fuck me
Fuck me
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Pay your cis tax goy
sigh . . .
its pol main resource on israel
I try to explain to them its like us quoting CNN to them but... you know goyim
Not even surprised anymore, desu
I just feel nothing now, not blackpilled, just
Are you telling me that jews are also jewing jews?
Fuck everything straight.
Fuck everything white.
Fuck everything deemed normal by cishet heteronormie society.
Welcome to 2018, babydicks.
We're gonna drag you into this fabulously gay century kicking and screaming.
Statistically there has to be at least a few that aren't in on the meetings.
We call it practice
I can relate to this senpai. I also feel this way. Listening to people talk about political things from any ideological perspective now makes me feel hollow and numb and weirdly uncomfortable.
Will the "romantic advantage" of gay men who don't have to deal with woman be considered a violation of the equality principle?
just give me notice when the shooting starts I don't need second by second updates.
>Equality principle
Almost everything will be a contradiction to a lie.
Can u explain more please
So haaretz is like CNN, what about the rest?
I know way more about american politics and issues, but can't even vote for a mayor here
Consumed in their own fire
Become wizard and you receive ALL the unfair advantages.
I will probably forget some but generally:
Israel hayom -> right wing propaganda
Haarets/jpost/times -> left wing propaganda
ynet -> has both and so is the most balanced mainstream media
for actual news about the region, regarding the military, telegram group מוקד הידיעות GloBal.
Just ban women from politics and take their vote away.
(((Haaretz))) more like t. George soros
Ben 'drag queen' shapiro
its not cnn , cnn are trying to do journalism but they\ir worldview is so warped and theyre so retarded they cant . haaretz is like the israeli onion .
Is there a Reformists vs Orthodox Jews war? Genuinely curious
kek i gave this to you yesterday
glad you liked it
you could say that, but here its not a big deal.. its more of an israel vs diaspora problem
What are they going to do about it? Prevent straight people from procreating because gays can't?
This shit's getting fucking ridiculous.
Would marry.
>for actual news
>telegram group
no since there's like 2 reformists in the whole country , they're just edgy contrarians . but all jews are parasites on their host nation and they are most parasitic in israel ,we should deport them to make their own state in judea .
Are Israelis more Reformists than Orthodox? The diaspora here seems Orthodox, they won't let anyone convert
Knowing that the jews also jew themselves, I feel a little better. Can't you just stick to self-jewry?
secular zionist scum... god will punish the jews again because of you!!
Consider that israel is not big and so its harder to disguise whats actually happening, if you look at independent reporting like these.
Israelis are generally secular, but the ones who aren't, are almost all orthodox. reform is considered a larp as they make up their own rules and can freely choose which one of the established rules they should follow.
No, but you could jew back, and may the best jew get the shekels
I can try, but you lot have got a few more years of experience. Is there some sort of course or certification I can get somewhere?
Wish I could blast her ovaries with my semen.
I unironically read the Talmud and then got my degree in economics shortly after, got offered a position in bank owned by Jews
the cisya
No but I can give you guidelines and they will serve you well, if you keep up.
1. Make plans that maximize your own profit, however you may define it.
2. Trust is gained. No one is your friend unless proven first. And those who are not friends, are enemies.
3. Once you get ahead, make sure your kids/proteges start off at the best point possible, better than your own starting point.
4. Do this all the time, in every aspect, and as hard as you can.
This is the final jewpill.
Did you get one of those little hats? I'd read that shit just to get the hat.
Its all so tiring right?
its okay to be normal
Those are actually quite good guidelines. Thanks.
gas the kikes
Nah, they told me they wouldn't convert me even if I wanted to
You forgot to challenge your heirs more than you ever were by life. That's how you avoid raising leftist
>tfw a rabbi told me this
Im just tired of all this already.
JIDF on full force on Jow Forums.
Wtf this looks like a synagogue.
Ladies and gentleman the jews, when do we glass that country?
tfw the noses jiggle more than the asses
Jerusalem post has the netanyahoo tier kikes. Haaretz is the kalergi plan tier kikes
No, because gay people can reproduce, they just choose not to.
what is this a newspaper for jewish ants?
The nothinburgerness is destroying our world.
I thought Haaretz was reputable and not insane (by jew standards).
my and theirs
Google "Justice And The Compulsory Taking Of Live Body Parts"
You can't say there's no slippery slope.
haaretz was subversive anti state kike propaganda pushing commie shit for a century now . prime example of this is how they claimed the goverment intended to send hundreds of thousands of idf soldiers to fight the korean war .
(desu we should have destroyed the norks at some point , if the commie slants want to fuck with israel they deserve only death. but at the time we had our own problems which required the army to stay in israel )
This is the end game
How can it be unequal if gays are biologically capable but will not partner up with the opposite sex. Why is this even being given an iota of seriousness?
Fucking you might result in the iniquity of reproduction. You must go without fucking, straight cis goy. No fucking for you, just work and taxes.
gay people have always been allowed to enter into marriage, too. but look where we are.
infidels have always been allowed to convert to islam.