So Jow Forums after months of browsing this forum, I realized that we are an army. We should organise it and utilize it...

So Jow Forums after months of browsing this forum, I realized that we are an army. We should organise it and utilize it. I also wrote a motto for us.

We are an army.
We show no mercy
We always remember
We are ready

What do you think? Also I found an emblem for us.
It's an army mask.

Please rate my idea.

Attached: $_35.jpg (199x300, 7K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: Hello fellow goyim1.jpg (252x291, 16K)

Will the mask come in pink?

Of course. I will have one with a skull painting like in CoD.

Just have a 4 of clubs on you you autistic fuck


I want one with Sargons avatar printed on it

don't tell the feds that you NIGGER

>let's do Anonymous again
Give us an update on your project in a few years

What's an anonymous?
Sounds great.

You not knowing why proves you're either a shill or a newfag


cringe xDDD

What's a shill? I started browsing Jow Forums, when I saw a thread about it on r/the_donald

>Not your personal army

Can you post your hand with timestamp?

gr8 b8 m8

Why would I.
Thanks mate, it's hard to fish nowadays.

Well we are an army so why not be the first to show its allegiance?

Cringe, the post.

Jow Forumsis an 18+ board

I found our army drummer:

Just fuck me up the ass already
Oh yah
Ohhh, this post really hits the spot

meme magic doesn't need organization.
The chaos must happen on its own.

This shit further confitms my theory of the npc meme trying to embrave us and see ourselves so cool that we end fucking it up in a honeypot.
Go suck the childs dick, kid is coagulating already.

6/10 shitpost, keked. Pretty cringy and funny.

Attached: 1539948509436.gif (398x400, 1.6M)

We already have a motto, it's "OP is a faggot".

>after months of browsing this forum
>months of browsing this forum
>months of browsing
gtfo and don't post again for two years


I was thinking this only an hour ago.

Attached: 500_F_138158429_7PmKM92mobmRpnCza7BOgB08yKVfTelR.jpg (380x500, 21K)

>I realized that we are an army. We should organise it and utilize it.
The strength of this board lies in its chaotic nature.

I think you need to shut your phone off and listen to your teacher, you obvious underaged fuck.

>hurr durrr I found Jow Forums you guys! I'm in a super secret hax0r club now!

Using a cringe universal translator, I get ...

> We are autists
> We autism
> We always autism
> We are autism

Nah I am afraid

Why do we wear the mask?

this is wear the super secret army meets. SHH dont tell anybody

Attached: asshole.png (482x716, 351K)

also OP is a faggot and this post is top tier shit.

Then I will start,now its your time.Also please dont make fun of it I know I have ugly hands.

Attached: IMG_HAND_44421.jpg (400x558, 19K)

Attached: hahaha.gif (500x385, 2.38M)

>months of browsing this forum
You should go back from where you come from

Attached: Aqua Bored.png (794x637, 817K)

Terrible bait. Sage.

Do you think it will look fashy if I make mine all red with a Star of David in black on the forehead?

Not your army

Good sargoy of cuckad

Wash your benis.

>Cringe incarnate.

We are autists
We show autism
We always autist
We are autistic

Jow Forums is no longer what It used to be

You fags have no idea of how common this kind of crap is nowadays, regardless of being bait. Their general is a literal plebbit colony.

>We are an army
>We show no mercy
>We always remember
>We are ready

We give chances to worthy allies

Attached: C3DC4D85-8B69-4C69-ADD9-2E98578F5613.png (1136x640, 963K)

I know


Attached: have_to_shit_face.jpg (294x313, 20K)

>So Jow Forums after months of browsing this forum...
Just GET OUT...

Jow Forums army
>i brought the dildos!
>i brought my trap waifu!
>i have a folder full of reaction gifs!
>i like bbc!
>i have a real katana!
>i have lactose intolerance!

Please, no more cults and autismos...

Hello, Agent. We meet again


5/7 perfect idea

if i take that off will you die?


yea but not your personal army, faggot

Attached: southafricashorthistory.jpg (532x317, 14K)

>checks flag
alrighty now mr soros, you've had enough internet for today

>after months of browsing this forum
>lurk moar
You shouldn't even be allowed to make a tread if you haven't been here at least a year.

Attached: Catjump.gif (400x277, 1.97M)

Okay, this is epic.

>We are an army.
>We show no mercy
>We always remember
>We are ready

Attached: h73gcyzuwb7z.jpg (1080x720, 91K)