Parent’s tombstone

What’s your opinion on the removal of hitler parent’s tombstone in 2012 ?

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Progs picking on the only folks left they can beat. Dead people.

Continued removel of history until only the non-meanie parts are left. Even though his parents contributed nothing to the Nazi regime and were probably just normal people being honoured by their son and country. But yeah, remove it.

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Attached: why don't we just animate the Quest for the One Ring.jpg (380x379, 163K)

>removel of history
>implying they made it into history
what's next? saying that hitler flushing his shit in the toilet is akin to erasing history?

Austria is home to more than 9000 Jews. The more you know...

> Lefist delet history
> People forget history
> Wen forget it, history tends to repeat it self

It's ok. I suspect that in 100 years there will be an immense monument to their son in that location.

If his mom or dad are Jewish, isn't this anti-semitic?

Because the Jews are in control obviously.

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