Do you remember, Jow Forums?

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I remember lad. Oh boy, i remember. Can't wait for the 2020 meme war, i'm ready.

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g o o d t i m e s

truly meme magic

Best day of my life

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Oh shit I still have a tab open with like 6 hours of it left to go from the Kegger Kavanough vote.

I miss that election cycle. For once in my life I wasn't depressed.

Do you dare?

Same here.

Too bad the band is gay.

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Enjoy it while it lasts. Impeachment begins November 8th.

it's our song now

Makes it even better, nothing like corrupting their music with something they hate.

Has anyone decided what to impeach him for yet?

If they were smart they would embrace this video as the official video. Their video is full of fagotry.

Bless you anons. I'll remember to play it on novemebr 6th in your honor!

>Too bad the band is gay.
They are just Canadian, and their opinion is worthless.

I wish people learned to separate the artist from their music

I can't belive that I watched CNN on cable TV to 6am my time

I passed out drunk before midnight, which was good because I had to go to work the next day. It was glorious to wake up to my alarm clock radio confirming that Trump won.

published in 2014?

6am was a bit after PA was devlared "red", so it wasn't confirmed yet. First thing I woke up was to look up the news for confirmation. I don't quite like Trump, but considering alternatives etc I was quite happy for you faggots

Oh (you)

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Trips of truth, vriend

I winked out just after they called Florida. PA didn't worry me much since I live here and it was obviously going hard Trump.

Everybody is a nasty bag of flaws and compromises, but Trump was the right man at the right time. I count that as a net positive. It's strange that it doesn't feel like I'm reading a comic book anymore to think that he's actually the president.

people that make degenerate gay pop music aren't smart

its funny that their original video got bombed after making that statement, while the trump version has more views and more like

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>Euros caring this much about America

Do you guys feel as pathetic as you look?

>Do you guys feel as pathetic as you look?
Trump is the light in the darkness. The ember that lit this whole damn planet on fire. The bearer of hope.

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Sadly this is just a reminder that nothing as exciting has happened since. I'M FUCKING BORED

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trump memes, cruz memes, hillary declaring pepe a hate symbol, the war with incompetent CTR, the moment PA flipped and a better time before T_D refugees. this song always brings back some good feels

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