I can't think who this reminds me of, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I can't think who this reminds me of, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
It reminds me of leftists who can't meme
Stfu kike shill
who would have thought?
this guy doesn't seem like a leftie though
why western fags cry about Muslims being bad ? i thought you were badass
just look at us for exemple , we never cry about Jews being shitty people although what they are doing to us is 100x worse the what we are doing to you , still we fight no matter
i come here to Jow Forums to see badass people like "we are going to genocide jews and muslims" , "we will kill gays" , but all i see is "muslims are bad and bullying us" .. typical beta males , cry victims cry
bro if you're gonna talk about fighting and being a tough ass nigga, don't hide behind a memflag
>Muslims gets upset that others call him shit, calls them NPC
>proceeds to pray synchronized with hundreds of other muzzies
Nobody argues that "all muslims are bad", we argue that ENOUGH muslims are bad, that we should take precautionary action and avoid living with them, based on measurable data.
If you have two separate populations, with similar rates of criminal behavior. In theory, they COULD commingle without one having a negative impact on the other. However, if you have two separate populations that do not have similar rates of criminal behavior, then one of them will CERTAINLY have a negative impact on the other.
Flag checks out. SAGE.
White muslims who gas brown people and jews are ok
does it hurt you Ahmend?
Palestinians cry about Jews all the time, same with Syrians, Lebanese and Iranians and to everyone else they don't even do anything worth crying about.
i don't mind at all if you call us shit, i'm just jumping on the NPC bandwagon by pointing out how no one really questions whether Islam or Muslims are bad on Jow Forums, they just go along with the narrative like literal NPCs. desu though I've been saying this a while and when I call out this place as a hugbox and echochamber i get the predictable responses.
>i don't mind at all if you call us shit, i'm just jumping on the NPC bandwagon by pointing out how no one really questions whether Islam or Muslims are bad on Jow Forums
Did you miss every thread for the past decade where Muslim crime stats were dumped? Give us cause to question our views and we will, until then, we have data backing our views - so that's why we have them.
At the end of the day T_D and lefty are all NPCs
not true at all , people who cry are generally the beta males migrants who are in europe , most o arabs who make protests and shiet in europe were born there
even this mentality of protests and crying came from the west
but you are literally beta males , you cry even about antifa and lgbt lol you call antifa & lgbt thugs and violent ffs can't even call such people "violent against me" because it is an insult to me more than them
>Muslim crime stats
yeah right. it's not like you've blindly eaten up whatever shit that Fox, Breitbart, and other countless (((conservative thinktanks))) have shat. it's totally because of some pretend """crime stats""".
Muslims are great when they stay away from western nations.
yes but you started all of this shiet specially your country , keep invading by war and we will invade peacefully
left can't meme
Oh look it's the (((memeflag))) kike pretending to be a Mohammedan again
>muslims are all leftists
You're wrong, all the immigrants I've known have always been total normies, never opened their mouths about politics. Meanwhile in Middle East they take competitive pictures in who manages to look most pathetic victim so the Western medias can make sob stories and aid them.
The answer to this is of course to kill Jewish and israeli children
muslims are subhumans who need to be shot
apologists for sandniggers like you are leftists
That's why I say ISLAM is bad.
Just because people dont want a bunch of muslims moving into their back yard doesnt mean all muslims are bad
Fuck off and stay in the middle east while we try to uncorrupt our jewish government
>that loss of hand picture
>no u
Yep, the left still can't meme. Try the famous text wall approach next time and see if that works.
>no, you are the npc
>i don't mind at all if you call us shit
its not all muslims we are calling shit, just the main one muhammed.
he was a pedophile with probable schizophrenia.
You misspelled accurate.
>israel is our greatest ally
wrong subreddit friend
it reminds me of every new 18 year old alt kike employee (((the rebel))) trots out
sandniggers xD from a Gipsy
hide your flag Lopez , hide your flag :/
Prior to 9/11 no one even knew muslims existed.
ding ding
Nothing wrong with Muslims, just Islam itself fella.
That meme is so accurate.
Here, let me improve the nuance in your meme.
>Islam bad
Muslims follow Islam aussbro
The quran, which I have read, contains strong indicators that it is a propaganda piece against another religion. I would equate it to mormonism or Christianity, but it is far more dangerous because its central figure was a vindictive warlord.
The refugee crisis and muslims fucking shit up in the EU is evidence enough that if you let too many muslims into a western country they will enact their backwards culture where ever they settle. That's what the elites dont get, they can't enslave people that are beholdt to each other and their death cult religion.
mudslimes always cry about jews. It's your favorite sport.
>UK flag
>Sucking Muslim dick
Imagine my shock.
I'm Muslim, so I guess I'm sucking my own dick.
Woah a bunch of humans drowning in water is also very npc like
upvoted my fellow freethinker human
what happened here?
think she got a bit of raspberry jam on her face, and slipped on a banana peel
They're not even doing it right. It's 'Islam bad', but they have to hide behind their illusion of individuality to claim victim status.
>no u
op is a nigger
why the distinction matter so much though
the idea is the same
>no one ever heard of the crusades
Just the swarthy ones.
Needs a centrist one (use reddit mascot?) to go full circle:
>both left and right NPC don't use any form of valid syntax
>it's okay to disagree if you do it nicely
>let the upvotes decide!
>markdown is the only true NPC code
Can't really think of that many, can some of you redditors help me out here?
Id rather be around muslims than jews
lmfao kill yourself they literally are
if you are a follower of Islam you support the killing of those who don't have the same religion as you
it's right in the Quran
>n-no YOU'RE the NPC!
But it's true.
Can't help it if some NPC's are properly programmed.
all muslims ARE bad
except for the one Trump personally likes, jury is still out on whether or not that includes MBS
Yes but...all Mohammedans are bad.
Either you are a troll or a shill or just dumb but I'll explain it to ya anyway.
An NPC parrots the dominant social narrative without question. All muslims bad is not the social narrative. One must arrive at it by actually thinking autonomously. I wouldnt expect an NPC to understand though.
>its triggered
>no argument
There we go, this one makes more sense.
fpbp /thread
The left can't meme.
>All muslims bad is not the social narrative
it is on Jow Forums and within the alt-right/conservative murrican goyim right in general, are you new
Low IQ, can't create, doesn't understand humour. Ahmed confirmed
>defending mudslimes
>pointing out how no one really questions whether Islam or Muslims are bad on Jow Forums
I've seen what muslims are all about with my own eyes, I don't need your permission to hate them you utterly cucked brainlet faggot nigger.
>I have been here for less then a month and only know twitter talking points
"Do not injure me regarding A'isha. The revelation does not come to me when I am in the garment of any woman except A'isha" Sahih Bukhari 2442
Once Allah's Apostle; offered the morning prayer and then faced the people and said, "While a man was driving a cow, he suddenly rode over it and beat it. The cow said, "We have not been created for this, but we have been created for sloughing." On that the people said astonishingly, "Glorified be Allah! A cow speaks!" The Prophet said, "I believe this, and Abu Bakr and 'Umar too, believe it, although neither of them was present there. (Bukhari 56:677)
Absolutely based
The distinction matters because the left only sees the enemy as groups to justify their own persecution of them, but they imagine themselves as individuals because it supports their own victim privilege.
This is exactly why they are losing their shit over NPC meme. It makes them a mob. Not a person.
>using = for comparasions
Antifa are fascists though, and Democrats were, are, and will continue to be the party which most supports policies that directly and deliberately harm blacks. These claims can be supported by evidence verifiable through multiple different means, one can examine for example the historical behavior of fascist and communist rioters and of the historical behavior and policies of the Democrat party and confirm that modern Democrat politicians are still malevolent to blacks and support policies which harm them, and that Antifa fags are a pale imitation of fascist rioters and hold very similar beliefs to both them and the communist rioters who they fought directly against. Israel is an adversary though, only older latinos even come close to conservative while the rest are dem supporters, PJW is a fag, and Fox is also obviously biased and shouldn't be trusted and everything you read on any MSM site should be double checked elsewhere.
This meme only works when the collective spouts false information.
>Not all non Europeans in general
A non religious invasion horde is still a horde. At least get your shitpost right.
>you’ve done it again, sven. 10/10
>for less then a month
try 8 years~
Y-you cant be an npc if you're a parent..you wouldnt understand.
>right wing
>does not hate sand niggers AND kikes
No, it's when you parrot something and engage in herd-like behaviour