Sweden YES!


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Based Swedes kicking out the sl*voids


Why is Sweden so fucking evil? We've always let in non-whites, but we also let in lots of whites too, Sweden just refuses to help white people while handing everything over to niggers.

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>we also let in lots of whites too
100 years ago maybe

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You do understand that people of all backgrounds including a ton of afghans get expelled, right?

Until 1965 we pretty much only let in whites and only took in 100,000 immigrants a year. Not many non-whites were allowed to move here.

He's an orphan with an expired visa because his mom died and his grandparents live in Sweden. You faggots will like a shitskins come there illegally and throw grenades at your kids schools and not deport them.

Our white immigration has more to do with the fact that white countries are doing really well and they have no need to leave their own countries, whereas even just a few decades ago, that wasn't the case. Now the muds are still wallowing in shit and want to come here because we share a land border with them.

I mean hohols are basically the niggers of Europe, only a tad above gypsies so...

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that site is literally the onion with a touch of breitbart.

1965 was a long time ago buddy.

I'm pretty sure sites like that are set up by (((them))) to discredit the right. Daily stormer also falls into this category.

Unlike you guys we don't award people with citizenship for overstaying their visa.

> deporting immigrants back to their home countries.

Oh no the horror. Kids staying btw because sjw made a ruckus, just like they did with the 9000 afghans.

ahaha hes arguing FOR this

Slavs still have better compatibility with Western values than sand nigs.

They are also slightly more intelligent, so there's that.

desu, he would just become brainwashed cocksuker if kept in swednistan little longer, so it might turn out more than ok.

someone got bitten...

no they dont and theyre not

This afghan loving shithole need to nuke, they import the worst kind of Muslims

Sweden is some kind of nightmarish example of just how effective the goy training has been. Could it be any more clear that the government itself is working to destroy Swedish people and replace them with more easily controlled cattle population? I don't think it could be. What else do you need? And yet the Swedes do nothing.

Right on time. Swedecuck arrives to defend the cucking of his country. For shame.

One of the victims of the terror attack in Stockholm lost her leg in the attack. She was from Ukraine, and they decided to deport her too over some bullshit reason. Meanwhile it's impossible to deport muderers and rapists.

you didn't include us in vis weiver because last 20 years we had reasons to leave our country and you didn't want us to move over. you included Brunei or Marocco though

Hahahaha how does anyone with a brain not see (((whats happening)))?

It's not set in stone yet but still pretty bad. Good it got out and caused headlines. This country is completely worthless. Also it's 12000 shitskins now that has applied. I think 1400 have been processed and declined. The goal is to have all applications handled by EOY.

Sweden? Evil?

What are ya gonna use to discribe our country?