughts are my own thoughts. I consciously control them, like I think about thinking about my thoughts infinitely as a recursive function. When I say something in my head it's only through my own desire to say it, my own agency.

Want to know how I know you don't belong here faggot? Also, don't use this post as an excuse to not answer

Funny seeing as you're posting in them.

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Try to humanify her. I'm curious, can you make a man think?


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The test is called the NPC Personality Test - Turing 2.0. I think respondents have an idea of what they're being tested on. If we could dress it up as something else and get people to take it, that might work.

That is actually the purpose of this test. I don't care how many NPCs I identify, I want to break people out of their automation.

idk if it's a good thing or a bad thing.. sometimes I wish I could be a normie and not see things and just go full yolo....

Attached: result.png (1053x588, 167K)

>the one where true and false are swapped

Y-Yes Senpai

What result did you get? Also, did you give an answer you weren't intending as a result?

>are you autist?
The test

>Do you like anything in modern culture?
>If you like it, you are NPC
Your test is retarded and it is max autism
>Everyone who does not agree with 100% me is my enemy
Fucking retard

I'm working on refining the test. What result did you get? Liking things in popular culture do not alone indicate NPCism. It's factored in with the other questions to determine what level of automation, if any, is present.

Thi is rigged

Attached: opisamemekill.png (1022x564, 300K)

Attached: Screenshot_20181019-122514.png (720x1280, 122K)

That shouldn't swing your result that far though. It's not the individual questions, but the culmination of them all. Not that I completely think it's a good test, but a few "light" questions like that are pretty normal for these kinds of quizs

If anything, the test gives the PC result way too often from what people have said in this and other threads. I'm glad to see an NPC result.

Reddit BTFO

Post how you would improve the test and the possible results you would add (like different models of NPCs)

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The definition of an NPC and the definition of a normie seem to be colliding more and more.
The only difference between the two is the existence of an inner monologue.

Communism could work under the right conditions. This is a stupid question because those 'conditions' could be anything at all. Its like asking if hitting on women by covering your naked body in cockroaches and hissing at them could work. It could, if the woman happened to have a highly specific fetish. So communism COULD work. This is not an NPC belief to hold at all. It just shows the questioner hasn't thought through the logical implications of the phrase 'the right conditions'.

Says I'm a PC.

Attached: the-npc-test-turing-2-0.jpg (638x638, 40K)

>You are a Player Character.
>You have an inner monologue and a soul. You are capable of abstract thought and can form your own opinions. No one writes your script.

Awww yissss

How would you refine that question? I think believing that Communism could work, in any way that doesn't kill shitloads of people or produce a society that is absolute shit, is indicative of retardation or automation. I do genuinely appreciate suggestions which would help refine the test, so I'm open to being wrong on this.

I clicked on the first third and then stopped
It is clearly ideological brainwash
it should not be about taste, it should be about how your brain works, of course it can influence what you like but right now it only people who take it are people from here who just want to feel "superiour"

Maybe specify 'realistic' conditions (ie no countries where everyone is perfectly in line with the communist belief system and there is enough land for collectivist agriculture to function)

Nah, it is way too biased towards PC.
Which means that you are the most generic of burger npcs.
Even I got a PC result.

Even though this meme is a PsyOp, I liked the test and think that it could be popular with normies. I’ll retake it and tell you which questions I liked and which ones were too obvious what the “right” answer was.

I think there should be a middle response between PC and NPC between 40% and 60% final totals. Something like “You’re breaking the conditioning but still have work to do.”

It's not a perfect method, but I would look for diversity of thoughts being considered. So for instance if you say you think communism can work, and you say fascism can work that shows that you're at least willing to look at multiple sides. Obviously that doesn't truly test if someone is an NPC, but it suggests so due to their apparent thoughtfulness

Stop watching startrek ffs

Being a weeb makes you an honorary NPC. Now off you go!

It is not ideological brainwash, though I suppose there is one question where you could say this is true "We are one race: the Human Race True or False?" That question will be coming out for the next test. Many of the questions try to get at whether or not the user thinks for their self, or if they just regurgitate what they've heard.
I appreciate it! I'll have to find another place to host the test, because a third result "Golem" should be present, where one is close to breaking the conditioning but some Golem is stopping them.
Many of these questions are there to try and find whether the user values diversity of thought, or if they just like to go along with their peers. Otherwise, the test would be much shorter.

Orange man very very bad!

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There is a personality disorder for NPCs, it is called dependent personality disorder
>high conformity (extremely influenced by public opinion)
>excessive suggestibility
>lack of originality
>stereotypeness and conventionalism
It is listed under
>Cluster of constitutionally stupid
>Cluster of asthenics
could also partly all under it

>liking scantily-clad, attractive women makes you a weeb
Rather be a weeb than a faggot lol

See thisBut your test is ideological brainwash because PCs can enjoy music from radio, watch superhero movies, whatever

Attached: Capture.jpg (225x400, 16K)

Thanks for the input, man. I'm going to use some of that info in the next version of the test.

some of the questions were dumb, like the listen to the radio all day at work one. there's really nothing wrong with that since it would generally just be some back ground noise while you're busy and its not like you're just sitting and listening to everything they broadcast.

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Does your kind need reboots or firmware updates? Do these cost money? Does Soros pay for them?

To reddit off you go

Can't fool me, I know only NPCs take these stupid fucking "personality test" questionnaires.

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