Some defenders of homosexuality argue that the practice must be considered normal since, as they say...

Some defenders of homosexuality argue that the practice must be considered normal since, as they say, it is even found in the animal world. Male monkeys, for instance, have been observed mounting other male monkeys.

Of course, just because animals may engage in a certain practice does not mean that humans should use that as an excuse to imitate or “ape” them, does it? But does the abundance of gathered evidence really indicate that animals are homosexual? No.

The 1974 edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica says: “This great mass of data, however, cannot answer the question whether any of these animals is a homosexual. No adult animals other than human beings are known to prefer orgasmic intercourse regularly with their own sex.”

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Based nigger

Eating shit is natural too.

I'm not gonna do it.

The whole animal rape thing defeat the appeal to nature. Rape would be naturalized and the patriarchy would fall.

Does Jow Forums have a problem with homosexuals that are just living their lives as ordinary citizens without pushing their narrative on everything?

>Does Jow Forums have a problem with homosexuals
Yes because they struggle with some level of homosexuality.

You know there are lots of things that humans do that other animals don't do, right? Filtering your water is unnatural, you should only drink from rivers from now on.

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>homosexuals that are just living their lives as ordinary citizens

there is no such thing

In theory I do not, but as long as all the others trying to brainwash kids exists I will not approve of any of them.

An estimated one-quarter of all black swans pairings are of males. They steal nests, or form temporary threesomes with females to obtain eggs, driving away the female after she lays the eggs. The males spent time in each other's society, guarded the common territory, performed greeting ceremonies before each other, and (in the reproductive period) pre-marital rituals, and if one of the birds tried to sit on the other, an intense fight began.[1][2] More of their cygnets survive to adulthood than those of different-sex pairs, possibly due to their superior ability to defend large portions of land. The same reasoning has been applied to male flamingo pairs raising chicks.[46][47]

Anyone who says it’s normal has never taken a statistics class.
It’s not normal.
It does occur naturally, however.

Bullshit. Plus people aren't swans.
Degenerates like your dumb ass constantly try to equate a human soul with some shit eating abomination. Who the fuck would want to live like a black swan? Your faggot ass probably would. Burn in Hell you piece of shit.

Sexual acts monkeys preform
Homosexual sodomy

Why does the left champion one for being natural and not the other?

This is stupid. Swans are so fucking retarded they perform the mating ritual with humans and other animals all the time. Those are just confused swans. Which is why when one tries to fuck the other they snap out of it and fight.

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This whole argument "animals do it so it's natural" is a logical fallacy, known as equivocation. "Natural" can either mean "found in nature" or "in agreement with some intrinsic qualities or ideas". When we speak of human nature or the nature of politics, we use the second meaning, but so called liberals deceive us when they demand to use the first in regards to homosexuality.

Sodomy is still sin.

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This is a compelling argument.
Lions and rodents are well known for killing offspring of competitors. Dogs eat their own shit.

There are a whole host of behaviors animals engage in that humans would consider morally objectionable. Why is this somehow held up as "proof" of it's "naturalness".

Also once there was a guy named Charles Roselli that was researching gay rams, lordosis, and mounting behavior in sheep in order to boost herd fecundity. The gays shut that research down because if they found a way to reduce male/male ram mounting frequency, they might have discovered a key to reducing homosexuality in humans as well...

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>Some defenders of homosexuality argue that the practice must be considered normal since, as they say, it is even found in the animal world. Male monkeys, for instance, have been observed mounting other male monkeys.
Slowly regressing back into animals ourselves eh?

I have nothing against homosexuals. But I think homosexual acts are wrong, since they are solely hedonistic by nature.

Humans are capable of this complex emotion called Love that is not found in the animal kingdom.

Adult monkeys literally flicg excrement at each other too lmao, monkeys do plenty that would never be called decent, respectable, normal or whatever including placing their peepee in another males poochute

>Of course, just because animals may engage in a certain practice does not mean that humans should use that as an excuse to imitate or “ape” them, does it?

No. But why are you bothered with what people do in private?

The point about animals simply proves that its a part of nature.

>I have nothing against homosexuals. But I think homosexual acts are wrong, since they are solely hedonistic by nature.
is all sex that isnt done for procreation hedonistic then?

Yes, there is a dopamine reward.
You can become habituated to any stimuli that you choose on a regular basis.
You can also experience escalating cravings and seeking like any other dopamine based reward.

You can also interrupt and redirect this process fairly easily.

Ok what does normal mean?

Should we say typical behavior for the majority? Say as in the normal amount of digits for a human being 5.

Does this mean you will never find people with 6 digits, or none at all? No. It just means it is not NORMAL and never will be. Anything else is a value judgement if this is bad or good, but it is not normal end of argument.

From an evolutionary way it is a trait that is not desirable as it eradicates any chance of descendants but luckily this is self limiting.

Perhaps more fags has an advantage it will literally destroy those genes permanently from the gene pool, so with each generation their genetic footprint on earth is a forgotten memory. Maybe it has an advantage and perhaps natures way of ensuring a balanced ecosystem.

More fags equal more deaths and slowing of the population. More aids and death spread as anal sex is an awesome way to inject viruses.

Only downside is that the irony that fags adopt kids from countries they shouldn't (probably to fuck as they are degenerates)

If only the fuckers didn't adopt those who would normally die though, as it it is putting more strain on the world than fucking plastic straws, which is ironic as fags really seem to love virtue signal yet they are causing more death and destruction.

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Show me two female monkeys having sex

You need to train yourself to identify fallacious reasoning, OP. Arguments from nature like these can be easily dismissed

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Show me two female swans having sex

Homosexuality is materialist. It’s satanic through and through

>No adult animals other than human beings are known to prefer orgasmic intercourse regularly with their own sex.”
This is just plain wrong if you've spent any amount of time around animals or studying them. They will fuck anything, elephants are gay, pandas, chimps, ducks all gay. The only animals that aren't gay are cats.

you can probably find footage of the behavior in the Bonobo chimp. They are very socially sexual.

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they unironically do it in protest against the males just like feminist lesbians

Yeah and you know what else animals in nature do? Eat their own fucking you for nutrients. Sage

taking one up the pooper is the ultimate red pill

Except you can’t. When they talk about homosexuality in nature it’s only an example of males. Because it’s not homosexuality it’s dominance. There’s not such thing as homosexuality in nature

itt: closeted homos REEEEEEEEing. every time.

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Still doesn't make homosexuality unnatural. Just inconvenient for people who are afraid to come out.

Fuck off tranny. Your life expectancy is about 40 yrs even without suicide

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>Because it’s not homosexuality it’s dominance.
That's generally what happens with humans too buddy. Just because we call it "roleplay" doesn't make it different.

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>two female swans having sex
Any animal behavioral researcher will tell you that projecting human bias onto pure observation is a common pitfall in objective scientific observation of behavior. Attributing a human-like hedonistic sexual or emotional context to animal behavior is just... well it's not clinically factual or accurate. It's not good science.

You would have had to have lived through the fight with the homosexual left in the 2000's. There was this whole slew of gay animal couples that were used as poster children for homosexuality. It was that times equivalent of posting a virtue signal next to the cutest most huggable kitten you have ever seen!

>Lesbian Swans

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No it isn’t. Read my posts again. And try paying attention to the parts about females.

animals and humans can have similar mental disorders
shocking observation

If you bring up the kinky shit please note that the drawing attached is absolute pleb tier.
No dom/sub, and by extension and worst of all it is 2 boys having gay sex while it's technically lesbian gay sex but realistically it is not. Dick = pudding at most

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This is not natural, nor pro-species, this makes them anti-life. Not just in the abortion realm. They are not just against man, they are against all of humanity. They hate what happened to them. They are so filled with rage they want to break down the world. They were hurt in some way by someone! It's always personal! It's never on principle! It's always about one person's effect of another!

This isn't natural.
It's trading the natural for the unnatural.

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>Of course, just because animals may engage in a certain practice does not mean that humans should use that as an excuse to imitate or “ape” them,
You could have just stopped there.

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gay as shit