>muh blue wave
even (((polls))) and nate (((silver))) think dems are going to get crushed
>muh blue wave
even (((polls))) and nate (((silver))) think dems are going to get crushed
Remember to vote
why did this change so much in two days?
btw if nate silver thinks one thing's gonna happen it's probably the other so this is bad
Reflects reality. The dems heavily rely on gaming the system.
>implying Don didn't manage a bigger overturn
you sleep - you weep
because that's the senate retard
the senate is heavily favored for republicans, the house for democrats. it's been polling that way consistently. I can't believe the kavanaugh shit didn't kill democrats
So bad now they are openly calling for illegals to vote.
A “blue wave” in the midterm elections will be fueled in part by undocumented immigrants, Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams said at a campaign rally last week.
“But the thing of it is, the blue wave is African-American. It’s white, it’s Latino, it’s Asian Pacific Islander. It is disabled. It is differently abled. It is LGBTQ. It is law enforcement. It is veterans,” Abrams said to cheers. “It is made up of those who are told they are not worthy of being here ... those who are documented and undocumented.”
Abrams, running for governor in Georgia, made the comments at a rally on Tuesday with Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., according to the Washington Free Beacon. The remarks quickly made headlines, as they appeared to suggest illegal immigrant participation at the polls -- though Abrams may have simply been saying their interests would be represented.
GOP nominee Brian Kemp told Fox News on Monday that Abrams "wants illegals to vote in Georgia."
fuck off fingol
not gonna happen
whiteboi btfo
blue wave imminent
The house is the concern
He's got reps at liek a 15% chance of holding it
Of course, NPCs don't switch side so easily
>The dems heavily rely on gaming the system
Trump literally got less votes for the presidential election
Which is more important, the House or the Senate?
For Trump, probably the Senate as they control all of his appointments including judges and Cabinet members. They also are the final vote for removing a president due to impeachment.
The white race has already begun counter-operations black boy.
Naw. The house controls all the investigations.
The dems can put his tax returns into the public record.
And Dems organised votes fraud in Californie and Wisconsin. What is your point?
Is this senate or house? Nobody is arguing the republicans are going to lose the senate
oh. well still, we already know what good 'polling' is
That looks like a Red Tsunami.
He's right. If you become complacent you'll fucking lose. Don't get cocky.
Nah I can't fuck apes. Don't know how he did it. Lots of booze maybe.
I don't understand what leg the Dems have to stand on. They only have the same talking points as 2 years ago, and Trump has succeeded on every front. The only things that haven't been realized, the wall and healthcare reform are things Dems are actively opposing. What exactly do Dems have to offer except sending us back to the economic recession of the Obama era and escalating conflicts in the Middle East?
It is the senate. Dumb thread is dumb. But it is worth noting that the blue wave is indeed proven to be overhyped bullshit. Three months ago, they actually believed Democrats could flip the senate; now it’s almost guaranteed republicans will actually gain a seat or two. The House is always in flux, but also against popular thought the gap between democrat and republican district to district polling in key races has significantly tightened as we approach voting day. The Left admits now it can no longer take victory in the midterms for granted.
hey /b/, du bs name my country!
>Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Do we trust the polls now?
You either got to have a specifc plan to do this shit, or to not give a shit about your health to have unprotected sex with african natives.
senate != house
The GOP will get a supermajority in the House and Senate.
you're full of shit. Are you retarded or trying to convince people they don't need to vote?
I'm convinced anyone on pol saying "whiteboi" is a hebe. Especially when you use the meme flag of the niggers you utterly worship. Remember, it's white MAN you sniveling jewish little faggot.
your digits cause me concern