What would you do in this situation?
What would you do in this situation?
chase him down and molest him
sucker punch him as hard as possible, nigger style
Immediately get him banned from the gym, fund out who he is and allow the social media Trump supporter crazies to ruin his life. Then laugh and have a cigar.
I'd laugh at the nigger and the magatard.
Dumbbell to the back of the head.
Its been touched by a nigger. Would not get/10. Bring in another fresh one the next day and have it video taped when that thibg takes your hat again. Charge him with assault. Then it can be in a cage where it belongs.
Get him kicked out of that gym permanently. If a fucker like that can do shit like that, no one at that gym is safe.
FTFY. Also, this is the only sensible option. MIGApedes love their BASED black men so they should enjoy that too.
Tell the gym manager and get his ass kicked out, and if they refused open a law suit.
Report him to the police for theft. Or take him to small claims court and make him buy me a new hat. Use the video as evidence.
Shoot him for stealing my property
Not wear the hat of a promise breaking kike puppet in the first place.
>Implying you can do anything
You can't even call them niggers and if you start a fight with a MAGA hat you might as well have swastika tattooed on your forehead because that is what the media is gonna depict you as.
Knife the cunt.
One more reason to carry
>turning your back to person with a heavy object in hand you just startled
What a dumb cunt.
im not a nigger, as the guy filming is, so i would calmly go to the desk and tell them that this guy is harrassing you and even filming it to upload online.
if they wouldnt do anything i would wait until he is doing benchpress and ill either push the bar down on him or ill remove 1 weight from 1 side.
Toss a twenty into his back.
Finish my set.
i'd do the same , friends dont let friends wear hats indoors
>assaulting someone with two heavy weapons in their hands
Not very bright.
Grab 2 5lb weights. Throw 1 at the NPC to get it off balance, maybe kill it, then beat the NPC to death with the other. If that doesn't work, go to my truck and get my gun.
Act like a cunt get treated like a cunt. Cunts get things put in them.
Open his head with the weights there, or just throw the dumbass in the trash can with my cap.
krav maga
Isnt that theft? And possibly destruction of property
literally this
based and redpilled.
people like this should hang
there would have been a fight, but this is fake
try not to chuckle as I watch a grown ass man flip the fuck out about a piece of clothes
it's shit like this that pushes us normal people even farther to the right
Probably say "What the fuck man?" in a high pitched whiny voice and go get my hat from the trash.
i don't wear hats indoors, certainly not at the gym.
based white lefty
kek, well done, Mihael
Beat the negro, it's simple, even if i lose i wouldn't leave my MAGA hat without fight
Nothing since most of these are obviously staged to increase morale amongst the commies by making them think "we out here doing things and shit".
You aren't suppose to wear a hat indoor.
i wouldnt have worn the hat because its tackey. i do own one tho
if someone ever tries to take anything from me I would fite them irl
>checks flag
Report to the gym staff, ID him through the CCTV, and let him receive his due punishment.
wake up
Thank him for trashing a fake maga
MAGA manlet kek
>follow him
>tap on his right shoulder
>he looks to the right as I come from the left
>grab the hat quickly and tell him to get lost
However tempting a violent reaction would be, I think the 'burger legal system offers some interesting alternatives. With little to no blow-back. This brown person is going to be the bitch of the black power group in prison. He's going to learn to hate his own kind, simply because he isn't black enough for them. So, I'd fight tooth and nail to get him stuck in prison for that. Among real jiggaboos (it's not like anyone would offer him anything)
sure, but what fucking idiot goes to a gym that allows niggers in the first place?
he is brown, so shoot him for assault and get away with it
Call him a nigger and let him throw the first punch so I can beat his ass.
Tell him I can buy a new hat but he'll always be a nigger.
Something like this, except instead of the gym thot it'd be the guy that stole my hat
Thot getting patrolled
fake and gay
Those are fake plates. A real 45 lb plate wouldn't bounce off a girl that size.
I work out at home
why go for the instant gratification when the slow boil is so much comfier
This exact situation actually happened to me before back in 2016 when I was an edge lord who always wore a maga hat to trigger leftists. I waited outside the gym and jumped him hard full nigger style, started with sucker punch to side of head which literally made him bleed out of his ear, then I kicked him for like 10 minutes while he was down and stole his shoes, phone, car keys and wallet. Pawned phone in at cash converters and sold the shoes and car to a chav friend for £70 (his weekly neetbux allowance)
The wallet only had a measly £10 and wasn't even worth stealing
Did she dieded?
Your an autistic leaf that can't tell the difference between a real situation and a porno. That's the story
Trips of truth confirm it.
enjoy your jail time
Probably a university gym. My school's gym is 95% niggers, thots, and gooks doing meme exercises.
Not wear a shitty meme hat which colours everything I do in my life with the partisan politics of a bunch of hacks.
But I guess that's why Australia is a more pleasant place to live than America.
but its not okay to be white in your shit hole prison colony ahmed
you're not even a real country. you're in the same boat as canada; you're a nation of pseudo-americans. everything in your shitty nation is a parody of ours.
why are you a parody? because you're a spineless centrist faggot with no pride in your nation. that's why it was so easy to take your guns away. aussies and cucknadians won't resist tyrannical government.
imagine that, a nation of cowards. lmao
as for OP, I'd kill that motherfucker and upload it to worldstar.
Witness the retarded country you're defending: .
he's not defending me you absolute moron. learn some reading comprehension you fucking idiot.
he also most likely agrees with me that canada is a shithole right now.
>implying anyone here would ever be in this situation and not on their fat asses in front of a computer
The gym owners wouldn't do shit for fear of getting called raycis
>that hand
Thot stole another thots penis provider
based mexican
>everyone on pol is fat ass ekds dee dee
nice ad hominem you faggot
Tolerant Keep The People Ignorant 2020!
how did you breach the great rice wall my dude
Hope that he follows me outside to physically attack me and then I put a hollowpoint in his chest.
Is that a thing? I've been going to the gym habitually for the first time in my life recently and I notice it's always gooks doing weird moon exercises
fake and gay
>stole his shoes, phone, car keys and wallet
Are you a nigger? Only niggers steal.
Whip out my second back up MAGA hat
The only realistic answer here. Maybe start shedding tears because youre unable to control your own emotions in which case you now have to find a new gym.
Not like that happened to me though haha could you imagine though haha.
Wait till he's between sets, sneak up on him (apparently this is allowed now) and squirt superglue on the handles of his dumbells just before he lifts them.
Carry those around all day now, you dumb fuck.
backstory? source? lets do our thing
Go on Jow Forums and you'll see there are a lot of stereotypes people fit
>Blacks never re-rack weights
>Gooks do weird ass exercises
>Women simply do shit to flaunt their bodies even if it can get them hurt
Such as doing the weighted thrusts or sticking their ass out as far as they can during squats
>Arabs and Indians always wear street clothes and sandals
>Young whites are often alone and just do a basic routine before leaving like normal people
I've been going to the gym on and off for years and have recently decided to join the home-gym master race after dealing with my university gym which had all of the above on a daily basis.
Story time children
>Go to University Gym
>3 regular benches, 3 inclined benches, 4 squat racks, smith machine, some random machines, and a dumbbell area
>Warm up and start setting up bench
>Next to me is Sir Benchalot
Is benching when I come in and is benching when I leave. He also arches his back like a fucking gymnast when he lifts
>On my other side is Jow Forumsizen Chad and his Merry Band of Gooks
Some random gooks who he's been teaching how to properly lift
>Squat Thot
Some thot who does squats for 45 minutes with the same weight and will enter snap city any day now
>Smith Machine Thot
Some thot using the smith machine to do those weird weighted thrusts
>Standard Nig in a rack
Never re-racks his weights and will wonder off for 20 minutes between sets
Random gook doing crazy exercises who speaks Chinese to the staff when they question his sanity
>Random Indian in full work out gear but flip flops
>10 onions boys doing curls
I have nothing against dumbbell routines but for every shredded dude I see doing them there's 10 onions boys
>Hit pool for cool down swim
>Full of little kids because university is doing some weird outreach thing and I cannot swim in peace.
>that poo poo colored hand
the police squad is on the way m8ty.
Is there any additional information about the aftermath of this?
superglue the maga hat to his head
With a "kick me" message superglued to the back of it.
It's a free country but, why wear that hat to a gym anyways. Go there to workout, and not to make a political statement. Having said that, I'd hit him with a metal bar, and would keep on going until he's down and bleeding.
Smash him over the head with a dumbbell bar, then smash him again for good measure.
Laugh and buy another hat to support Based Trump.