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They probably would have won in 2016 if they had nominated Jim Webb. Luckily they're fools.

its almost like they want to lose


Looks about correct to me.
Except you need to crap on them and set it on fire.
That would complete the picture of where Dems are right now.

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Biden will win and all you drumpflets will be finally re-educated into civil society

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When Biden is the nominee, will the npc’s recognize the irony of them supporting a old white man for president. Will they still cry out about muh diversity?

I want it to be Biden for the memes


Yeah because we all know how badly Trump won that popular vote against the most hated Dem candidate in decades. Just because our electoral system is a meme doesn't mean voters wouldn't be energized for Harris or Biden.

Do dems still have the superdelegates for 2020? Or did they get rid of them? I remember people talking about that last election cycle. Also where is CPL in that image?

Actually, I just realized how desperately I want a Pocahontas/CPL ticket. That would be pure carnage.

This is exactly the sort of thing that WILL happen when the left gets back into power, and it's exactly why this must NEVER be allowed to occur.

>Concentration camps
>Leftist daydream
Yep, sounds about right


Don't listen to the Bernouts, the super delegate thing was the biggest meme.

Clinton clobbered Sanders by nearly four million votes nationally, an over double-digit margin (55% to 43%). She won every big state (CA, FL, TX, NY, IL, etc.), while Sanders just won mostly dinky caucus states (he literally won North Dakota with 253 votes, so very relevant.) Clinton won pledged delegates. The ONLY thing keeping Bernie Sanders in the race were the super delegates, the belief that maybe Comey would indict her and they'd abandon her for Sanders. Yet to hear Bernie shills tell it, the super delegates "stole" the election from them, by, um, voting for the candidate that received way, way more votes.

Joe Biden is our best shot but they will go full nigger and nominate Booker or Harris for the woman vote

Trump is going to win handily. They really need a rockstar candidate that can dish out some heat without looking like a cringey out of touch boomer. A shame the DNC will likely push for Warren.

lmao what?

Why are Democrats so fucking stupid?

>Biden wins nom

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Can’t wait to hear the two brown woman comparing their disadvantages

He has virgin blood injections

shut the fuck up
the coming drumpftard genocide will be glorious


As a Republican, joe Biden is the only respectable option on this list.

Why did they segregate all the people of color to the right side?

He also ritually rapes virginal young girls to receive youth.

Avanati: 99.8%
Warren: 0.2%

Its on a spectrum. Identity politics are truly pathetic

Whites to the left, darkest to the right

If Biden runs Trump is gonna be roasting him 24/7 on twitter. #CreepyUncleJoe


“Won” small states
By a margin of error each time. How are you forgetting this? She clearly won each of the larger states intentionally. Look back and you’ll see

They wont run harris or booker until 2024 because they know Trump is going to be re-elected and wont waste their star candidates just to loose to Orange man bad. Hopefully hillary buys the DNC again so her and biden could be on the same ticket. Id pay for the chance at those memes

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>no Tulsi Gabbard
have fun with biden getting destroyed after trump calls him a pedo on twitter


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Jow Forums will easily destroy Pedo Joe with memes.



If that's what Trump has to face in 2020, it's gonna be a landslide.


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>Less than 500 samples

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Harris and or booker would get absolutely blown out. No one is going to vote for a bitchy black woman

This assumes the democrat party survives until 2020.

Delete this, goy.

Bernie got BTFO by Clinton & DNC corroboration. The DNC even gave Clinton questions to the debates. I know you don't want to read the wikileaks since that plays in muh russia hands but you could've listened to Donna Brazile.

Kek has spoken

Webb is a cool guy.

>creepy pedo
>communist jew on his last years
>token woman
>lying bitch
>some bald faggot
So this... is the power... of the democrats

Looks like democrats are racist cuz white man.


Nobody believes you anymore.

They need somebody that people can get independently excited about. If they run “Not Drumpf” they will lose.

Kerry ran as Not Bush.....lost
McCain ran as Not Obama......lost
Romney ran as Not Obama.....lost
Hillary ran as Not Drumpf.....lost

You need somebody exciting to get people to come out to the polls.

The electoral college is MORE American than apple pie and baseball!

>against electoral college = anti-american

digits of truth

Gabbard didn't even make the list. Fuck Democrats.

They're getting too rich sucking corporate cock and playing identity politics games to come up with a progressive platform to excite people. So fuck them, they deserve to lose more.

Unfortunately, the people who are Democrats are not exciting nor do they have genuine personalities. They can't meme or pick candidates.

I’m fine with this

Until michelle Obama gets nominated sadly

Well Booker was outed over Kavanaugh
Warren got out smarted by Trump.
Is Harris the next one to go? Is this why it seems like she is getting spammed ?

>that popular vote
There are no blue states, it's all red states with a few blue counties

Attached: 2000px-2016_Presidential_Election_by_County.svg.png (2000x1267, 1.04M)

So hold back on the Biden groping kids pics until july/august in 2 years got it.

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Mass and CT

I live in one of the few red areas of CT

>what are Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Mexico, California, Rhode Island, (and Alaska).

>Is Harris the next one to go?

Please make this so, get rid of all the Poo on SF streets.

I was a total Bernie-tard not just when the primaries started but for years before. Bernie running for the Des nomination was literally a dream come true for me. I watched everything that happened to him during the primary. Clinton and her flying monkeys cheated at every turn. Bernie attracted 10s of thousands of people wherever he went. The wicked witch couldn't even fit a high school gym. Bernie lost me when he endorsed that cackling loogie hocking crone. I can't stand Bernie now but every so often I go to a message board devoted to him. I see he endorsing war with Syria now. Even his die hard fans the ones who forgave him for endorsing the shower curtain fashionista are now saying "WTF" Screw Bernie for not calling out the corruption he was pretending to fight.Screw the goddess of camper furniture upholstery pantsuits! And screw anyone who doesn't think she didn't steal the nomination. You're either blind or willfully ignorant.

Webb could have been nominated in 1984, 2016? No chance. He would be terrific. But in the wrong party.

>implying we couldn't nuke those states and nothing of value will be lost.

Good to see Native vote coming in for Warren.

They just don't know Beto yet.

Kekus Vult apparently.

Webb had no support from the brass and nobody knew who the fuck he was

Real talk here.

Trump won the electoral,but lost the popular vote by over 3 million. Against Clinton.

Biden could knock Trump out of office without much problem,had he run in 2016 he'd be POTUS.

>Joe "pedo" Biden.
>Bernie "one foot in the grave" Sanders.
>Kamala "who?" Harris.
>Elizabeth "pocahontas" Warren.
>Cory "who?" Booker.

So you chose HER instead, god you deserve the suffering, democrat. You and your kids, if you ever get any that is.

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Real talk, there are over a dozen videos of Biden publicly feeling-up little kids, and if Democrats decide to run Biden, we're gonna show them what Evidence looks like.

Beto, Biden, Bloomberg, Bernie--split the remaining white left/working class vote. Kamala, Booker, Warren, Gillibrand split the identity politics vote. Blood bath convention!

they are going to put hillary up again.

Attached: Hillary 2020.jpg (480x494, 71K)

I am not a delegate. All my county delegates went for Bernie

They should be energized keeping their kids away from Biden

>Real talk
Ebonics speaking nigger go back to the ghetto

Hillary running again would actualy kill her from all the stress. She barely managed in 2016 and wouldnt be able to cope in 2020.

In all honesty? They fucked it. Minus Pocahontas, this group of pre-trump literally who’s would have been my vote against Trump. Now though, Trump has proven he’s actually a decent candidate and the dems have proven they’ll throw white men to the wolves and into camps. Bernie proved he’s literally a traitor after backing Hillary and giving her everyone’s money, Booker and Harris proved what scum they are during the Kananaugh trial, and Pocahontas.... Biden is not only a literally white male, which goes against everything libs stand for, but he’s also a creepy pedo BBC cuck. What a mess their party is

So do exactly what the youth don't want and nominate an old white man?

I see the left has clme full circle. Again. Again.

All Trump has to do is create nicknames for them and he'll win.
> Creepy Uncle Joe
> Silly socialist Bernie


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If they do this, I'll be convinced the Dems are trying to lose

It goes to show how desperate the Dems are.

What a bunch of retards, i hope they really put the old pedo jew as their candidate.

Too easy folks

Dems are doomed for 2020.

>Warren : 1/1000%



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>Biden memes
>Ocasio noodz

God knows we already have a warehouse full of them.

Trump will run unopposed.

Even if people like biden or bernie get the pick, it's unlikely that trump will win, he barely won the election, and with his failed promises and barely anything changing (and the changes themselves being out of his control and or negligible), plus the alt-right dramatically collapsing, I find it unlikely that trump will win.

Are you really surprised a Jew candidate wants to go to war with Syria?
Google greater Israel sometime

They are demoralized as fuck and soon to be even worse after the midterms
P much this

464 people huh?
.. seems legit

What is wrong with Harris during Kavanaugh trial? I didn't see any issues really

I don't know, that's 4 more years of Booker being a retard in public. You think MORE time is going to help his cause?
I don't know Harris at all, but Booker is a bomb waiting to explode. I hope they push it for 2020 so we all get to watch it go off with Trump standing over the plunger.

She wants to pay for Brown Socialism with white capitalists money. She’s basically as bad as any other cunning dirtskin