Why do you have a negative feelings when you see an interracial couples ?

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I don't
I support multiculturalism and black breeding

Because it's unnatural and wrong.

Every race should stick to their own kind.

In the animal kingdom you don't see Lions fucking around with Gorillas.

You take a civilized race and force them together with a barbaric one and rejoice when they produce some degenerate "next generation"?

It depends. It doesn’t really bother me so much if it’s a white woman with a black guy, only if it’s an Indian or something.

Because they spawn mongrels

Not so much negative as I'm glad I'm single and don't have to worry about this bullshit. Fuck whoever you want, we all leave the same.

>Lions fucking around with Gorillas
Sounds like a winning combo, desu

You are the same memeflag faggot who keeps spamming these stupid threads everyday. How do I know? Because you can't string a sentence together without there being at least a few mistakes.

yeah, that'd be quite the apex predator.

None. Just the propensity for media to promote it and social media to guilt trip ppl to whom they can have a relationshit with and the smugness thereafter

I practically never see them, people generally stick to their sub groups and groups here.

Mixed kids don't have an identity.
When I see a mixed couple, I see children who are born to become criminals. Murderers, drug dealers, rapists, etc.

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I hardly ever actually see an interracial couple. I just see white women with little disgusting looking 56%ers.

Its literally a revolutionary subconscious mechanism. Studies have shown that when shown a picture of an interracial couple, the party of your brain that feels disgust is activated

Yes, just like when i see a bum or a retard.

i don't care. i care that its being pushed on kids

>Less than 56%ers

I have a negative feeling whenever I see any couple. Hell I saw two teenagers hug on the train platform this morning and involuntarily scowled.

And I wonder why women find me unappealing.

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I love to see jews and blacks. So natural!

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why do you have to openly push for acceptance when we refuse it

They should go to another country to do it.

For the same reason it doesn’t turn me on to see lesbians anymore. They have beliefs and tendencies that are aligned with the left

This, why isn’t pol memeing this to the mainstream?