B-but I thought Trump was an Israeli puppet

>b-but I thought Trump was an Israeli puppet

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No *dabs*

Based and redpilled

They probably paid someone to call them that so they could write the article or just made it all up

probably another newfag that went on Jow Forums after the election, many such cases

He hadn't been called kike since 4th grade until his boss told him to write this article

> Kike

> Paid

Wew lad...

Right they win, Left they win.
34D chess.

I think 20 years of war, 7 trillion dollars, 2 million dead, funding ISIS terrorists, it being verboten to say the israeli lobby exists, may have had something to do with it

He is but that hasn't stopped people getting redpilled on the kikes

I'm sorry I had such a long break in calling her a kike.

I refuse to believe this guy hasn't been called a kike since fourth grade, unless he graduated yesterday.

you could also add the EU refugee crisis, "and thats a good thing" pro demographic genocide rhetoric,

>Defeat Iran in Yemen
Fucking kikes

>He's an influential public figure who enables and tolerates and excuses and pumps Jew-haters, and who, most crucially, cannot afford to lose their votes.
Jesus, that's the ugliest sentence I've read all week.

>The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."


Obama kikes have no soul..But be sure GOD is watching and He SEES all....

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>Israel military aid
>Jerusalem embassy
>higher % approval by Israelis than any other nation
>Ivanka & jared

Why must these degenerate propagandists insult the intelligence of their audience with such ludicrous and demonstrably false nonsense?

The media Jews can't afford copy editors anymore. This is especially entertaining because if you go to one of our globalist universities you'll find ads for people who can help all the 3rd worlders with their written assignments.

>blah blah blah blah blah
anti-semites vote Trump because he is the only candidate that wants to stop migration it has nothing to do with kikes

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and thats a good thing

Good goy, spread the false flag

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>vote democrat, and vote to support the party of Obama who threw Israel under the bus in the UN and colluded with Hezbollah to undermine Israeli sovereignty.

>vote democrat, and vote for the party that's all for wiping out the only non-Islamic nation in the middle east.

>vote democrat, and vote for the party flooding the US with Muslims who hate Jews and are cleaning Jews out of neighborhoods all across Europe.

Makes sense if you're Jewish, right?

Fucking retards. Liberals always think we forget shit.

Everyone who lies about Trump on TV being a jew is hurting jews more than Trump is.

Jews won't vote for him, even if he supports Israel.
So supporting people who vote for him AND call Jews kikes is just pragmatic.

>Trump's winning election campaign manager litterally runs the only daily English language pro-Israel publication on planet Earth, and in fact Bannon set up Breitbart Israel
>Trump's precious, obviously favourite daughter married an ultra-kike
>Trump provocatively moved the US Embassy in Israel just to fuck with the rest of the world, it seems
>Trump dumped a bunch of out-of-date ordinance on a deserted Syrian airfield pretty much at the behest of Israel, as a warning shot that the US might shoot real bullets next time if shit kept stirring too close to that border
Meanwhile the Left on both sides of the Atlantic are virrulently, openly anti-semitic, to the point where really Jow Forums needs to up our game to begin to keep up. Labour was forced to suspend 337 members in six months last year, folks who could not help themselves but sperg out in front of a microphone. That's 337 members dumb enough to leave an unambiguous evidence trail.

So, no, kike, you can't possibly pin this one on the evil orange man. Look to your own "progressive" parties for speeches that would make Goebels pause. As for why the Left hates Israel, you just know it has got nothing to do with legitimate criticisms. An ethnostate that holds its own ground and prospers is always a threat to the idea of global communsim. If the Left gave a fuck about human rights violations they'd be all over Tibet, where democide outstrips the entire historical palestinian bullshit by a factor of ten every single year. But that's the Left for you, the punch down queens.

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Looking for this

>Blaming Trump for you getting called a kike
You should be blaming Jews for that, kike.

>I hadn't been called a kike until Jews decided to genocide the white race

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>I think 20 years of war
Kinda selling them short there.

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Goddamn, look at that weak chin

Unironically this.

Truth is, both sides are controlled by the big Jew, both sides have things that help them and things that don’t, otherwise we could just vote against them and it would be over, when immigration is a problem Republican might work, when niggers are a problem, Democrat works best (PP and welfare slavery leads to nigger population, in some countriesthere is no real immigration problem but there is a nigger problem, and following ideas aligned to the US Democrat ideas, in Cuba, the nigger newborns have decreased from 20% to 4% in around 50 years. It’s pick your poison, and I’d rather be infested with Mexicans slaughtering niggers and outbreeding them in their own turf than having those fucking disgusting cockroaches roaming around.

>l..listen Goy
>it’s Drumpfs fault!
>noooo shut it dowwwnnnnnn

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little shit

What happened? Did Trump call him up in the middle of the night to call him "Kike, also fake news, lol" or something?

Ambien is a terrible drug if you also drink a beer.

o no a jew was called a kike! A kike can you believe that! He wasn't beat up he wasn't killed nor gassed, but called a fucking kike! I wonder what the kike was doing to be called a kike?

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Maybe he drew a circle in the checkmark box? GEE I DON'T KNOW


Shermanator BTFO

Nice to see media publishing positive news

> It's ok to hate mudslims
> It's ok to hate niggers
> It's ok to hate white people
> It's NOT OK to hate jews

I really hate this people.

"Sure my parents are super rich and their connections got me this cushy journalism job where I can make my money working from home pursuing my own political agenda, but for the first time since 4th grade someone has said something mean about me so I am oppressed and need your support"

How can people read this shit and not realize this is the literal definition of PRIVILEGE?

Did you know that Jewish temples actually make their members pay dues? Very expensive dues too, and if you can't afford the dues then you are no longer welcome as members of that congregation.

That doesn't seem right to me, it seems fundamentally immoral to reserve your religious teachings to those rich enough to afford it. It also seems like a natural, closed networking opportunity for rich capitalists


>and and and and
is this intentionally shitty writing in order to convey a more emotional message?

>I haven't been called a kike since we crucified Jesus, betrayed God for Satan, killed the entire Russian royal family, sank the "Titanic," founded the Federal Reserve, false-flagged the USS Liberty, created the Weimar Republic, killed millions of whites in two pointless wars, nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki because they had the highest population of Christians, founded the CIA, shot JFK, took over the media, did 9/11, and lost a rigged election because orange man bad.

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>were responsible for slavery, derailed a train full of Republicans, beat up Rand Paul, killed a Supreme Court justice, did every school shooting, tried to blow up Vegas, fired a missile at Air Force One, illegally wiretapped the President of the United States, flooded the country with illegal immigrants, paid a whore millions to lie about being raped by Brett Kavanaugh fifty years ago, stole the Ark of the Covenant, genitally mutilated every baby boy in America, probably work for reptilians, and Oy vey you antisemite


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Nice. Blue checkmark patches sewn to clothing when?