>front page of reddit


Attached: Capture.jpg (1950x1747, 229K)

Other urls found in this thread:


she cute

>shooting home intruders isn't a legitimate act of self defense


what is with these creepy faggots all trying to look like the latest molestation victims like ryan gostling and ryan reynolds

Colion Noir.

You’re wrong.

>political ((((((((humor))))))))

>implying niggers don't selfie with guns all the time


If you look at the demographics in the US it's very clear that guns will be taken away eventually. Might take a few decades but eventually it will happen. And that's a good thing. White Americans deserve a bullet in the head.

Gun girl waifus when?

Attached: FB_IMG_1530566926234.jpg (363x960, 50K)

>brown people see armed whites as a threat
Sounds about right to me.

>its okay when we do it

waifu material

and a coalburner

Fucking idiots

i think the only difference between this white woman flashing her guns and a brown-skin man flashing his guns is that she is advocating for 2nd Amendment rights and self-preservation while the black men advocate for shooting people they know and doing drugs.

God what a fucking cuck, even uses the hand emoji like a sassy black bitch


Based. Definitely prime wifey material right there


What did she mean by this?

>Im going to protect my family and my house in self defence
>I have an assault rifle and will kill innocents for the sake of my delusional barbaric ideology

Think about how fucked home invasion is.

>sleeping peacefully
>loud bang or crash downstairs
>o fucking shit
>grab gun
>some meth head/nig is rummaging through your shit

Just for scaring you in your own home you should be able to shoot him in the back even if he is running away

this isn't even funny, it's just a political statement

New weaponized meme

Screencapped Redpilled pictures with bluepilled comments which use platitudes and typical NPC responses.

Thw left will spread our redpills with the logistical support of retarded NPC social commentary.

Why is there always one cuck who calls every white girl a coal burner then fucks off?

Attached: apu_smoking.jpg (657x527, 36K)

The kikes are forcing women to be left, that's how it works and how women are heavily brainwashed to be leftist and hate white men, if they don't they're socially excluded
>White man tells he's conservative on Twitter
Nothing happens
>White woman tell she's conservative on Twitter
It becomes a trend and ton of libtards start to insult her

Because they're coalburners

i would intrude her pusy if you know what i mean

God damn I can't even pick out the worst thing about this image

>attention whoring with guns on social media
>i'm a girl with guns tee-hee
>the white cuck jumping to defend niggers when they weren't even mentioned
>7.2k up votes

Ignore the NPC

self radicalized white girl? Because she has a gun? Ok.

>going to reddit

Heh they already fucking do and nothing happens. Just check out a random nigger's "insta." Also
>front page of reddit
For shame OP.

>guns will be taken away eventually. Might take a few decades
this retard think we have decades.

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Pic related

Attached: shitskin calls cute white woman a whore.png (831x342, 21K)

You're right. A decade is a better prediction and that might be generous.

black kids post themselves with guns on social media all day every day

How is this humerous? It's just cringey.

I don't know. A lot of them think they're absolutely hilarious too.

Attached: soyboy.png (1242x1059, 961K)

Does anyone have the pic with black people complaining a news station is racist by using a bare-chested picture of a suspect?

Ton of young conservative qts armed here in Texas, I always see one or two when going to Walmart, considering the amount of nigs and spics here

Attached: 1h7rfw.jpg (1778x1337, 621K)

Fuck off, space gooks. Earth is full.

The problem with stupid people is that the carrier doesn't suffer the sickness, but everyone around them do. Plus there is no cure.
A local, no matter the color of their skin, with guns saying he needs to protect his home from intruders is miles away from a foreigner acquiring guns. I could see pictures of spaniards with guns all day but the moment I started seeing french or german tourists with guns I'd get worried as well.

Plus, it's a false dichotomy. Does he mean that just because there's "white girls" flashing guns within their property limits we should be more lax with possible brown people with guns that threaten with violence?

I bet that dog is so pussy itll roll over for any intruder

>Starting a thread about shit being posted on redddit
Commit suicide OP.

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Self radicalized? Do you mean trained in the proper use of a fire arm?
I guess that’s better than deluding ones self into believing that the only way to live is by gang banging and doing drive bys

I'm sorry, I really dont see the "humor" in this... is reddit just retarded?

>reading plebbit

no thanks, who gives a shit

is that dog in his fucking sweatpants


Holy shit you're right it fucking is.
What a fucking weird fuck

>>Rape is evil

>Women are not allowed to own guns or shoot rapists

No kike, you deserve a bullet.


I'm guessing the point he's trying to make is that a dog is s good a deterrent as a gun. I would rather shoot home invaders than risk them killing my pet.

>who gives a shit
i do, considering this is how approximately half of the population thinks.
it gives good insight into the way people will vote and the future of humanity.

But what about the poor niggers? where will they get guns do defend from evil whitey

He's done shit to that poor pup. Probably made it lick peanut butter off his balls.

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I just had someone call me a terrorist because I said I wouldn't hesitate to shoot antifa if they assaulted my family

Libshits don't care how the gun is used. All they see is gun owner = domestic terrorist

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She might be bait, we invest ourselves in a white Rep gun toting q.t, then the final reveal as a coalburner. Jow Forums b.t.f.o

Thanks, I could only find low-res watermarked shit by just googling variations of "black profile picture gun funny"

Mr. Fourchin btfo

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Dumb niggers. Always straight to 'das raciss' bullshit.

Rubbing his cock against a dog, isnt that illegal. Would be terrible if someone informed animal welfare of his fetish.

holy shit kek. now that should be on politicalhumor

>black people aren't allowed to own legal guns in America and are routinely "disappeared" by the government
the left lives in fantasy reality created by hand-rubbing kikes.

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>white person poses with gun
>doesn't hurt anyone

>nigger poses with gun
>commits armed robbery
really makes you think

I like this.

>not having a qt nip girl to play airsoft
Why even live at this point?

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I’d fuck her

>white americans

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>Black men can't post pictures of their guns or else!!!
Colion Noire?

im gonna BTFO you in one image, you ready buddy?

Attached: screencapture-archive-is-omuDF-1510456377512.png (1920x5416, 1.39M)

>implying the thot isnt posting for attention
>implying the accuracy of the gun with that silencer and a woman shooting it could actually hit something

>calls someone else "cuck"
>unironically would lick the ass of a girl where many jeromes have entered

Whenever someone says they have a healthy marriage, an user always says his wife is cheating on him. I think they do it for the same reason.

>self radicalized
There is no such thing as being radicalized, it's alway, by definition, a voluntary act by the person. I hate this "society's fault" nonsense.
>shooting intruders is radical
Every anti-gunner should be burglared.

>pro-gun non-whites "disappear"
Nice conspiracy theory.

Literally nothing funny, just ideological whining.

I hate plebbit.

Also good on that woman that she can stand her ground.

How will you put a bullet in their heads when guns are banned?

Banning suppressors is fucking retarded and just tries to cause ear damage while forcing gun owners to get a bunch of ear protection at the range

I hate the idiocy of these laws

Suppressors don't make normal guns or normal ammunition silent, they just make it so you don't have to wear so much ear protection

In a firefight they can make it more difficult to see where gunfire is coming from due to slightly less noise and less muzzle flash, but realistically, there are almost no military style shootouts with law enforcement.

How is that humor?

this is what came to mind, blacks posing with guns don't look like they have a permit when it's next to drugs or they have a joint falling out of their mouths

>t. low status fatty unable to attract decent women or move in decent social circles

>Nigger posts picture of self defense

I don't see a problem

99% of all male nigger jewbook profile pictures, they're waving a shitty hi-point at the camera, going "fug da pawleese nigguh! rattatatat, skraa!"

These virtue signallers' capacity to rational thought is crippled by their narcissism.

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>political humor
>a post whining about something
where is the joke?


she also literally shit herself after getting too drunk at a college party. typical wannabe republican thot

yummy brappers

Has this retard ever been on Facebook?

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She’s adorable.

Because they likely are

Right and hell, a decent suppressor will cost as much, if not more than the firearm you may be attaching it to on top of the $200 tax stamp and having to wait nearly a year to be approved just so you can use less hearing protection and not have to yell at your buddies on the range.

Attached: img_0283.jpg (2364x2134, 692K)

I was an officer in the next city over and responded to that call. That dumbass fired two rounds at a 90 year old woman, stole a car, then rammed that car into a telephone pole at around 75mph. Guys head looked like that cheese you squeeze out of a bottle.

One of my countrymen wants a word with you. He's the reason LAPD now carry ARs and .45 instead of 9mm.

A bulge in the pants of a conservative chick is a gun.

A bulge in the pants of a liberal chick is a dong.

She's hot