its not like we need them and we get a plethora of land not used by niggers
Genocide africa lol
why stop there, poo-in-loo land and insectoids are in the billions too
I have literally zero problem with niggers in africa, niggers that are here on the other hand
What you don’t get is that the White Race deserves to dominate the entire Earth. Niggers are not even human beings and should be completely wiped off the planet. Africa could be populated by White settlers and made into a paradise.
First best post
>I have literally zero problem with niggers in africa
Perhaps you should, given that their current population trends will be the downfall of humanity.
Also this
I completely agree with you sir, also should be done on southern asia.
>rapes something he finds disgusting
Nigger logic, 101.
We could unite humanity this way and get peace. It was posited that an alien invasion would unite humanity. But I think that we can't wait for that, instead lets attack the niggers. FOR PEACE!
>this will never happen again
>muh dick
it can, just stop giving them food, they can't feed themselves, so the problem will fix itself in 5 years max
And how we solve the poojeet problem?
good question, 1child policy for a generation(30 years) or 2 perhaps?
We should also stop sending remittances and investements to them. Superpower by 2020 my ass. Genocided by 2050 is great.
i'm saving this discussion wh*toid boi
when we become majority in your countries , i will show it to you and you will beg me for mercy
I'd rather die than ask you for mercy.
>t. jew LARPing as a nigger
Believe in Elon Musk. Colonize Mars taking all functional white people with you. Advance humanity while "minorities" ravage and destroy white traitors and jews and then they kill each other. Wait for survirors to starve and die and/or clean up the rest when deemed appropiate to come back.
Rebuild Earth. Never worry about wars or world crisis again.
The power systems will break down, the internet will stop working, the roads will be potholed and everyone will be unemployed. Just like every other Muslim shithole country. I've been to many of them. Everyone just wants free shit and is lazy.
Just get them all to move to Holland, pull the Dutch out and in a few years the dykes will fail and that will be the end of the problem. You can move the Dutch to some shithole and in a few years it will be wealthy and beautiful.
that's because jew is closer to the blak
Indeed. The only one who are okay are the gulf states because of the oil money.
All the work is done by Whites/Chinese/Indians at top levels and technical stuff, with Southeast Asians doing menial tasks.
Meanwhile lazy fat Arabs enjoy their idleness and slam their skulls on carpets.
where have you been ? stop lying + where you from show your flag
>The only one who are okay are the gulf states because of the oil money
Turkey ? North Africa (except Libya) , Levante (except Syria) , South Asia (except Afghanistan) , Southeast Asia ....
what a retards both of you
rid the nigger in your backyard first
Simple solution, stop sending gibs, stop importing them. Let nature run its course.
If we don't feed them, they starve because they're too retarded to farm. If we feed them, they fuck until they have so many kids they starve because they're still retarded.
lo imaginas, kek un mundo sin negros o arabes, manolo. El sueno a llegar mars.
Pakistan, Eygpt, KSA, Yemen, Jordan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Bangledesh. All shit holes. Indonesia and Malaysia are OK, but they have large Chinese minorities that know how to get shit done.
The true red pill is that we don't need 99 % of humanity. Most humans are just useless bags of meat that contribute 0 to bringing the species forward. I'd cheer on anyone that would massacre Africa but would do the same if someone killed of most whites. Most people are useless.
No la raza on Mars either, cholo.
Yemen , Afghanistan , Iraq are literally in wars , how they can't be shitholes ? Pakistan , Bangladesh , Egypt are very overpopulated in a small area , yet they have good economy (pakistan and egypt top 25 in world)
KSA and Jordan in which way are they shitholes ?
btw i'm not dumb , i know you are trolling and using Hong Kong proxy , + mention the name of arab countries you see in tv's and news.. you never visited them xD specially countries like Iraq and Afghanistan and Yemen
and even if you did , someone who visited all those countries won't spend his time in Jow Forums
grow up faggot
Been there, done that. WE own a lot of mineral rights.
literally goblins
You're thinking of nigger ass mestizos, Abdul. Go back to Pakistan you ugly fucking fried nigger. My ancestors stopped your shitskin kin in Iberia and it is my duty to stop your ugly shit hands from ruining Europa once more. Fuck off back to the hell, nigger muzzie scum.
Did I strike a nerve, cabron?
>My ancestors stopped your shitskin kin in Iberia and it is my duty to stop your ugly shit hands from ruining Europa
Heil Hitler Juan , see pedro at least we are whites and not shitskins , we are aryan mexicans bro