Well, that's it bros. We had a good run but I guess it's game over.
Well, that's it bros. We had a good run but I guess it's game over
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I'd rather have my privacy back but it could just be me
6,000 a year for 350,000,000 people
Where's that $2.1 trillion a year coming from
She's a commie rasta pajeet combo baby
umm taxing drumpf and the coch brothers sweatie
It's free money dumbass
Damn, your country is in serious trouble. These retards went from mostly centrists to literal communists in less than 2 years.
shes got my vote, lets bankrupt this kiked up country.
Ya but Yang 2020 has promised us $1000 a month.
>pay $500 a month to everyone
>rent goes up $500 a month the next day
charge it.
the federal reserve just prints 2.1 trillion more dollar bills, retard
“Pennies” - Nancy pelosi
Why tf are you complaining, it’s literally free money
what are you...retarded or something?...they just get the government to print it...
tax whitey
rent controls goverment owned housing
>if we raise taxes to help the poor all the millionaires will leave
just need to do it once too. can just re-use that 2.1 trillion each year since they're just back in circulation by then
The idea is that they cut out most social services and lay off a shitload of needless bureaucratic positions. Instead of you having access to potential benefits, i.e. welfare, you actually get the mean payment of those benefits.
The system theoretically ends up cheaper than most current systems.
It will be easy with fake money and rampant inflation
You couldn’t pay me to vote democrat.
>get taxed out the ass in excess of 500 bucks
>its ok goy look at this free money
UBI fags think this works instead of encouraging you to be a unproductive leech
$500 a month? Ugh, okay thanks for paying for my weed budget I guess.
>a free lunch, you say?
>when the state doesn't maintain roads but gives you $500/month to buy a bronze subscription to the McRoads network
You could literally buy a new real sex doll every year or pay for a hooker twice a month.
Taxing the rich, idiot
That's not how money works. Guess you are stoned on that now-legal weed. Fucking leaf
Not only is it prohibitively too expensive, it's not a meaningful amount of money to even make a difference. It's not even $500 to everyone, it's $250 for single people. Worthless amount more in money for the cost of trillions.
>money cant be printed
guess you're just dumb
This is what cultural Marxism does. Hope Bolsonaro does Brazil justice.
That's AN idea, but it's almost certainly not (((their))) idea.
Thanks to the global society that brave and powerful libs who rose above petty national loyalties helped build they can just flee with their money
Oh yeah and the more we become universalized mutts the easier it is to shift our correspondingly perfectly liquid labor over borders to wherever they go
The government giving you money hasnt got shit to do with roads
>gets rid of the bloated bureaucracy of the current gib system
>gets rid of rules punishing work of the current gib system
>non-degenerates get to benefit
if you are going to have a welfare state, UBI is the most redpilled version possible
>lay off hundreds of thousands of skilless slobs who could work at a do-nothing government job with 0 expectations
>now poverty has gone up by a large margin
not sure it would work well for those reasons. best idea is to just hire anyone unemployed to work for the government
That is literally for niggers.
No one is going to vote for man hands.
Typical nigger, wants to give "free" gibs, doesn't know how the fuck to pay for this shit, cause it wouldn't be free!
this is what the based Charles Murray, the father of race realism, supports
the cast of Friends lived in a rent controlled apartment that was pretty sweet
Guess it is just me
Ransack Jeff Besoz’s place.
Do it.
Bring this shit country to its knees
I cant wait for this place to burn
>parents leave shithole due to shithole policies
>as soon as you come of age immediately begin trying to implement said shithole policies in country that saved you
What the fuck is wrong with these third world retards
This just in, rent around the country increases by $510. Also it appears president Harris plans to roll out the program in stages, first African Americans will be receiving the $500, no word on when the rest of the country will get theres, back to you Tim.
Just stop funding gender classes and welfare. You know, those pointless waste of money
... with hyperinflated USDs.
You idiots getting starry-eyed over Santa shows your retardation.
Like Bernie's give-aways for free college...do you really think this cunt is including white people for this GIBS?
>give everyone $6k a year
>cost of living then goes up by $6k a year to compensate
Congrats, Kamala, you're just as retarded as the idiots demanding minimum wage rises.
>tfw type in 'kamala harris swimsuit' and there are no results
You don't even need to emigrate for that to happen now. A lot of dunces here are crying about how good the communist times were since they can't compete.
The most simplistic image of a universal basic income sounds ludicrous. The government gives you money for nothing. And when you stop at that, and think no further, that's all it will ever be.
This podcast: abc.net.au
>literally the next generation of NPCs
What a jew, you actually believe this.
Not even enough to give everyone $500 for a single month.
Meanwhile, every has an extra $500 dollars, so prices of necessities go up as they still remain limited, thus people will compete.
Assassination when? Bitch turned SF into Bombay, India.
Use it to clean the poo of your sidewalk then , faggot. Or did "Madam Mayor" make that illegal cause it would offend the other Poos?
Rich people are getting a free 500 a month too though so they won't be feeling as greedy as to raise the prices on everything. thats like a months worth of taxi drives for them
And by "American", she means "Mexican"
>cultural marxism
oh you
That is literally what has happened in venezuela and elsewhere
youre a retard. the welfare state is already doing this on a gigantic scale and prices do not go up. all UBI does is give everyone gibs instead of just niggers
I mean you do realize just handing everyone an equal amount of free money changes nothing right? You do know how inflation works, right.
>not knowing this is going to be a form of reparations
It's a free increase in the price of goods, dumbass
Hey dummie, Clinton already got rid of welfare.
Only your shithole comrades get welfare in the US
What's the point if weed prices just shoot up to $1,000/oz? God I hate liberals.
Remember when the Jews left Egypt?
I guess some things never change.
Close enough
>You do know how inflation works, right.
You appear to not know the definition of the word, so I'd get that straight before levying your criticism.
Crippledick bong located
Free to me, nigger. Pay denbts
> abolish welfare
> now every negro has an xbox and PlayStation and Nintendo but strangely enough can no longer afford to feed it's kids
> Democrat sponsored ads with pictures of snot covered crying black American children in media "THINK OF THE STARVING CHILDREN! 500 a month just isn't enough!"
> democrats attempt to reinstate welfare on top of free shekels.
>"We have no idea why this is happening, but we are determined to fix this"
Eliminating all other entitlement spending.
This is indeed a possible problem, that's why it is important that the republicans run the show when we inevitably implement.
>Pay denbts
Well stop wasting money on meaningless shit.
what can possibly go wrong
If they are going to go the route of basically redistributing wealth, as wrong as it is, wouldn't it make more sense to control housing with a heavier hand instead of giving out $6000 a year as a basic income which is basically fucking pocket change? My car payment, regular maintenance and insurance for it is more than that in a year. The housing market is mainly what fucked up this country 10 years ago, it's set to do it again at some point because the market is becoming outrageous once again. It wouldn't cost tax payers a damn thing to create strong regulations to keep these fuck faces in line either, it'd only take something from the people responsible for the problem to begin with. My solution isn't great, but to be fair, I'm just some regular working class guy that hasn't stepped foot in a classroom since 2009 but I think my idea is better than these ivy league graduates we trust our country and futures too.
Its a tax on the rich. Its inflation.
Their money is worth less every day (as is our own).
Its inflation but it only effects the wealthy to any measurable degree.
If everyone has more money to spend wont everything just go up to match that?
Better yet, if they were really about MUH Democratic socialism, first thing to do would be confiscate the wealths of Soros, Bezos, that alien kid from ShitShitbook, Bush, Clinton, Obammie, Coch, etc.
Yeah, do it, Gommies.
Fixed it.
Inside Kamala Harris's plan to bribe stupid people on welfare with money the government forcibly takes from the working class.
Stupid question: Who is going to pay for that?
But in all seriousness, we're going to need UBI or say bye bye to video games and art. The remaining jobs will be so fucking hard, you'll waste decades of your life and come out millions of dollars in debt. That's not a good life worth living.
make a bitcoin that the federal government manages and can be exchanged for usd
What about the 15 million people living in America who are illegals? Are they not entitled to the $500 as well? What a racist piece of shit woman.
i really hope democrats go full in behind her, because watching trump make her chimp out on stage is going to be amazing.
Emptiest campaign promise of all time. She's worse than Bernie Sanders especially being a prosecutor for so many years when their base is against law and order.
well most of us voted for a guy who said he was going to build a giant wall.
... why not just cut taxes
And you voted for a nigger, twice.
the problem is that the amount of money required for that is higher than 500 a month and goes up when people are willing to pay higher prices (because they got the money for free anyway)
the inherent problems of wealth redistribution still remain in a system of UBI
Some dumb bitch giving out $500 a month isn't what most economists would call an effective model.
The key points in most UBI models:
>UBI is scaled to the poverty threshold. It stops you from living in the street, and it stops you from starving to death.
>UBI isn't generally a 'universal' payment, sometimes called minimum income. High income earners will receive less or nothing. If you are above the poverty threshold, then you don't get anything.
What does this do? Allow people to sit on their ass and do nothing? Fuck yeah it does.
So now old-mate working as a garbage man says "fuck picking up trash for min wage, I'm going to go smoke cones all day"
But... garbage collection is essential to society. So the government says "Yo, which one of you plebs wants to handle this shit? The fuck else are you going to do, you've got nothing! Come slaver yourself in this filth for minimum wage" but nobody puts their hand up because the pay is shit and they can just suck a bong with UBI. The government/garbage collectors have no sway over desperate unskilled workers because of UBI.
Government now says "Yo, we will pay you more because we actually need trash to be removed from our cities." So the wage gets adjusted until it is appealing enough to get people off their ass.
>UBI is the most redpilled version possible
the opposite is true, UBI is the most expensive and most damaging system
what they should do instead is give people a list of lifestyle requirements that are necessary for getting certain welfare benefits. for example, if you remain physically fit you get help paying for medical insurance, but if you're a fat slob you don't.
otherwise you just end up paying people to be unhealthy, unproductive leeches and that degenerates society
#MeToo, how else do you think Chrissy Ford got her online presence wiped before accusing Kavanaugh of fake rape?
where is she going to find 2 trillion dollars?
I suspect this is their plan to encourage globalism. Encourage welfare, scare the rich, get the poor riled up, build a global government, now the rich have nowhere else to go
neoliberals are harnessing class warfare to implement globalism