Why are the owners of these things such retarded low IQ faggots?
I made a joke on a FB page about pitbulls not going to heaven and for 3 DAYS I've been getting extremely vicious replies and even people going through my profile trying to talk shit on my appearance, I must of struck a massive nerve.
Why does this seem to be exclusive to pitbull owners?
oh and non of them were black funnily enough mostly women and "tough" guys.
people with weak minds have eaten up the jewish hatred for nature that is blasted out of all media fronts. they want to believe that they can defeat genetics with magic words (be good! good puppy!) and nice intent (which isnt so nice since its just selfish control seeking).
Zachary Peterson
It's not just any specific dog. Any dog owners are sad, imagine walking round having to pick up shit of an animal below you.
Hunter Brooks
Allah Ackbar, indeed.
Jose Diaz
muzzie cunt just dont pick it up let the grass have it and if any mong's kids pick it up and eat it its their fault for plopping out a retard
I managed whites with pit bulls, they are actually bigger niggers than actual niggers. Can’t tell you how many times I had to tell them to turn their rap down. One actually had nazi tattoos, but endorsed black culture so much that his married wigger son knocked up his dude chick, a hood nigger from Detroit. Guy would even talk like niggers when they were present. Absolute degeneracy.
Angel Phillips
Same reason AR owners are the same type of personality.
It's a projection of desperately wanting to be a badass.
Gavin Jenkins
That's fine, but modern times people who have dogs as pets, they let lick thier face after the dog has licked thier own balls and ass is disgusting. Fish keeping is redpilled pet keeping.
Adrian Moore
Somebody post that guy's story. He got his only child killed by a pitbull, and posted about it on reddit I think. Then, pitbull owners start coming out of the woodwork and accusing him of lying, even threatening him for posting how his child got mauled by a "safe" pitbull.
James Martinez
The only people that actually like these type of mutts are military mutts. Military mutts are low IQ faggots.
Alexander Perry
>pitbulls not going to heaven
i dont think any religion says pets have souls and will go to heaven with their owner so probably not only pitbull owners are butthurt but you might have also struck a nerve with religious people who are being reminded they cant take their dogs with them.
Blake Baker
And then you have dogs that litterly attack sand niggers for you . Like my german sheperd/rottweiler who attacked a shitskin trying to hit me . It was perfect, thats why i got another one there basicly legal lethal weapons if trained properly
Connor Reyes
What the fuck are you on about? The methhead living in a trailer with two pitbulls tied to a tree isn't a military mutt.
You have to be an underaged faggot to post something so retarded.
Luke Moore
jesus, it looks like something out of silent hill
William Wood
Drug dealers and drug users are the only type of people with pit bulls, this has been the case 100% of all people I met with a pit bull.
Because everyone knows that pits are shit tier dogs, pit owners most of all. But they're in massive denial over it and are therefore hyper-defensive and insane about it.
Hunter Rivera
have you owned a pit? I have a mut, mixed pit with hound. This thing is really strong and its 60lbs. I never liked pit bulls until i owned a half breed and im pretty impressed to be able to see what this little shit does on a daily basis. ITs like watching a crack head pop up in weird places. Its pretty funny to see
Christopher Reyes
What are you talking about? All the military people I know mostly own labs, probably not because of some kind of "military = lab" thing but just because labs are the most popular breed.
I've known 2 pit owners. One was a 5'4" self-designated "alpha male" who tried to dress and act like Vin Diesel, and the other was a ditzy white trash chick.
Brayden Sanders
Christian Ortiz
Literally the go to response of every pit owner is some anecdotal, emotional story. They are completely in the face of statistical evidence. Put down all pits. Literal nigger mutts
Jose Ramirez
how did i mak eany emotional connection with my dog? al I said was its funny to see it get into stupid shit.
Dylan Rodriguez
Idk man, dad has a pit. Grew up with it and it was always calm and restrained with 4 kids contantntly nagging it. I think it's just degenerates that cant discipline a dog
Dylan Russell
Because you'd have to be a retard to get one.
Owen Howard
>this is what white people choose to be upset about in the modern age
I don’t get why they are so weirdly cultish about this. Just admit your dog sucks
Adrian Gray
I dont have a smartphone so its the only way to talk to people
Nolan Nguyen
Lmao imagine waking up next to that thing
Joshua Murphy
This plus it’s inherent temperament/personality that when goes unchecked becomes an issue
Thomas Gonzalez
It's toxic for the grass
Easton Thompson
It's because in most cases they are actually good dogs. People fall in love with their dogs People see obvious campaign against pitbulls (their loved ones) People get mad that others are constantly lying about their loved ones.
That's not to say they can't be trained to do fucked up shit like other dogs, or have bad owners. The biggest issue with pitbulls is not that they are inherently violent it is that when they do get violent they fuck people up. Because they are arguably the best attack dogs on the planet.
I have a theory that the campaign against pitbulls is similar to the one against the 2nd amendment. Disarming the populace of anything that could possibly help them win a war against their own government.
Of course you're a fucking bonger who gave up his rights to guns a long fucking time ago, and live on 1984 island. You're probably a fucking muzzy too.
Brody Cox
Lol i own a pitbull and can assure you i'm not low IQ. But you're absolutely right. 99% of them are absolutely too dumb too own one of these. Most of them have little knowledge or experience with dogs in general. And thats just the danger with these dogs. If you cant handle a golden retriever, do not take a fucking pitbull. I had dogs of all kinds of breeds all my life and even then did extensive research about this breed before i even got him. It took alot of time and effort to get him as calm and disciplined as he is now. He tested me many times when he was younger but i handled it in a positive way. Never hit them. Ever.
Hey everyone! Apparently feces is toxic to plants! The absolute retardation. My lord.
Blake Nelson
I cant wait till it snaps and eats your balls
Nathan Mitchell
Pitbulls are the niggers of the dog world
Leo Richardson
>Actually picking the shit What the fuck is Aruba?
Ian James
I hope it eats you
Brody Brown
>using FB >in 2018
Jace Garcia
The Pitbull must consume the virgin sacrifice of few extremely rare blancos to sustain his health.
Gavin Jackson
That's not how dogs work really. I mean unless he died in the house with the dog, and the dog was starving.
Even then the dog might not eat his body.
Jason Sullivan
I've never had a pure breed pitbull before, but I had a few mutts we took it as strays growing up. They were all extremely safe and pleasant around people, but they also were ALL extremely violent towards any dog or cat that wasn't part of the household.
Mix that with a drunk dad who kept letting them out the front door and the illegals across the street who always let their little white purse dogs roam the neighborhood lost more than one dog.
Cooper Evans
He actually got attacked by a labrador a half year ago. He did nothing back. Thats the way i trained him. I kicked that mutt off of him as hard as i could. It was pretty sad to see that. You kinda want your dog to protect himself against an attack like that. But if he did retaliate, he would have bitten that dumb dog to pieces and he would have been put to sleep.
He is a good guard dog for my kid though. Wel good... Pitbulls are very clumsy, when she got older he ran her over a couple of times. The enthusiasm of these dogs has no brakes.
Having a newborn baby was actually the only time i was a little worried about his reaction. But everything turned out right. He wouldnt stop licking her. We also have a cat, they are best buddies. Any other animals are chicken nuggets to him.. Its a genetic hunting reaction you cant do anything about.
Angel Adams
All dogs should be killed along side whoever loves them.
Ian Evans
This is what you get for using social media. Let it be a lesson to you, son.
Brody Thompson
>if you train them right.
Jayden Taylor
are you fucking blind?
can you not see what this user and I presume the rest of us see?
Parker Ortiz
my bad I meant this dude
David Cox
Dogs have antiseptics in their saliva, which is why they lick their wounds.
The dish cloth you use to dry your crockery is more likely to make you sick than a dog's tongue.
Lincoln Fisher
>He wouldn't stop licking her Originally, they were nanny dogs, but my German Shepherd is very similar. Loves kids
Wyatt Russell
All dogs go to heaven. Didn't you see that movie?
Hunter Morris
Oh i'm sorry. I didnt know you guys knew my dogs facial expressions better than me based on 1 picture, even if i have been with him every day for 7 years. My bad.
No they dont they go into the dirt, as a matter of fact all dogs need to go there.
Leo Green
This. All other people here never owned dogs and think they know anything about it. Every dog can be trained its just that people dont take the time or have the patience for it.
Benjamin Rivera
>going on normie social networks All DOG OWNERS ARE FAGGOTS Especially renters T. Dog owner
Christian Walker
Only fat white trailer women and niggers own pitbulls
Thomas Turner
Had dogs lick my wounds since I was little, never had an infection. And they weren't even pets, they were kennel dogs / breeding stock t. Burgler (Like all Romanians)
Luke Carter
Nope try again you turk.
Christian Ross
Fuck off, gypso.
Brayden Wilson
Why waste time training a nigger dog, especially a rescue thats been chained up in Tyrones front yard for years then used as a fight dog?
"Pit mom" thots are the fucking worst as women cant train dogs even when they get a new working dog puppy, never mind an abandoned, mentally damaged nigger protection dog
Ian Turner
How about you suck some dog dick since you keep worshiping them so much.
>Jewish hatred for nature I've been on pol since 2006. I've seen all the viewpoints. I've been jaded. However, seeing this lit me up a bit. I have an abnormally large, white family in the US. Many, including a sister, have married into Jewish families. (Harvard grad, musician, and another cousin). New brother-in-law and both cousin-in-law's? all hate animals / pets. For prospective, I can see both sides of animal respect. I do hunt / farm / domesticate, but I can 100% relate with a reasonable vegan or someone against domestication. But these relatives and their families can't even approach my farm. I've caught them kicking one of my dogs. To my bro-in-law's credit he will hunt/fish with me, but still obviously lacks respect for my 2nd in command hunting brother (dog). Only guy i fish with that I don't bring along my dog.