Spirit Animal

What is the spirit animal of each race?
>Chinese=Ant Colony

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Whites = wolves

Why did monkeys never make it to europe?

Why did the mongols bring with them an infestation of rats?

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Pig skinned wolves, awwooooo

>Chinese=Ant Colony

>Mediterraneans= Monkeys

Filipinos = Lions


Dogs are smart and loyal companions. They can save your life.

I was just about to post this.

filipinos are not lions breh, lions are king of the jungle, filipinos are 3rd world jungle chinks

kind of accurate
we are smart but dumb enough to do anything for our ((masters)) even if it means bad for us




spain = part eggplant

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Persians = Cat
Jews = Vampire Squid

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Gulf Arabs = Cockroach

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Said the 56% monstruo de las Américas
Like it or not, mediterraneans are the true whites, not the snowniggers that added nothing of importance to history


>throw eggplant in trash
Oh fuck no...eggplant is based.
Mousaka, babaganoush...

amazing stuff.

Filipino = African Lovebirds

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Kys you titanic faggots.

>argentina flag
lmao I bet you think you're white too

Nice try, shill. Your NPC tactics won't work here.

Mandarins=Water buffalo
Japanese=cherry tree
Nordics=snow bunting
Hibernians=threeleafed clover
Libyans=camel or palm tree

that's a lot of buzzwords there buddy
did you come up with those thoughts yourself or is it part of your programming?

philipinos is monkeys

White people kind of smell like them for some reason, so accurate. Smart, loyal, but naive.

That's sicilians desu.

Whites are boars.

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We only call Argentinians non-white because so many of them get so butthurt about it. It's hilarious.

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Pigs are disgusting

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USA is Braphog country

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We, the real native europeans don't have an animalistic represenation of our superior selves. We are the ultimate predator that will bring an end to all of you unterbeings when the right time comes. Paleolithic european - blond race, Aryan race, the White Nordid race. No matter where are you from if you look mostly like pic related, plus you're tall, athletic you are one of the native european descendants.

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Whites are wolves

>threeleafed clover
He said spirit animal. You might as well have typed in potato.

Spaniards could hardly be considered medi. Spain is the mutt of west europe. Polluted with genes from all over the mid east and Africa. Italian are meds Spaniards are the decedent's of barbarian stock mixed with subhuman dna. Gtfoutta here pepe.

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Wolves know loyalty unlike you degenerate cucks.

Man, rats are honest animals. So insulting.

Spotted a Mexican that got bullied by Sicilians.



Cause romanians are not human, OP


It's always the mongrelised, projecting mutt that has a hateboner for meds.
It's almost comical at this point.

this is what i imagined when the amerifats told whites are wolves. Americans are huge failures lmao man gotta hate the untermenshen.

Lmao accurate but ironic considering India is in the state it is because some inbred kike wannabes from England royally fucked their country and robbed it of its wealth, culture and autonomy.

Whites= bonobos

Frotting their dicks together and constantly getting cucked

Canadians = NPC

Mexicans = burro

Nahh, dungbeatles build shit with their shit and as we can see pic related, they are also loyal and are now asking other buts to "open cloth milk truck just arrived"


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Sicily was under moorish/Arab occupation for about 100 years while Spain and Portugal were occupied For around 700 years

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bongs = red squirrel

What is comical is how the mediterraneans which in great majority are the descendants of those who migrated in the neolithic from their middle eastern homeland already bearing nigger admixture (early neolithic farmers) and are the ones responsible for destroying the native european, Aryan, White Nordid purity know want to be a part of something that doesn't exist - a greater white race and try to create as many excuses as they can throw out of their stinky, non-european asses. Pathetic.

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.t customer service indian in america.

Every country has been robbed of its autonomy by some inbred fucks.
Britain was under the rule of the franks for 300 years, the officials language in britain was french and they are doing okay now.


Accurate color wrong animal, you meant to say steers.

>I only feel pain, big brother...

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Shut the fuck up slav nigger. Look at southern europe then look at eastern europe and see who is more advanced and civilized?

You re known for being car thieves and plumbers while southern europeans are known for the renaissance.

Inb4 gypsy

Bulls are very ligated to history in the mediterranean , its a really accurate choice , since ancient times bulls and meds have been correlated


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>doing OK now

Lol I get that gypsies don't have much in the way of brain power but where are your powers of observation, have you not see the crown cucks state of affairs recently. If that's your idea of OK well...well actually, I'd say that about checks out based on your flag.


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Your stormfag larp ancestors were unironically flinging literal shit at each other at the very same time my ancestors had elaborate sewage systems.
I want nothing to do with your ancestors, they have contributed nothing to the world. Even daddy hitler was embarrassed for his peoples' lack of accomplishment.

Why is Poland so poor?

They still have the second highest gdp in europe.

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Be proud of your blonde hair(huh fucking kiddo...)
Im proud of my rich history, ancestors,race.
You get mad, you wished meds never had great civilizations ,but it isnt the case fuck off and polish my shoes hahaha

pay debnts, achmed

I agree 100% but modern spainards are closer to steers.steers are basically bulls but with No balls, as in they are being cucked. State of Europe is deplorable and Spain is one of the worst now.

Shut your filthy nigger mouth you unknowledgeable race-mixed civilisation praising monkey. You're filth that will be washed away like rocks when the Ice Age comes and after that a time of native european vengeance and salvation.

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Nigger your debt is in numbers I dont even know how to read

why is poland such a shithole tho? nearly all of poland look like russian slums.

When will you southrons realise that the high cats of the raxe mixed civilisations of the mediterranean area were in majority highly Nordid - native european. Only the pleb and the slaves were dark - and that's who you are the descendants of. Go type 'pigmentation of roman emperors for instance. Oh or maybe check how the mediterranean gods are described. Hmmmm I don't think even one of them was not blonde. And even out of that - there's nothing to be proud of in coming from a race mixed civilisation. Those populations achieved those things as they HAD TOO. They were race mixed, so they created an artificial means of survival that civilisation is. The same happened everywhere - indus valley, china, the middle east and southern Europe. Northern, purer europeans didn't create civilisation because they were much purer at that point so there was no need.

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none of you gypsies can read, subhuman

Inb4 he posts pictures of krakow


Lol gdp matters why exactly? And why would coming in second in EUROPE of all places be something worth bragging about. And such a pointless metric. I smell heebery afoot you judenstein show your true nose

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Nigger 20% of your population thinks chocolate milk comes from brown cows

This is some very cringe we wuz KANGZ reasoning



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Dude Im not gonna bother I have arged with 100s like you here , isnt it crazy that your place full of nords was basically shit all history and the few nords that were in south europe build the greatest civilizations at the time , righ no? more absurd than flat earth theory kiddo, study more and grow , you think like the kid you are


you're born of a cow, gypsy subhuman

Reed warbler for whites

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Indians = Guppies

>t. mongol/german rape baby

This is the truth, can't you accept it you're an ignorant fool that will remain in his delusion till the end. What do you think differentiates the southron mutts from the shitskin races? Their swarthy, dark haired and eyes all the same in great majority (not insulting the actual native europeans from southern europe). It's time for you to start praising the native european, ice age, Aryan (the rightful place of the word), White Nordid man.

Born of a cow and still whiter than you fucking creatura abominanta

>10% Chance of having light hair if you're Greek
Wtf? Am I a Slav then?

Lol no way dude. More like baby chickens.

For a knowledgeable, ultimately truth-pilled person like me what you say, meaning what terminology you use doesn't make sense to me whatsoever. First of all there is only 1 % SEA admixture in the entirety of Poland. Second of all the Germans on a racial level are no different from the polish population on average with the exception of southern Germany, that is liteally italian lvl mutt.