When did Atheism stop being cool?

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around the time when the LGBT community became more cool

when feminists co-opted it, my earliest encounters with the "white male problem" were atheist speaking arrangements

like immediately

It hasn't, but it was never as cool as paganism

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Atheism used to offer something to goyim, namely an excuse to abandon their higher duties to satisfy lower passions. Now atheism is arguably the status quo of the Western world and there is no God to rebel against.

Leftists as a herd mentality cling onto one topic at a time.

Atheism stopped being the edgy new thing on the internet right around 2013/4 when Black lives matter came about. Now it was the cool thing to be behind social justice.

When people figured out that the popular atheist scholars and philisophists were communist faggots.

It was kinda edgy to be atheist back in the early 90's when I was 15.

That's about it.

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If you apply the atheist (especially 2000's era "new atheist") anti theist argument toolkit to leftism, it is very effective. The Church of the Left is more pious than any Christian church has ever been.

After Atheism+ and the Feminists.

For me it was after this Astronomy Jews wrote shit like "I sent letters to to 10 religious professors asking what the meaning of reality was and only one wrote me back with a question. So god doesnt exist."

Or Turbo jew collegue of mine debated Dinesh DSouza on religion and I think Dinesh lost the debate so god doesnt exist.

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Dorkins is like Juden Peterson- another British Commonwealth intellectual who has no balls and thinks the Anglo way is rolling over and dying

When it split into the fedora amazing atheist type and the crazy sjw kill all men ruin movies and video games type.

Here it stopped being edgy around 2010, but i kinda liked it. Atheists used to point every inconsistency in my religious dogma, so i had to read a lot. Now it's kinda pointless. Even my super edgy brother stopped attacking christianity, and he even reads Joseph Ratzinge's books (he's still an atheist). And i also have other responsibilities.

About 5 minutes after fedora meme dropped.

NPCs conflated an argument for evolution as one against 'a creator'.

Like the church of 'Women Worsting'.

when ppl found out nihilism is for utter faggots and atheists are a bunch degenerate pieces of shit

Dawkins is a cunt

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Why are British men so weak?

First hit was when Chrstopher Hitchens died, the death blow came when Amazing Atheist got caught sticking a banana up his ass