france is dead
let's expose the ugly rotten truth
Bonjour pol: /france/ fucked thread
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I saw a nigger a week ago
Release the gas
i saw at least 100 of them today (Live near Paris)
voulez vous coucher avec moi?
plot twist: they niggerify it anyway
france is a shithole full of french fucks
but it was our shithole full of french fucks
we could hold our noses and saunter around in the bubble of superior anglo
and the french peasants would dotingly fulfill our every whim with betacuck croissants and light gay pastries with their mellow summers and wine that they use to fuck their matronly wives
while the skank french lasses give it up to anglo cock
it was good
then they niggerified
and the niggers stole our beta class europeans from us
and made them poo class
this is terrible
Not even when I'm rolling through Dorchester do I see this magnitude of nigger.
Not gonna lie, lads. I was never a fan of the French, but this is really fuckin sad to see and I legitimately fell bad for you guys.
Thanks for your kind words.
But I say this as a white French : we are fucked.
I know its mostly all of Europe, but it's just insane here.
We are cucked to a point that puts us at the number 1 spot, way in front of everyone else.
the average white man is a leftist degenerate cuck, controlled by the jewish media and he votes consequently.
the average white women is a feminist princess thot, instagram & snapchat whore, mtv educated bitch loving the bbc, watches the jew reality tv show, and the niggers on the radio. she of course votes consequently...
we are fucked.. what else can i say....
Get a gun and plenty of ammo, the time will come.
The really sad thing is that it’s still going to become so much worse before it gets better. It’s going to to take civil wars and (((ethnic cleansing))) to reset the situation. All non whites must die or be removed... and that is a long was off, if at all.
Implying GB isn't muslimfied
>We are cucked to a point that puts us at the number 1 spot
everybody always says their country is the one thats the most cucked
What a great time for a couple chemical bombs
Sometimes I ear tourists speaking french and then turn around and see a pack of niggers. I see lots of french women with ugly niggers who seem unhappy and bored. How come you got so cucked?
i dont really know portuguese user, but for sure the (((media))) has been brainwashing people big time here for several generations.
Combine this with an anti christianity regime for 200 years and a jew friendly environment .... you know the rest....
it is very sad...
the only way to fix things is to kill people.
I think the most humane way to do it is a virus/bacteria that targets specific populations.
I want to start working on it
we're fucked indeed and everyone knows that, what's the point of the thread ?
Be careful.
Don't forget to continue bashing Christianity, preventing it by an means necessary, and to no reproduce and continue to be apathetic. Based atheist France bros.
plz someone turn that into an anime body pillow
Love will conquer all.
You are fucked, because you're weak.
But there's a silver lining, you were not made to live in 1939 France or 1789 France either, you are too weak and dumb, so you didn't lose anything by living in our times.
The nigger on the right was arrested for possession a few days later...
what happened? the fn seemed to have some support now it's like france has given up the ghost. is there no other nationalist movement?
t. Alberto Barbosa
FN is rising, we'll see the real numbers in the EU election in June
thx user
p much this
FN is full of incompetent tards.
Sorry sweeties that’s fake news
the FN is dumb as shit and as always been a puppet for whoever is in charge.
In the last presidential election they surfed on the anti-euro wave, but they were just acting, they have no backup plan after quiting the euro. They had nothing.
That dumb bitch Marine LePen, her whore niece and the faggot who runned the party at the time, had to admit they had no plan after abandonning the Euro as a currency, what kind of party is that?
>everybody always says their country is the one thats the most cucked
sweden never does
think about that for a sec xD
but the support they had was indicative of a desire for a nationalist idea, no? i remember the election and the lead up to it. you guys weren't so doom and gloom. now the attitude among french posters is just abysmal. it's disturbing.
yes and no, French are inconsistent and have no backbone.
France is the first socialist country and one of the first mediatic democracy, historically.
So we have generations after generations of French being just entitled NPC who want something one day and the opposite the other day.
People who put hope in the last election were uninformed or deluded, the "well meaning" crowd was always going to vote against Le Pen. But things are escalating steadily now and it will change
>candid photo of portuguese immigrants celebrating world cup win against France
Never give up, my friend. That is when you lose.