Looks like smoking marijuana can be harmful after all LOL

So the other day my neigbour told me that he had a marijuana plant in his flat, which he harvests and smokes from sometimes.

Two days ago, I decided to have some fun and gave the cops an anonymous call, I told them that this guy was having dozens of plants in his flat and shit. They raided his flat yesterday with a SWAT team (pic related, it made the news), and right after this happened, I informed his employer about this, who fired him today LOL

I just met the guy on my way upstairs, he was full of tears crying like the little pussy that he is while he told me that, "I'm gonna get evicted from my flat" etc. etc.

Maybe he should have thought about breaking the law and that the production of drugs can have serious consequences.

I'm really glad I did this, and would do it again without hesitation. I fucking hate drug addicts, I hope they all rot in jail.

Attached: serves him well.jpg (1024x661, 158K)

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babbys first b8

you should die mind your own business faggot

Some laws are not right. When Germany adopts sharia law, will you still be such a law-abiding citizen and kill your wife when she gets raped?

Attached: 1529064149163.jpg (300x301, 7K)

how very NPC of you

Redpilled and based

Good job

Great job Hans. You saved Europe. Germany is redeemed.

Snitches get stitches.