The interview that made him famous twitter.com/PeterCozy/status/1050774090808741888
On thot patrol twitter.com/RealVinceJames/status/1050042805551128576

>2nd round polls: BOLSONARO 64% X HADDAD 36% (Datapoder)
Bolsonaro vs. Haddad run-off will happen in October 28th.


Jair Bolsonaro is the front-runner in Brazil's presidential election. He is a conservative Christian, pro-gun, a former army captain, and the only candidate with no corruption charges against him. He's looking to modernise the lethargic Brazilian economy with the aid of UChicago economist Paulo Guedes. He wants to align Brazil's foreign policy with Western nationalist governments against the influence of China, Eurasianism and regional socialism (Venezuela and Cuba). He has a hard stance on crime and supports increasing the power of police forces and the army to tackle Brazil's drug and violence problems. Under heavy fire from the media and academia, with an extremely restricted campaign budget, and having survived an assassination attempt, Bolsonaro's presidential run is nothing short of extraordinary.

JB's antagonist in the presidential race is Fernando Haddad, a sociologist, former minister of education under Lula and former mayor of São Paulo. He's running for the left-wing Labour Party (PT) under the guidance of former president Lula, who is currently in prison after being convicted for corruption and money laundering. PT had been the ruling party in Brazil for 13 years, but is facing high rejection in the polls after a police investigation uncovered the largest known corruption scheme in Brazilian history, which PT architected.

Last thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Vocês perceberam que o Haddad confessou ontem que deveria ter disputado o segundo turno com Ciro?

Não teria sido esse o plano desde o inicio das eleições? Matar o Bolsonaro para que ficasse mais uma vez esquerda x esquerda?

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I'm still waiting for proof on the WhatsApp case, caixa 2 shit.

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Reminder not to reply the shills

>the absolute state of Brazilian police


This is the police that will somehow end criminality when Bolsonaro gets elected.

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O que é envio em massa? Colocar num grupo do zapzap dos apoiadores do Bolsonaro uma mensagem?

pica related

Waiting on SOLID PROOFS, not just ONE WHOLE PERSON saying that. Everything everywhere is quoting that one journalist. Where are the fucking proofs? (Isnt what they said when Squid got incarcerated? )

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Ele, que foge dos debates, não vai poder fugir da justiça', diz Haddad sobre denúncia contra campanha de Bolsonaro

O programa de rádio do candidato à Presidência do PT, Fernando Haddad, nesta sexta-feira (19) falou da denúncia apresentada pela Folha de que empresas estão comprando pacotes de disparos em massa de mensagens contra o PT no WhatsApp, prática ilegal, pois se trata de doação de campanha por empresas, vedada pela legislação eleitoral, e não declarada.

"Ele, que foge dos debates, não vai poder fugir da Justiça", afirmou.

Haddad diz que a reportagem mostrou que ao contrário do que diz o programa de seu adversário, a campanha de Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) não é pobre e investe milhões para propagar mentiras contra ele. A campanha do petista diz que vai pedir providências para que o grupo de empresários seja detido.

O horário eleitoral foi usado ainda para rebater notícias falsas sobre o chamado kit gay e fraude nas urnas eletrônicas no primeiro turno. A campanha também exibiu o depoimento de Maria Amélia de Almeida Teles, que foi torturada durante a ditadura militar pelo coronel Carlos Alberto Brilhante Ustra, e as declarações de Bolsonaro, que homenageou o militar ao votar o impeachment e defendeu o crime.

"Sou favorável a tortura, você sabe disso", diz Bolsonaro.

O programa do candidato do PSL foi o mesmo exibido na televisão na noite desta quinta-feira (19), destacando a atuação de José Dirceu no PT e o desemprego no país

They're really censoring a social media. Surely this won't enrage people.

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Hora de migrar do Whatsapp pro Actor...

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>PT electoral show

Attached: 2jzowp.jpg (650x370, 85K)

They even post at the same time with diferent IDs( look the two before your post, they posted at same time about the same thing), this is getting wierd. Seems like they are in the same room or aomething like that.

Reminder to ignore all the shills

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You dumbfuck. The news is that IF bolsonaro paid or got paid by 3rd parties for doing that.

We all know that there is 3rd parties doing mass sms/zap msgs.

Nada vai funcionar numa nação composta por pardos. A única coisa que esse povo adora é Daddy State ou dar uma de proto-anarquista.

MAVs and falseflaggers will get the free rides.
9 days left

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That's the police force from PT after 14 years.... dumbcunt.

So, anons, what are you planning to buy once Bolsonaro lowers import taxes and lowers the dollar close to 1-2 BRL?


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O PT é um partido de jacobinos

Conseguiram desviar todo o foco da defesa da pedofilia nos livros do Haddad com uma fake news da Folha de São Paulo

Esse partido é pior que a KGB

Attached: El Chupetinha.jpg (419x397, 26K)

>interior de São Paulo

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Bolosnaro is a tiozão, that's why he has support of tiozões e tiazonas all over Brasil

I never received and don't know anyone who ever received any kind of spam message through zapzap, this shit makes zero sense since people already spam political shit through zapzap groups for free.
Also the article doesn't say this action is related to Folha's fake news, I assume it isn't or else they would have mentioned it explicitly.

In a 1-10 scale, how worrisome is this?

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O eterno ítalo-paulista...

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Bolsonaro is fucked.


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0 for Bolso.
8 for free speech

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since whatsapp banned company spam accounts and bolsofilho account was banned too, it may be one of those glorious times when bolsofilho needlessly exposes himself and fuck up things even harder

Só um tapa na cara de quem acha que vai erradicar a hegemonia da esquerda através de eleições desse teatro de "democracia".

You didnt read did you? 14 years of PT = Presidency.

What can you expect when the president dont pass on resources to invest on the police force?

Zero. Its just desperate petistas blowing accusations out of their asses

O PT é um partido de pirocas
*sees haddad pic holding a dildo*

Reminder to never answer shills. They are pic related.

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Why aren't shills spamming the Vox Populli poll, the one that somehow has completely different results

Tava por fora do mundo político por um tempo, decidi me atualizar aqui. É sério que a esquerda quer censurar o whatsapp? O aplicativo MAIS USADO E, INDISCUTIVELMENTE, MAIS IMPORTANTE NA VIDA DO AVERAGE JOHN BRASILEIRO?
Rolando no chão rindo, familia.

Emilio is taking the piss and trying to get her to sperg out, love him.

because of this

Ja tão banindo kkkkkkkk

"Broadcast". É que nem aquelas mensagens que a operadora manda como notificação para o seu celular. Ou marketing por SMS.

They want to regulate it, so that it can't be used to spread lies


1. Too little, too late. But probably WhatsApp will be a less fun place in 2020. I hope I can still say "viado" on it.

Yes, and if this happens you can change to Telegram

>Dizendo que o app do BK não é o mais importante

Pra derrotar a esquerda é preciso um trabalho de 24 horas por dia pelos próximos 15 anos
Enquanto Haddad estava sendo massacrado no Pânico o quartel general dos jacobinos já estava preparando a operação "Caixa 2" com a Folha de São Paulo e TSE


I told you guys.
It doesn't matter if Bolsonaro is 20 points ahead.
They will make sure Brazil stays red.

There's no hope. You guys already lost. I know it's painful, but

Melhor jair se acostumando.

You mean censor it

Zero since it purely hinges on a bogus Folha article written by a confessed PT voter.

You can read PT's judicial action, it has zero evidence, talks about bolsonaristas hacking PT supporters with trojan horses and unironically quotes "boatos.org".

It's a desperate attempt at scaring TSE judges.

Rapazes, a doutrina social do fascismo é excelente, mas o projeto econômico é muito Keynes.
O correto é utilizar a doutrina social fascista e o modelo econômico liberal internamente, no entanto, utilizando o protecionismo para proteger e desenvolver nossa indústria.


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PTistas safadas on suicide watch veja.abril.com.br/blog/radar/lula-admite-derrota-de-haddad/

>It's a desperate attempt at scaring TSE judges.
Actually the left will spend the next 4 years screaming Bolsonaro won the election with "Caixa 2"

There is no democracy with leftist parties

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He's barely 6 points ahead. And yesterday's news plus the fact that he won't debate changed everything.

It's a matter of time before Haddad surpasses him in the polls.

best part was that they assumed they have their own WhatsApp groups for their own propaganda.

Which one of you guys did this?

>Seems like they are in the same room or aomething like that.

We're in the same bed actually.

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Toda essa preocupação da grande midia com "fake news" é um plano de fundo pra censurar midia alternativas na internet / redes sociais.

Eles vão começar a taxar todos influenciadores de direita na internet como "fake news" pra justificar a censura (ja tem esquerdista idiota clamando por essa censura sem saber que vai afetar ele tambem).

Attached: fact-checking.jpg (1280x960, 127K)

PT wouldn't file a lawsuit if they didn't have further proof. THey just didn't want to reveal their hand too son. TSE will investigate and find everything. Bolsonaro is fucked.

is what's app stupid? it will lose total space in Brazil. People on twitter are shilling Telegram and creating group chats already.

You don't accuse before having evidence, retard. It's the other way around.

We now tiozões do tele

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>PT wouldn't file a lawsuit if they didn't have further proof

>They want to regulate it, so that it can't be used to spread lies
t. party that enacted countless state-wide fearmongering fake news about assistencialism for almost two decades

That’s what you guys are saying since the start of the election, though.

What’s next? Going to say “Here’s 10 ways how Andrade can still be president despise Bolso’s victory” on jan 1, 2019?

TSE doesnt investigate.

MPE investigate... and they already said they wont.

My guess is that Olavo will take a permaban from Facebook only because of this. Btw, I've just bought "O Imbecil Coletivo"

Mais dessa negrinha gostosa?

Did you guys see whats happening with Intros Foda?


Attached: Press_F_for_Intros_foda.jpg (540x960, 59K)


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You mean decide what people can and cannot post. Censorship. Glad that you agree, MAV shill.

Even if he wins, he will envetually be disqualified by TSE. It's the truth, just accept it.

How much you guys get paid to shill? i need some extra money, im interested.
if you're doing it for free lmao

Shill removal inbound
>Shill removal inbound
Shill removal inbound
>Shill removal inbound
Shill removal inbound
>Shill removal inbound

Attached: Willie Pete.jpg (1024x768, 93K)

Quick reminder to everyone.

PT pays people to shitpost!






AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Fucking shill, dont you know 360 is more based than yourself?

reply with glub glub now

lmao what what's app expected doing so?

Translate please?


Yeah, there’s really no talking to you guys. I hope president Bolsonaro is kind enough to looks after your commie asses though.

PT tactics

1) Kill him: failed
2) Ex-wife controversy: failed
3) #Elenão: failed
4) Nazi false-flag: Failed

Now they are blaming whatsapp for electing him

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>PT wouldn't file a lawsuit if they didn't have further proof
Where were you this past 4 years?

Even the losers from antagonista have said that pt has more evidence. They are extremely worried.

the obvious fake accusation will not be investigated because there's literally not a shred of evidence

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TSE are the judges for the electoral body of the govt.

MPE is the attorney general, the ones that investigate and presses charges/lawsuits to the TSE.

The news says that the MPE wont investigate the case. That means TSE will judge based on 3rd parties lawsuites only. Which the PT party has filed, but it has 0 evidences.

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News networks and internet giants slowly but surely censoring the internet, a recently leaked Google slideshow shows how they are justifying censorship by throwing everything they don't like under the "hate speech" and "fake news" umbrellas.

There's a war going on between "traditional" services like Twitter and Whatsapp and uncensored platforms like Gab and Telegram, the ones with more money and influence try as hard as possible to drive people away from the open platforms by saying they are used by terrorists and nazis and whatnot.

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No, they haven't.

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The PT fears the Tiozão

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