Why the fuck are so many people trying to move here, our pop has gone from 4.2 mil in 2013 to 5 mil in 2020
Why the fuck are so many people trying to move here, our pop has gone from 4.2 mil in 2013 to 5 mil in 2020
muslims like fucking sheep too, kiwi.
Lots of leftists think of new zealand as the fallout shelter when their globalist plans to ruin the world are fulfilled.
>when their globalist plans to ruin the world are fulfilled.
but they are doing the same policies here
Are most immigrants Chinese?
not most but quite a few
>4.2 in 2013
We were 4.45 by then, mate. 4.2 was back in 2006/2007ish
They fuck Goats. learn your memes
Most Chinese immigrants are just focused on Auckland because it serves as their Hong Kong 2.0. Aucklanders are cunts so don't worry about it.