Thoughts about afterlife then and now

>modern man is less afraid of the absolute nothingness following death than peasants were of hell during more religious times

desu, I'd prefer eternal torment rather than even think about what it means to exist no more, imagining absolute non-existence, total void, gives me legit panic attacks.

Funny thought tho, how do you think normies (or LE NPCs) reflect around non-existance?
Seeing some thots reaction upon the dreadful realization of "no more" would be absolutely priceless.

I wish I was religious sometimes...

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I have the same panic attacks user. Nothingness is terrifying

Death is peace. Well and truly ready for non existence.

They always come when trying to fall asleep right?
Like when I sit here and think about it, I feel nothing, but when I lay alone in a dark room with my own thoughts it completely fucks with me to the point of bolting out of bed drenched in sweat.

You'll NEVER shitpost again when you're gone cunt, let that sink in.

It's not too late brother. That desire in your heart is the Lord calling to you. What you seek is not "religion", it is communion with God.

Seek Him and he will find you.

Yeah yeah I know, by all means I'm trying like fucking crazy. Praying atleast helps me fall asleep. but I don't feel worthy to call myself a beliver yet.
Like, I belive, but I don't feel worthy of calling myself christian, would be like the other sinful thots saying they're christian when they're just using it as a get-out-of-jail-free card whenever they fuck up. I won't defile the (already tarnished) name of God before I'm better than the common filth.
Am I wrong in thinking so?

The time to submit to God is now. Another day to contemplate it is not guaranteed. We all fall short of the glory of God. After dying, a filthy commoner who believed will be better regarded by God than a rich and mighty king who failed to accept the Savior's merciful gift of salvation. You gotta have faith brother!

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>I'd prefer eternal torment rather than even think about what it means to exist no more, imagining absolute non-existence, total void, gives me legit panic attacks.
huh, so that's what it's like to be sub 100 iq

There's just no more consciousness, all of reality may as well not exist at the point of which we die. And considering other theories out there, this isn't a very bad deal.

>Theres no more conciousness
Yes, thats whats so fucking terrifying

>gives me legit panic attacks.


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Reading this makes my heart throb like crazy. No panic attack fortunately but I'm legit scared shitless about death. Nvm. Came creeping. Thought about it too much. So if you'll excuse me now I need to distract myself to be able to return to functional human being.

>I'm done adulting for today!
It's important to practice self care, guys.

Not sure which I'm more scared of, honestly.

check this out: nothingness, won't notice it because you don't exit,+ infinity + probability = you getting born again eventually as whoever = death = back to square one. Saying subjectively you'll die and then be reborn instantly. Forever. Fuck you might actually live all possible lives over and over and over again.

>being scared of something you can't experience

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You fool, you won't even notice or feel anything you won't realise you are in a void because you wouldn't exist.
Eternal torment is much worse, Hell is everything bad, how could nothing be worse than that?

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You can’t experience nothing. You wake up in whatever your next experience is. Don’t be retarded.

It's pretty common among believers. And it's not that irratiomal. But remember God lowered Himself becoming a man, He died for us and won't take offense by your humility.

156 iq catholic physics undergrad here, there are a lot of us her in the uni

I think fear of not existing is heavily overrated. Thing is there is nothing to feel at all user, you literally won't be there and even if you'd experience "endless void" It won't be not existing for real because that would imply you are both able to feel that "void" and able to recognize this experience.
So simply put if you don't believe in afterlife being afraid of experiencing something past your body dying is a bit hypocritical.

Listen to this user. Reject atheism, and embrace God. Also, don't feel bad if you don't think you are living up to a certain religious standard. It's impossible for anyone to do so. We are human beings living in an imperfect world, and therefore we cannot be perfect, and can only aim at trying to do best you can.

I must admit I like the concept of Nordic afterlife in the Viking Age, these mofo's had too fight and die in battle while believing if they were killed they wen't too basically a paradise where they get to do what they loved (fight, feast and fuck). What happened to those who didn't fall it battle is debatable but from some sources indicate the faithful would exist on in a separate realm probably a little less comfy.

Niflheim being hell is a christian reflection of Norse mythology, mostly. Mainly it was just peasant/non warrior after life. Note how there is description of a feast dedicated to Baldur held in niflheim when he died and consider if that strikes you as an awful afterlife.

Wtf u were nothing before you were born it’s like the same thing afterwards who gives a fuck


NPC-pilled af. choosing delusion because it is more comfy than reality is a sign of personal weakness. Your post complement the analogy that religion is like an imaginary friend for lonely children.

NPC-pilled af. choosing delusion because it is more comfy than reality is a sign of personal weakness. Your post complement the analogy that hell denial is like an imaginary friend for lonely children.

that which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Eternal nothingness is asserted without evidence.

What if the universe is deterministic and in an infinite loop and when you die you instantly return to the moment your consciousness erupted from the fold of your biological makeup due to the timelessness of the void in between? Eternal recurrence, nigga. Maybe all the religions were right — maybe the life IS eternal, just not in the sense they all thought it was.

Niflheim is the world of fog.

because you can't prove a negative. That doesn't mean something exists.

so what after? I can't imagine nothing

It is deterministic, but not an infinite loop because of entropy. When you die you fall into dream world forever which is architypical chaos. There is no heaven, hell, or nothingness as you understand it, just symbolism and logic, much like this world but without a handy brain to ignore everything you don’t understand. Your sentience isn’t tied to your brain. It’s tied to your will which science has proven is separate from the mind. Normies would rather believe in their religion/atheism but those with a high level understanding of philosophy or occult have an idea of what I’m talking about.

because you can't prove a negative. That doesn't mean nothing exists.

Bla bla bla...Just STFU cause you're the only one sprouting out NPC level generalist bs about weakness and illusions.

How does one proves life after death? Are NDE believable?

>babies first existential crisis.

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No they aren’t. Once you’re dead you’re just a will, pure spirit. You are technically your will right now, but you have a brain filtering a lot of static. The entire world you’re experiencing right now is fictive.

Tell me more about that user? Will I still remember that life? What was I before I was born? Will I be able to see my fellow relatives?

If that pic were accurate I’d be killing arabs right now.

Do you equally, and presently, fear the time in which you were "nothing" pre-conception?

From this moment on, you will no longer be able to feel fear or panic about the nothingness of what comes after the life in the body. You can have absolute confidence because you "remember" the absence of anxiety, fear, and panic of your pre-conception.

Be at peace.

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They are both bad but yeah, not existing is terrifying too.

nobody can prove a negative. That is basic logic.

The case for nothingness is on the absence of evidence. It nothingness can't be proven. But an afterlife which could be proven, has no evidence. Thus there is a stronger case for nothingness.

There is nothing NPC about examining reality for what it really is.

You don’t exactly leave this world but a lot of people might unintentionally filter you out. I guess you could possess some poor sap if you really want to prove you still exist.

Is pleasure the absence of pain and stress? If so, nothingness also known as "sunyata" is bliss.

Absolute kike advice.

>imagining absolute non-existence, total void, gives me legit panic attacks.
I have the same panic attacks user. Nothingness is terrifying

Get a grip on your egos, bitches.

Buddha: a person burdened with wrong views regards a feeling neither pleasant nor unpleasant as unpleasant.
A person with right view regards this same feeling as pleasant.

I read a lot about nde experiences, some are extremely convincing, and the explanations are often simply guesses (one explaination I hear is that a lack of oxygen is causing hallucinations, despite a lack of oxygen has the effect of causing disorientation, while the person experiencing it instead has more clarity and awareness than normal).

There's a study that's lasting until 2019 called AWARE2. Some hospitals were selected to have a symbol written down somewhere where the observer would only be able to see if it they were near the ceiling. Which you would be if you were floating out of your body during surgery. This first study on it happened 5 years ago, and they only had two people claim they went outside of their bodies. Both of them say they didn't see the card because they simply didn't think to look at the specific spot where it was. So this second round, the symbol is more obviously placed. So we'll see the results in 2019. It is interesting to note that the author of the study has gotten progressively more open to the idea that something we can't explain is going on.

oi mate you ever fink about if the afterlife was a computer

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What sustains beings waiting to be reborn? Craving

>NPC-pilled af. choosing delusion because it is more comfy than reality is a sign of personal weakness.

All existence is delusion. All words further this delusion. Choose the words that work for you.

Heard a monk say recently: the real world is what's going on inside your mind. What's going on in the outside world -- that's the world of fantasy

Thoughts on psychedelics?

Waste of time. You're piling confusion on top of confusion. Train your mind to stand still much like a trainer trains a horse

>Yeah yeah I know, by all means I'm trying like fucking crazy. Praying atleast helps me fall asleep. but I don't feel worthy to call myself a beliver yet.
>Like, I belive, but I don't feel worthy of calling myself christian, would be like the other sinful thots saying they're christian when they're just using it as a get-out-of-jail-free card whenever they fuck up. I won't defile the (already tarnished) name of God before
Good attitude.
> I'm better than the common filth.
Bad attitude.
Keep at it bro,God can't be missed as long as you seek the Truth.

The truth is that you are trapped in a cycle of stress and suffering so all encompassing that even death offers no escape

>It is deterministic, but not an infinite loop because of entropy.
I don't see how entropy would prevent it from being an infinite loop. In a deterministic universe, disorder is just the other side of the coin of order; it's still just order.

You are lucky to be human. Now seek unbinding as a man would seek to put out a fire on his head

Look into quantum physics, friend.
A little over three years ago I thought spiritual people were stupid, but after I found the double slit experiment...
Let’s just say I feel pretty happy to be here now. It’s all truly a grand experiment and we are the chosen boots on the ground experiencing it firsthand.

>what it means to exist no more
for an NPC, how would it be any different?

But the experiment never ends. The test subjects keep getting recycled like in a big puppet show lol

Why is wanting to be better than the common mesitzo filth, the fucking vietnamese church invasion, the repentant roastie etc a bad attitude? They are the reason church and religion is seen as subhuman retardation, they are the reason no self respecting white man wants to go to church anymore.

The Buddha divided people into groups: normies who behave as if asleep (due to ignorance) and those who were awake

If God is merciful He will give us the gift of no existence when we die.

Eternity is an option that gives me nightmares

And am I born to die?
To lay this body down?
And must my trembling spirit fly
Into a world unknown,

A land of deepest shade,
Unpierced by human thought,
The dreary regions of the dead,
Where all things are forgot?

Soon as from earth I go,
What will become of me?
Eternal happiness or woe
Must then my portion be:

Waked by the trumpet's sound!
I from my grave shall rise,
And see the Judge, with glory crowned,
And see the flaming skies!

And see the Judge, with glory crowned,
And see the flaming skies!

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See my previous post about quantum physics, it turns out that we are all connected and “one” when you collect all the energy together.
Therefore it is good to view everything as an extension of yourself.
You cannot be “better than” yourself.
Improve yourself yes because it improves us all since we are all one.
Just do no intentional harm and you’ll be golden.
Accidents happen, but intent is key.

Believe ! Repent and enter the rest of your Lord!
Leave the worlds of your imagination,fear of the future,judgement,futile hope in humanity ,leave them and except the Good Master,the wise Teacher in your hear and let Him transform you .Today is the day,leave all the pain and suffer for purpose
,bear the cross of the Lord,struggle in life ,but struggle with God in your heart.
He is Merciful and will deliver those who call upon him,He will deliver you from the nothingness that you fear,into the Light of His blessed Rest and Eternal Happiness!
Believe on Lord Jesus Christ and Repent,His Kingdom is at hand!

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>Improve yourself yes because it improves us all since we are all one.

Have you noticed that when you do well, the world seems to do better too? The times I'm most depressed seem to be the times the world is most closest to WW3 or some other catastrophe.

Study the new testament beginning with the book of Matthew. The Old Testament is essentially Jewish adventures and prophecy which lead up to Jesus abolishing Judaism and declaring we are all God's chosen people and should follow his word.

Probably some hallucinations, some experiencing different realities. One of the most convincing nde stories I've read mention how the guy asked about if aliens exist. Response was that life exists all throughout the universe and through different dimensions, and was shown a mental slideshow in his head of different creatures that exist, ranging from beings very similar to us, all the way down to things even stranger than what we'd find in the deepest parts of the ocean. I'm open to the possibility that through some drugs, a window is opened up that allows us to experience some of these other places and creatures.

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You are judging them, when it's impossible for you to look inside them and grasp their motivations, thoughts and troubles.
Yours is pride.
Be humble, everything comes from God, do you believe that all your talents or skills is because of you?
The church will be fine, it's 2k years that the worst of humanity live and seek it, still there trying to lead everyone to God.
Humilty can become an immovable pillar of Faith.

Eternal life with those who are interesting and who understand and believe will be amazing.

Repent now.
I saw a sign this week that God is letting us say goodbye to those that are lost. Make your peace and make it today. Pick up the phone. You need to take your Karma in hand and obtain your peace with those around you... Now.

The Lord is on His way.

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Church is the Salvation house off all mankind ,outside its wall is depravity,sin ,and death , and someone as delusional you is but a dog barking at the gates.
Be alone then ,root in your thoughts about your insect like existence,without a purpose,without a cause greater then ,fap eat sleep repeat,be nihilistic and cynical ,eat shit and act like shit,be angry all the time ,try believing in earthly utopia brought by human hands,dream a dead dream about a ,,white future,, outside the church and see how it goes.
But even dogs like you can be saved.

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>be me three years ago
>friends kid killed by train
>friend has contagious existential breakdown
>keeps crying “where did my baby go?”
>literally gives me existential crisis
>start to see how meaningless I am
>can’t even name own great great grandpappy
>realize there is no perpetuity
>even George Washington will be forgotten
>actually requiring ssris to get out of bed
>realize that my kids are most important
>am result of procreation since beginning of time
>realize the universe seeks life and growth
>natural state is prosperity and increase
>humans still exist and keep improving
>realize god actually must care

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>be angry all the time
When you let go of some fear, the anger lessens.
You can see, after a time of looking at something, the force the resists a thing, defines a thing.

When you let go ...
When you truly let go of the world and look to God through the Blood of Christ...
The only thing you will feel is compassion.
The rage will be transmuted to a great Love.

You are invited.
He's always been with you.

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The point of favoring non existence is the personal judgement of choosing no existence to a terrible one. The difference is personal preference, Id take nothingness over hell any day, as I wouldnt exist to care.

>I'm better than the common filth
your actions decides if you are better than "the common filth". by just saying you are better than others makes you actually worse than others. when other people say you are better than "the common filth" because of your actions you might be on the right track.

Apparently you guys havent seen what I have because sometimes I think about nothingness vs having to remember all the horrors for an eternity and nothingness sounds good. If God cant wipe parts of my memory I'll never be able to enjoy anywhere for an eternity.


Thomas Ligotti's book Conspiracy Against the Human Race is a must read

keep coping you sissy skinned faggot, the void awaits you ;)

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And sickness aging and death awaits you. Not to mention sorrow lamentation pain distress and despair.
Where has my fair skin and big muscles gone?

>Coping so hard, that ass pucci is probably red

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Fucking knew a christ fag would be in this thread, keep coping faggot.

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Your feminine white skin is drenched in African semen, and your big muscles have shifted into your ass to serve a better purpose. Had to repost because phone posting is a bitch.

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I believe the afterlife is fly. Small chance of hell is troublesome. Even if it's like the atheists say and is nothing then that won't be bad either. All-in-all very likely its better than this life

>I believe in the after life
>Contempt with nothingness
>All in all very likely better than this life

Another blue pill cope, no one knows what happens after you die. If you believe in the reincarnation model, you don't what you'll come back as. A child sex slave is one potential, and an Afghan ass toy is another. The possibilities are endless, and I'd doubt they're in favour to the Human notion of pleasure.

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The same state you were in before you were born, dummy. You'll be reborn if you're still attached to the physical world and karmic cycle, and will simply become one with the Universe/spirit world again if you've transcended.

>Karmic cycle
Are you a poo by any chance? The reason I ask is because you're using dunning kruger tier jargon a street shitter would use.

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100% White European.

So a sissy skinned Euro trap faggot that has a pink ass pucci? Not bad, but you sound like you have an IQ below room temperature.

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Please tell me how a white man thinks, Bong. While you're at it, tell me how to fuck up a kingdom as well.

Nope, just another Somali studying abroad.
>How to fuck up a kingdom
Emulate Sweden's political infrastructure.

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