So Jow Forums after months of browsing this forum, I realized that we are an army. We should organise it and utilize it. I also wrote a motto for us.
We are an army. We show no mercy We always remember We are ready
What do you think? Also I found an emblem for us. It's an army mask.
Please rate my idea.
Attached: $_35.jpg (199x300, 7K)
October 19, 2018 - 13:45
Attached: Hello fellow goyim1.jpg (252x291, 16K)
October 19, 2018 - 13:46
Will the mask come in pink?
October 19, 2018 - 13:47
Of course. I will have one with a skull painting like in CoD.
October 19, 2018 - 13:48
Just have a 4 of clubs on you you autistic fuck
October 19, 2018 - 13:50
I want one with Sargons avatar printed on it
October 19, 2018 - 13:54
don't tell the feds that you NIGGER
October 19, 2018 - 13:55
>let's do Anonymous again Give us an update on your project in a few years
October 19, 2018 - 13:55
What's an anonymous? Sounds great.
October 19, 2018 - 13:56
You not knowing why proves you're either a shill or a newfag
October 19, 2018 - 13:58
What's a shill? I started browsing Jow Forums, when I saw a thread about it on r/the_donald
October 19, 2018 - 14:02
Can you post your hand with timestamp?
October 19, 2018 - 14:07
Why would I. Thanks mate, it's hard to fish nowadays.
October 19, 2018 - 14:08
Well we are an army so why not be the first to show its allegiance?
October 19, 2018 - 14:09
Jow Forumsis an 18+ board
October 19, 2018 - 14:11
Just fuck me up the ass already Oh yah Ohhh, this post really hits the spot UUUUGGGGGGHhhhh~
October 19, 2018 - 14:14
meme magic doesn't need organization. The chaos must happen on its own.
October 19, 2018 - 14:14
This shit further confitms my theory of the npc meme trying to embrave us and see ourselves so cool that we end fucking it up in a honeypot. Go suck the childs dick, kid is coagulating already.
October 19, 2018 - 14:14
6/10 shitpost, keked. Pretty cringy and funny.
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October 19, 2018 - 14:15
We already have a motto, it's "OP is a faggot".
October 19, 2018 - 14:15
>after months of browsing this forum >months of browsing this forum >months of browsing >months gtfo and don't post again for two years
October 19, 2018 - 14:16
I was thinking this only an hour ago.
Attached: 500_F_138158429_7PmKM92mobmRpnCza7BOgB08yKVfTelR.jpg (380x500, 21K)
October 19, 2018 - 14:16
>I realized that we are an army. We should organise it and utilize it. The strength of this board lies in its chaotic nature.
October 19, 2018 - 14:17
I think you need to shut your phone off and listen to your teacher, you obvious underaged fuck.
>hurr durrr I found Jow Forums you guys! I'm in a super secret hax0r club now!
October 19, 2018 - 14:17
Using a cringe universal translator, I get ...
> We are autists > We autism > We always autism > We are autism
October 19, 2018 - 14:17
this is wear the super secret army meets. SHH dont tell anybody
Attached: asshole.png (482x716, 351K)
October 19, 2018 - 14:19
also OP is a faggot and this post is top tier shit.
October 19, 2018 - 14:20
Then I will start,now its your time.Also please dont make fun of it I know I have ugly hands.
Attached: IMG_HAND_44421.jpg (400x558, 19K)
October 19, 2018 - 14:20
Attached: hahaha.gif (500x385, 2.38M)
October 19, 2018 - 14:20
>months of browsing this forum You should go back from where you come from
Attached: Aqua Bored.png (794x637, 817K)
October 19, 2018 - 14:22
Do you think it will look fashy if I make mine all red with a Star of David in black on the forehead?
October 19, 2018 - 14:25
We are autists We show autism We always autist We are autistic
October 19, 2018 - 14:30
Jow Forums is no longer what It used to be
October 19, 2018 - 14:31
You fags have no idea of how common this kind of crap is nowadays, regardless of being bait. Their general is a literal plebbit colony.
October 19, 2018 - 14:32
>We are an army Yep >We show no mercy Nope >We always remember Yep >We are ready Always
We give chances to worthy allies
Attached: C3DC4D85-8B69-4C69-ADD9-2E98578F5613.png (1136x640, 963K)
October 19, 2018 - 14:32
Attached: have_to_shit_face.jpg (294x313, 20K)
October 19, 2018 - 14:32
>So Jow Forums after months of browsing this forum... Just GET OUT...
October 19, 2018 - 14:33
Jow Forums army >i brought the dildos! >i brought my trap waifu! >i have a folder full of reaction gifs! >i like bbc! >i have a real katana! >i have lactose intolerance!
October 19, 2018 - 14:33
Please, no more cults and autismos...
October 19, 2018 - 14:38
Hello, Agent. We meet again
October 19, 2018 - 14:38
if i take that off will you die?
October 19, 2018 - 14:41
yea but not your personal army, faggot
Attached: southafricashorthistory.jpg (532x317, 14K)
October 19, 2018 - 14:43
>checks flag alrighty now mr soros, you've had enough internet for today
October 19, 2018 - 14:43
>after months of browsing this forum >months >lurk moar You shouldn't even be allowed to make a tread if you haven't been here at least a year.
Attached: Catjump.gif (400x277, 1.97M)
October 19, 2018 - 14:46
>We are an army. >We show no mercy >We always remember >We are ready cringe
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October 19, 2018 - 15:01