Run for Office

I'm being asked by many in my circle to make a run for political office in the near future. If I know anything, my best shot to win is to have you on "my side". What's the best way to work with Jow Forums to make it this meme dream a reality?

Attached: American-Flag-Waving-large-free.jpg (1920x1080, 196K)

Which office are you running for? Local/state/federal?

Probably state, depends on how things shake out this midterm

Show feminine penis

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First you need to fill a certain archetype. Are you a businessman, lawyer, doctor, accountant, or veteran? If you're none of those things then it'll be difficult. Your best bet is to take an average joe laborer approach and LARP as a construction worker or whatever.

You're going to need money. Money doesn't win elections, but it's important. Every race has a minimum amount of money you need to spend. You need it ads, signs, volunteers, these cost money. What's important is getting up a bare-bones infrastructure of your campaign. After that point money isn't as vital, but it's still great. Don't start unless you think you can get at least 10 grand in the first two weeks. If you don't think you can do that then you need to build up a network of political friends. They will bankroll you in the future.

Make connections; I presume republican ones. AFP has great ground-game, so they'd make good friends. You should also know everyone at your local RNC meetings personally. Being at least an acquaintance with statewide or national figures will also help. Politician friends are good because you can sort of piggyback off of their campaign i.e. if someone distributes fliers door to door, they can easily put one of yours up too.

Don't bother with Jow Forums support. Especially at a low level seat. It'll just hurt you. Corey Stewart is amazing, yet Jow Forums isn't helping him out at all. Trump is virtually the only person to benefit from Jow Forums.

This or larp confirmed

sperg out on twitter

Either show us some proof or you can sod right off mate. There's no patience for larpers here.

No larp .. MAGA conservative libertarian

What is considered as proof?