We Muslims were peacefull for the last 100 years , and you started messing with us
Is Britain the most evil country in history?
Yes , they were fags and beta males , but they were evil too
Aren't the jews gonna help us? They global economy would be fucked up without Europe and they hate muslims anyway. Or are they all psychopaths that don't give a shit about anyone but themselves?
mashallah my brother mashallah soon europe will beours
Why are you telling me this ? Im not controlled by porn
i agree
fuck the jews
Jews will help only themselves , but they respect us more than europeans
do you respect more your enemy or your slave ? of course your enemy
your slave is a subhuman , and you won't give him anything , while your enemy is strong and masculine , this is why Jews are giving Muslims western europe , while they bury europeans/americans like animals in goy cemeteries
this is why you need revolution instead of being rat slaves
>Sympathizing with mudslimes
Doesn't explain the rest of the middle east
>you started messing with us
>starts to outbreed even more
how is that winning?
Muslims are the least peaceful group in world history
Hey when you make hummus, what's the ratio of tahini to chickpeas? How do I know if my hummus has too much/too little tahini?
top 20 wars with the biggest death toll in history were done by Europeans and East Asians
explain this shit
Not a Muslim myself, but I respect their culture (middle eastern culture).
Long before any civilization took place in middle/north Europe, the middle east was a hub for big civilizations like the Persians, Sumerians, Phoenicians, Assyrians, ...
Even though the civilized part of the middle east got raped by Arabs, a lot of their culture is still intact.
When I was in Iran it was really refreshing to see that people not only preserved their old culture, but actually still practiced it.
That stuff just doesn't happen anymore in Europe, which is really sad.
Having said all that, I hate those cowards that free their countries (some of which are perfectly fine) and immigrate in our countries just because they are after our money.
Have some respect for your culture and stay in your own country!
*flee their countries.
Salam alejkum
I respect Arabs for their beautiful culture and how they are immune to PC bullshit
Too bad that most arabs and niggers are inbreds and easy to fool. That's why y'all want to come to Europe and get what we have built through hard work. The only thing that we fucked up with was to give women rights which is why we're in the shitter right now. You got one thing right though, women are property, I'll give you that.
You’re right the deep state started promoting fundamentalism and then promoted immigration to western nations and then used the MB like soros to constantly undermine your region. Nevertheless, there will need to be some repatriations when the dust settles
>We Muslims were peacefull for the last 100 years
Because you were under colonial boot, before that you sandniggers tried to conquer the whole known world. Now you're trying again.
If you were intelligent enough to create the same weaponry, and organise to the same extent as the white man, you would have rendered the entire planet uninhabitable by now.
Mashallah brother England is my city.
INSHA'ALLAH yes it is, not for much longer though.
Can you post hand?
Islam has always had bloody boarders. And when they can't find the boarder they just kill each other for not being Muslim enough.
desu europa brought this on itself. they fucked up the middle east. you've got your resources but lost your culture. imagine kids who lost everything because of the west's war crimes. they'll grow up hating the west bidding their time and inshallah they'll have their revenge.
pretty much yeah
Islam killed over 600 million according to your own Muslim historians sources
Stop pretending like you are somehow a step above the Jew you are both abrahamic subhuman scum
muslims will only be paceful under greater israel's rule
No they will hate the west because of Jews. God damn you are a useful idiot Mohammed.
And you, fuck off as well.. Muslims and Jews are the antithesis to Civilization
Reminder. Us white Christians have been peaceful for the last hundred years, then feminism. You won't like us when we're mad.
>yfw jews are using muslims to usher in the antichrist
Google "Beurette a khel"
good god muslims are boring and stupid
There will be no white people though.
Listen here you goatfucking towelhead.
We just want your oil. We don't give a shit about harming you or your people. Your crappy Theocracy and oppressive religion has literally 0 interest. If you would just give us the oil and stop forcing yourselves into our country, and blowing us up, there would be no problem.
But you insist on being terrorist cunts. So we're gonna continue to treat you like the cunts you are.
When will someone stop this madman?
That's a good meme.
We don't need any more subsets of Judaism, all the shit in the old testament was stolen because they didn't think/care if people ever learned to read and figure out they couldn't even come up with their own story, Islam is by far the most retarded religion of the three and the entire Middle East would have been a fucking paradise without it, but Arabs would still probably be greedy fucking pirates and gatekeepers to Asia because they are the same fucking thing as Jews and only pretend to hate them. Worshipping Black Jesus Child Molester doesn't make you seem interesting or knowledgable. Making women dress like spooky ghosts so you can only use your imagination to fap is retarded. Go away.
not true at all , you just proved you are a Jow Forumstard nerd who doesn't know anything about real life
in your country alone , 5/15 of ministers are Muslims , France too a lot of muslim ministers and so on , although the muslim immigration is very very new
it took Jews 400 years to control the West , Jews were literally living in Ghettos like blacks today (the word ghetto is for jews) they were literally subhumans of the society , look today they are the highest IQ
Muslims are very new in europe , yet already in a lot of government office (ministers , mayors ..) imagine after 50/100 years from now
the proof all of you are crying about only muslim immigration and not black/indian immigration , there is different between being against immigration and scream about immigration , youa re literally screaming because you know the danger
proof you post a retarded picture that exist in every country in world (i can post picture of disabled whites or very fat americans and tell you look this is your society) but i won't , because i'm smarter than you , i use facts and logic
>go to Dubai because everyone says its fun
>get arrested for holding hands in public too far away from the Western tourist enclosure
I wish Israel would ethnically cleanse every islamic rat
Hell no. Those two words do not belong in the same sentence at all, under any circumstances. What has happened is advances in technology which allow us to see what everyone is doing now. You slimy fucks were never peaceful.
>Invite Muslims in
>Muslims don't believe in immigrating to a country that isn't Muslim
>Muslims ask an entire country they are guests in to change everything to Sharia Law. They are politely told to fuck off
>Muslims get mad and start letting Imams radicalize youth against their guest/host countries
>Muslim youths begin suicide bombing, publicly murdering, running over people in cars, bombing festivals/public events, etc.
Gee, I wonder why people hate Muslims and Islam!...Jews and Christains may suck too, but they're not murdering people in the streets because they found a strip of bacon on their breakfast plate they were given for free out of pity for their smelly, goat-raping, pig-fucking way of life.
>Obeying Sharia when it's not even fucking real
if not for us you'd be living in caves making grunding noises at each other . we invented and protected human civilization for thousands of years .
can you please fuck off now Juan ? this thread isn't for mexicans
i'm talking to Europeans , you can fuck off :) have a nice day
fucking jews and their offshoot religions have ruined everything.
Enjoy that pig you're gonna fuck, Ahkmed.
>we muslims were peaceful
lol thats just a lie, you were subjugated, that is a completely different thing. Violence and aggression comes with your penis mutilation, just like with the kikes and yanks.
Dont worry tho, as you present, once in weakness now in strength. We will exterminate you from europe, dont worry. the only thing saving you is the economic and political system that are beholden to foreign interests and not our people. Do not be a fool and assume this will stay like this for a long time
they can't and they won't
they are ethnically cleansing you lol enjoy your replacement
biggest lie i ever heard, all you've ever done is invade european, and even indian/egyptian lands, biggest cunts in the universe
You are wrong they will replace and mix with us.
Why can't Juan make the same points any disgruntled European would make if they were allowed to speak their mind?
I'm gonna be dead, I would be glad if you fuckers inherited this dead ocean, filthy polluted rock and died fighting over clean water.
goodbye and thanks for all the fish
Those fucking anglos subjegated and subverted countless countries around the world (many of them white). They are the reason SA is so fucked today, they allied with the soviet union, they genocided millions of irishmen. To top it all off, their country is being destroyed all around them and every brit is like "This is fine." God I hate anglos so fucking much. 2 wars wasnt enough.
Lies, you were invading europe for hundreds of years and building your empire. Turks also have the audacity to teach their young that how great friends they were with people on enslaved territories.
Islam is cancer by its inherit nature and should be eradicated
They'll help if you have enough shekels.
I'm living in kuwait right now and their culture fucking sucks, they are rich yet throw trash all over the streets and drive like shitheads, police are corrupt and idiotic. At the same time kuwaitis are materialistic beyond americans and blow money at luxury malls all day long.
>oh man I sawed my daughter’s head off because another sand nigger raped her
>blame white people
>oh man some asshole blew himself up in public because muh islam
>blame white people
>oh fuck we’re shitting out too many babies and can’t feed them
>blame white people
>oh shit my life sucks because of my dumpster fire of a culture
>blame white people
>lol thats just a lie
let me teach you kid , when you use this sentence , everything behind it must be proofs and arguments
we were not subjugated , most of muslim countries took their independences in 50s , you kept messing with us
>We will exterminate you from europe
you weren't even ablde to exterminate rats like jews in WW2 you talk about us haha well i leave it right here , enjoy your dreams
because you are ugly subhuman autists and i don't waste my time with such retarded people , you are just brown versions of dumb americans , the proof look at the comments of your mexican rat friend , have a nice day you too and the next time don't comment on subjects you have no relation to
I just want all jews and muslims to die, is that so much to ask?
It's not enough, Christians = Jews, Christians have to go too. You can still volunteer at the soup kitchen.
I'm not brown, and it wouldn't make a difference anyway because you need a maximum IQ of 90 to be a religious person.
>inbred brainlet
>calling others dumb
Take a good look at your filthy life. Forced to marry your relatives. Threatening everyone around you with death. Walking in circles since 622. You’re not right in the head.
dumb fucking inbred the political geography was different and continues to be on. reason why Africa is a shithole because of it's lost resources from Rothchild religion
It's like 100 degrees there every day, that must cause brain damage on some level especially to infants.
probably, yes, if not, then at least the most confusing.
>rothschild family existed during the same time as Barbary pirates
O shit.
Usually a .25 lemon juice and another .25 tahini per chicken pea can with some garlic cloves
try and take back your own land instead of fucking white lads
My wife is half Iranian and her Persian heritage was demolished by Islam, not preserved.
Germany allied with Soviets too, user
the eternal fucking anglo strikes yet again
english, faggot.
I blame the Paolos. They should have never allowed this cancerous cult of Abraham to spread.
are you white, user?
Anglos tried their best to uplift the world to their standards. Not their fault everyone else was too lowly of a cunt to make use of it.
Based Polack with the correct answer. Islam has always been blood soaked.
It is possible to hate Islam and Judaism at the same time, so I do.
In history only 12 year of muslim peac- oh memeflag
>Thread disgarded
>After twelve years of preaching peacefully in Mecca, Mohammed is said to have announced two verses giving his followers permission to fight those Meccans who rejected his message.
Mohammed then moved to the town of Yathrib/Medina, a migration known as the Hijrah, and from there he spent ten years in conflict with the Meccans, attacking their caravans, allies and trading partners, and engaging with them in three major military confrontations. Eventually, in 630, Mecca surrendered to Mohammed whose absolute rule as God’s Messenger on earth became unchallenged in Arabia.
fuck off kike
>ehh sorry goy
Like the kikes even feign remorse for what they've done.
what are you, faggot?
why do you hate the anglos?
To were never peaceful but 100 years ago you knew we'd happily kill you for getting uppity.
>spreads religion through the sword
>its your fault that we are every where
reminder the holy land belongs to Aryan philistines
You were never peaceful. You tried to invade Europe a couple of times and you almost succeeded with a strategy of relentless slaughtering of civilians.
There is a church on the Balkans built from thousands of skulls of people you beheaded when you were forced to retreat.
digits confirm
Where's Byzantium, Mehmet?
the libs need the islams in all the good countries so they can heroically use their EU army to wipe out the islams they brought in and install martial law
non-aggression pact =/= giving them free land and puppet states. Brits also supported communism in countries allied to, or that may have become allied to, germany.