Ben Shapiro 2024 - Why the hell not?

The more I listen to him the more I like him. He seems very honest, very logical, willing to learn, doesn't follow any tribal mindset, criticizes Trump when he disagrees with him, praises him when he agrees with him, strong principles, introspective, applies criticism also to his own views. Overall seems a good guy.

Attached: Ben Shapiro.jpg (1280x720, 48K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>doesn’t follow any tribal mindset
You pushed too far, too obvious

2 jewish presidents in a row

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America will never elect a Jewish President. Only NPC's controlled by the Jew Gauntlet.

>1 post by this id


Get the fuck out of here NPC

All these posts are from one and the same person.

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they wont allow a jew to be president ever. its in the constitution

He’s controlled opposition, of course you, as a liberal, want him elected.



How did I know before clicking I’d be greeted with a meme flag?

kill yourself anti white ziobot

He's a pilpul kike who would have rather 8 years of Hillary.

>putting a jew in as president
U r dumb

>applies criticism also to his own views
Even Israel? Ben "keep Israel Jewish, but turn America brown" Shapiro?

This nation as never elected a jee to office, we have gotten close with FDR and a few WASP scum
However, we never have elected a declared Jew and we never will

>winning election

>let's just put a Jew in office and cut out the middleman
Can't argue with the efficiency

He has replied to these over and over again. He has apologized for his harshest comments on the Palestinians. How many others do you ever see apologizing for anything? He is not against Ethiopian Jews moving to Israel. He is tougher on U.S. border security than Trump. His point is mainly that Americans must get along across racial lines. With people who already are Americans. Many of the black people 10th generation Americans. They didn't come on the Mayflower, but they were brought to America shortly after. America being a multiethnic country is a permanent reality. So how to best get along? Treat everyone as an individual. No special treatment. No affirmative action. No victim status. No identity politics. No intersectionalism. No cries of racism when things don't go your way. And no hatred of whole groups of people. Pretty sound and sensible unless you are crazy and evil.

Ben, go home - you're drunk.

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No, fuck that anti-white leftist kike.

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> fellow white people
> country of immigrants
> no identity politics

We've heard your lies for far too long. Weak bait, 2/10.

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This is why I can never go right. I try. I really do. But you guys will stop at nothing to suck Jew Cock.

you got the most repulsive jews though, you know very well Bibi would win in an unprecedented landslide in the US with only antifa, codepink and Jow Forums voting against him

Ok that would be epic

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Shapiro would tell those race-baiters to piss off, along with mainstream media Jews and Hollywood Jews and has done so multiple times.


Israel would OD on foreign aid and die...
I'm conflicted

You are effectively criticizing him for not being an NPC that accepts and praises everything Trump does. Woe to him for being his own man and an independent thinker and not afraid to speak his mind. Jesus.

No. Fuck off.

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>doesn’t follow any tribal mindset
>a Zionist Jew

Who's playing identity politics here? Not one comment that would actually criticize Shapiro's political views. Just endless repetition that "he is a Jew". So presumably many here agree with his views "but he is a Jew". How the fuck is that different from SJW hordes screaming "You are a white male!". No difference. You ARE them. The same NPC-brain different filling.

Ben Shapiro is a fucking weasel. Hell no, don't trust him.

He fought tooth and nail to try and derail the Trump campaign. He's a typical atomisation for the individual, socialism for the elite Jew. Do not trust.

because he's a fucking moron


The last thing he supports. And happened to be the topic of his latest show:

>reddit spacing
>"you are the same as the SJWs!"
Cringe. Go back please.

You are fucking retarded, Ben Shapiro is a kike and a cuck. He couldn't lead his way out of a yamulke.

Israel first!!

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>completely logical on most topics
>completely illogical on Israel
I wonder why there is such a strange distinction in how his brain functions on this topic

Shapiro folds like a cheap suit when liberals put pressure on him on Twitter all the time, imagine if he was President, dear God. He has no balls, he only knows media and would never survive in DC

I smell RINO poop, get your mouth off of Shapiro's shaft you sell out faggot

>reddit spacing

NPC jargon. The programmed collective language of the hivemind.

>double reddit spacing
Yikes. You should lurk moar before posting, faggot. You stick out like a sore thumb.

>Liberal using memeflag
>Fails to use NPC in proper context
>Shows NPC behavior by not presenting valid arguement in favor of Ben Shapiro
>Follows an NPC like Ben Shapiro
>Probably RINOfag or NPC

>Pushing little kike turd

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>How the fuck is that different from SJW hordes screaming "You are a white male!"

The same way killing someone in self-defense is different than random murder.

Thank sweet baby Jesus this was the first post.

The irony is strong in these. 1000 poltards could have written the exact same comments. And do write the same comments. The same jargon, the same patterns, the same memes, the same projected aggression. One poltard a copy of the other.

And the mask slips. You get a 3/10 for making me reply a few times.

And "lurk moar" = rehearse to be like us. There's nothing that is more NPC. Nothing.

The phrase "not even once" seems appropriate here. Get it together, user. We need you sharp during the midterm meme skermish.

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Like liquidating in self-defense the schizoid poltard who hallucinates about a day of the rope and in some unironic Columbine moment, his life has collapsed into, tries to put his sickness into action.

There's no contradiction whatsoever between thinking you are a retard, which you are, and thinking that Shapiro is a good guy, which you are too retarded to approve.

Speaking of vivid hallucinations -- your post.

Would Ben cut foreign aid to Israel?

>Why the hell not?
Never Trump
Fake Conservative
Already been 96 years since a republican decreased the size of government

List goes on forever.

Attached: Trump sheep.jpg (1009x500, 219K)

He is not never Trump. He is good Trump and bad Trump. He is a classical conservative. Unlike Trump. He is for smaller government. Your list is going nowhere.

> have rather 8 years of Hillary.

You are a fucking retard,

He’d allocate 100% of us gdp and military spending to Israel and move the capital there, what could go wrong

Why do boomers make themselves so easy to spot?

Lead paint, mothers who drank and smoked while pregnant. That's my hypothesis.

>Redditfag comes out of the closet
Low Energy bait thread

> No tribal mindset
>Shills for isreal constantly

Pick one and only one you Jew.

>Classical Conservative
Over 40 Alert

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>israel is not an apartheid state, that's entirely untrue
how's your not-apartheid state this evening, rabbi?

If the office of president was over some mystical "BTFO of mostly irrelevant social politics and SJWs" branch of government, then sure. Ben would be a great pick.

But it's not. It's over the executive and the man is an absolute Israel-first neoconservative when it comes to foreign policy. We need nationalist or at the very least libertarian-minded presidential candidates.

Here. Have this one, fren.

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The mad wahhabi-feminist agrees with you. You are in like-minded company.

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Something about a broken clock

We already own US banks,media,entertainment industry etc.. but a jewish president will be too obvious. Its much better and safer to put a puppet in the white house.

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He is very reasonable and cool-headed right up until Israel is mentioned. Then he becomes a total neocon hack who supports nuking Iran.

How is he different from Trump on Israel?