Full blooded Ashkenazi jew here. Some people on Jow Forums seem to think that our condition is due to our genetics...

Full blooded Ashkenazi jew here. Some people on Jow Forums seem to think that our condition is due to our genetics, and I'd like to shed some light on the subject. Ask me anything.

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Can you type "thou shall not covet"?

How did you get involved with Harry Potter? Were you a prisoner there?

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Are you a sociopath?

If you had to kill all other Jews or kill all Americans, which would you do?

>thou shall not covet

I like most jews can feel empathy, especially for those of our kind. I do however seem inclined to manipulate others for my own pleasure, benign or not. I naturally hated gentiles from a young age, not just because of their mannerisms but because of how easy they were to manipulate. Friendly puppets just waiting for me to pull the strings. Jews don't have this mindset. And I do think it's somewhat genetic and not all cultural, as I know many atheist jews who share these traits.

this picture makes me happy :>

Could you get a better job just by playing the jew card on your jew brothers?

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Stop encouraging this shi right now

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Youre being manipulated, not others.

Creepy face.

Follow up question
Would you scam other jews if it would mean that you would survive?

That depends on which branch of Judaism we're talking about. Orthodox can burn.

I'd choose the Americans. Before the Americans we had the British, and before them the Germans. There's always a dumb goy waiting to be used.

tfw also jewish atheist and seeing my own autism reflected back in this poster

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>we are different human races
>we come from cromagnions, they come from neaderthals
>they are noctural beasts who hunt cromagnon and eat them
>cromagnon recruits wolfs to help protec from vamp neanderthals
>blabla its not that jews have a "blood defect" more like they didnt have a need for it, they got it from they preys blood,

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Humans aren't "waiting for you to pull the strings". They're simply being polite. You'd find out that most are just stringing you along and will sell you out on the last step of your plan if you tried to manipulate them more. How hard is it to follow you home and find out where you live? You ever have a gun in your face? I love when I catch a wiff of manipulation from somebody. I play along all the better.

I am an atheist jew (70%), and I don’t share any of your traits nor do I identify as Jewish. I’m not anti jew either, or pro-gentile, but I see this Jewish behavior for what it is. LARPing, pure and simple. And Jews like you have fallen prey to the attention you feel when you get hatred from gentiles, it makes you feel like you are part of an ingroup. Jewishness is a spook.

OP is larping, but the truth is that greedy people hurt themselves in the process of stealing. And resent is always a reflection of how you feel about yourself.

Of course.

Well lets see, we control every single country on earth save for Iran and NK, and have absolute power beyond what our puppets do (Trump). I'd say you are waiting to be pulled on my strings. And if you aren't there are 10 more goys that will.

You probably have a gentile for a mother. You aren't Jewish.

>Well lets see, we control every single country on earth save for Iran and NK

Then how come you can't control a pesky cuban cigar rolling board

>And I do think it's somewhat genetic and not all cultural, as I know many atheist jews who share these traits.

It's kind of tough to separate genetics from culture, but I've met plenty of Jews who aren't sociopaths. My theory is that the sociopathic/secular/right wing Jewish personality archetype is all connected to the Jewish community that developed in New York City before World War 2, when being Jewish was still very much not cool and we had to learn how to be great liars and take advantage of stupid people.

I have Jewish ancestors on both sides of my family. If you unironically believe that only a Jewish mother can make someone Jewish, then you’re retarded and can not grasp basic genetics. The laws invented by rabbis hundreds of years ago are utterly irrelevant and have no bearing on reality. Like every other ethnic group, it’s genes are passed through both parents, as defined by fucking biology.

Come on man- it's a fucking one of the 10 commandments, you fucking talmud satanic nigger. Type it, fake jew.

>we control
Go knock on some Rothchilds door, tell them you're Jewish and see if they let you in.
YOU don't control shit.

Jews hate europeans because they understand without them they are nothing, the world doesn't build itself and economic speculation must be supported by actual physical work. Jews are traitorous rats and infiltrators, so it's of no suprise that a kike would like to fantasize about not being a kike, their natural alligeances only come out when war comes, which is why people like you, those that could possibly be said as having a good heart, are irrelevant to the overall kikery your people display. It is within your genetic code as is anyone elses, the betterment of your species, now what happens when a people is not genetically homogeneous?
Whites have always outperformed, controlled, and put the beating on jews, so again, not a suprise when people larp about controlling dumb whithey

This confirms it
Jews are not tribal by genetics or culture
They are NPCs programmed to fear anything non jewish
Remove the threat to the individual jew and will become the greatest threat to his genetic lineage.

My ancestors understood this very well

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Hi Jared.

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We've successfully created a board of incel gay NAZI larpers.

I highly doubt it's because of New York, seeing as these practices go back to the Talmud.

Struck a nerve did I mischling?

So you admit that we indeed control it?

No. They. You, you are worthless slime.

How much of the IQ difference between Whites and Jews is the result of Jewish upbringing? Historically, Jews have placed great importance on the cultivation of intellectual skills, which has been shown to affect one’s IQ in the long run. All the Jews I’ve met have always been classically trained in something, whether it be an instrument, speaking another language fluently, etc. whereas all the White people I’ve met (while comparable in raw intelligence) are much less likely to be classically trained in anything.

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Jews are actually by far the least NPCs of all humans, except for the Orthodox.

Cleverness is in our DNA, I'll give you that.

>We've successfully created a board of incel gay NAZI larpers.

It's not the first time you collaborate with nazis, is it?

What do you think of circumcision?

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As long as you're not anti-white, you're alright.

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I already told you I don’t identify as Jewish. Your refusal to admit that I’m Jewish is indication that I’VE struck a nerve, not the other way around. I am perfectly happy to not be considered jewish, but the fact of the matter is that I am primarily Jewish ethnically. This is just a biological fact. Denying this is like denying the fact that there are two genders or that race is real. The reason this pisses you off so much is because my very existence shows that your identity is a weak spook.

The Golden Bulle from 1356 and Hitlers Capos prove it. Soros is the current example of Jews being the original NPCs

Training in instruments is very good for increasing IQ. I can play the piano for instance. I think it has less to do with upbringing and more to do with genetics though. We are good with numbers and make the best bankers. There is a reason we gained so much power in Europe. Think who the best mathematicians are?

If you see somebody unconscious on the road and nobody else is around, do you?

a) call 911 immediately

b) steal his wallet

c) rape

d) all of the above

oh and of course not to forget the Romans fucking you over greatly by programming individual Jews to fuck you over. And of course the Egyptians using individual jews to enslave the rest of the jews

I wouldn't care to save his life, and I wouldn't seek doing anything stupid like stealing from him. I'd be far more likely to just walk past as if nothing has happened. Besides, we cannot touch the dead.

Jews are not clever, they are just sociopathic NPCs, easy to program

The best mathematicians, artists, athletes, inventors, etc are all white goy. You get by on our kindness and humanity. The fire is rising again moshe, you will feel the pain of your ancestors.

Jews don’t hate Europeans anymore than Europeans hate Jews, try to keep in mind that the majority of Jews and gentiles are completely bluepilled and a-political, and have no such opinions one way or the other. Just like the vast majority of white gentiles are irrelevant nobodies, so are the vast majority of Jews. OP is LARPing as being a “Jew in power” because this is the one place he could actually do it and have his LARP validated.

Jews are not “my people”. I don’t say this to make you think I’m an ally or that “I’m not like the others”, I don’t care if you think that or not. I say that because I genuinely don’t give a shit about other Jews just because they are Jews. I have no ethnic tribal instinct. It’s just not there. I realize this makes me an outlier and that most Jews and gentiles alike have a tribal instinct, but I don’t. I couldn’t care less if Jews went extinct, or if whites did. I just hope whites don’t go extinct before I die because they make nice countries, the best countries, and the best societies. I also don’t really have anything against whites, I just don’t have a tribal identity one way or the other.

>Think who the best mathematicians are?

Pythagoras? Euler? Gauss? Newton? Fermat? Turing? Fibonacci? Boole? How is this relevant?

I really wonder and jokes aside, why does the whole world hates Jews, it can't be because you allegedly killed Jesus or because of your greed but why did Hitler did what he did and why have you been banned from almost every place?

This. The divine spark of altruism and love of life in the heart of the white man is the ONLY reason Jews have any power at all.
They are the opposite in every way.

All the best mathematicians (Von neumann for example) were coddled and groomed from a very young age to get the most out of their natural talents. While I’m sure some (and probably most) of it is genetic, it’s difficult for a potentially prodigious country bumpkin hoeing fields to get the most out of his talents.

You are speaking out of your ass now. We dominate in finance fields despite being 2% of the population and no it's not nepotism you know we're smarter but you won't admit it. Who is Einstein? Who is the majority of the world chess players? Who are the best composers?

Oh that's right, us. All the white you outnumbered us 1000-1. If we outnumbered you 1000-1 you'd be hopeless.

Do you have a genetic disease?
Do you consider yourself religious?

How do you feel about the 3rd Reich and what they did to your kind?

As an full blooded Ashkenazi, are you willing to admit that you are not in any way related to actual Semites?

you never dominated in finance, not today, not ever. All it was is again clever goys from specific lineages using your gentic sociopathic npcdome to enslave you. and you are falling again for it

Oh no Moshe, it is nepotism. You also do not outnumber us 1000-1 and you never will. I live in reality, you should try it. Best composers? You must be joking.

Do you use Fed money?

I don't think it because Jews are smarter. I'd say better organized and a little less inclined to morality to others.

Top kek, you are the Jewish version of some white hick subhuman claiming some kind of connection to the achievements of better men. You are a fucking nobody. An irrelevant jew with a weak identity based on being hated.

whats your stance on the 2nd amendment?

Wouldn't a "dominate" mind of finance bring a nation to prosperity instead of borrowing money at interest from an international banking cartel and plunging it into debt slavery? Your people do the latter.

What's your honest thought on the paganism/christianity debate?

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be clever. let him believe he is the real deal
just trigger him a bit
A sociopath will always fuck over his own if he feels secure enough

based and redpilled

This is 100% a dumb fucking larper

What about the best chess player ever being an antisemitic goy

Yet it wasn't your people who created civilization.
You don't reproduce as much as we used to, you don't innovate if you don't have to.
Those of you who actually hold power are perfectly fine ruling a stagnating world, if you win, you'll be the downfall of humanity, as we will cease to exist once this planet burns to ashes, if we don't turn to other planets.
And if we go to those other planets, chances are that your kind will be on the multicultural chopping block, becoming mixed race like all the rest are.
I don't care for race, I only care for progress, and pseudo-aristocrats are in the way.

How many children does it take to consecrate a new synagogue?

Does one have enough blood or do you murder several

I 100% guarantee you gave me a weeks supply of (you)s.

>Who is Einstein?
Neither a gentleman nor a scholar.

Also, if you earn/hoard the money used to enslave the goyim, you're in for the ride downhill together with all of the bastards here you despise. Don't get high on your own supply; real masters do not use money.

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Jews: "We are superior than Christians because we don't try to make people convert to our ways."

Also Jews: "Being a Jew means you're an exclusive ultra-special chosen being of God."

You can't have a religion telling you you're only special and better than everyone else for following that religion and then claim it's because you aren't "pushy goyim". You guys are at the bottom of the hierarchy are just conceded dickwads. Jews at the top are satanic child rapists. Honestly I don't care about you or your religion and don't want to kill every jew personally, but I do think we should kill every satanic ritualist and child rapist regardless of jew heritage.

Nothing upsets me more than being lied to and for me not being able to detect it. like I wasn't smart enough to detect a lie.

Lying is a mark of self-awareness and the awareness of other states of mind, and yet at the same time it is ironically immoral. Its like it is noble and evil at the same time.

So I don't know why it pisses me off. I just hate liars. Jews lie almost as a part of their fucking culture.

So I hate Jews. I hate Jews and their culture. And I want to see them burn. I want to beat them at their own game. Lie to them more than they lie to me. Betray them at the last moment. Murder them in a fury. Get away with it, like they do. I am becoming anti-Jewish. Clearly not even that is original. Jews talk about "muh-Anti-semetism" all the time. So there must've been people like me in the past, who did some real damage to Jews, so that Jews everyday fear the Anti-Semite, who is constantly aware of them, obsessively attentive of them, always working towards their destruction. Because I feel that way. I wanna know all the signs of lying. The itch on your nose when the blood rushes to your head because you feel the stress of not telling the truth. One scratch and ill know. Ill be paying attention for the rest of your life. And what about the very Sociopathic person, who doesn't get those physiological markers when they lie? Harder to tell but I am always afraid that they will beat me, so I keep trying. And I can't turn this off. Cause when I win and I'm chewing you up, and I just keep chewing and chewing, just know that I am not going to stop because it tastes good like how an infant is shaped by his first meal. Because you Jews are an acquired taste, and obsession that I cannot turn off. You are a job that needs to be complete. I am too autistic to leave a job half done. I wanna purify the world by removing you, so that I can begin another challenge. I need you to be done so that I can start living, anxiously searching for the most efficient way.

To expend more on jews being just sociopathic NPCs.

Holocaust remembrance was never really directed at the goy. Just dumb goy believe it anyway and are influenced by it, mostly goys with some tainted jewish blood. It was always directed at jews, creating a feeling that they are under an existential threat, so they hold together and don't do what they always do, fuck each other over.

This has to be pushed more. The holocaust is the religion of the modern jew.

>t. kike
bam found the real kike
Jow Forums is unironically ~1/3 kikes. Typically under the US flag.

It is an absolute quantifiable fact that jews are in these positions because of nepotism. An immense amount of man-hours is wasted just to get a young jew up to par with the competition, and then they are appointed their slot.

Einstein STOLE the work hes known for from people who applied for patents in the patent office he worked at.

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I don't know Einstein personally, so I won't talk shit about him and his heritage, but you gotta ask yourself if he wouldn't have stifled research on quantum mechanics, since he thought of his findings ( which where a huge advancement and archievement) as absolute.
White people are way to fucked up right now to produce a imaginative genius.
The smartest of us are checking out and flee /innawoods/ like Kascinsky did, or waste their precious time with mundane things or on the internet. The cultural upbringing that traditional ashkenazi families uphold (While propagating degeneracy to the masses) is beneficial for the mind and soul of prodigies.
White Autists are currently our only shot i think. But If jewish press can slander a nasa scientists image to pieces for wearing a controversial shirt, discrediting actually valid findings that contradict established paradigms in science shouldn't be too difficult.

They are blind to their own manipulation by Satan because they choose to be. Sins of the father.

Feel free to share it with your muslim brothers.
And give it more historical context by pointing out,
that prior to them being thrown out of Palestine by the Romans
all they did was trying to scam other Jews.
Giving the individual Jew even the slightest chance to profit individually kills the tribe.
Trump seems to understand this.
The most dangerous threat to a Jew is and has always been other Jews

There's a book called Saint Einstein, it's quite a hefty read though and I haven't read much of it so far. jrbooksonline.com/PDF_Books/SaintEinstein.pdf

Lel I'm from the biblebelt not from the s(t)inking randstad.
Also I'm wondering if the Jew, like the goyim, will not just lash out against the messenger when attempting to wake them up.

Please don't use the nice grill to shitpost.

The jew is easy. Give him a way to profit from it.
Isn't the amount of jewish right wing jewtube celebs
prove enough that they will not. That if they can even just press
one super chat out of the goy, they will deny the Holocaust

Conflating the advantages of concentrated wealth gained through usury and nepotism with real achievement based on skill.
You are lost. There is a Shepard who will find you and bring you into the flock. But you must first seek him. Please remember this when you finally come to the realization that you are in need of redemption.
May the Lord bless and keep you.

nice larping faggot.

what's wrong with Orthodox?
can you explain thought process in your mind, when you see dumb retard waiting to be manipulated? maybe some IRL greentext story

How do you look? Typically jewish? Eye/hair color, body mass, height? Skull index if I may ask?

Except it’s its always the goyim who are expected to shell out hard earned money and bend over backwards to accommodate the holocaust industry/lobby.

The holocaust industry has long reached its market saturation. With the last "survivors" dying
and the bad marketing and questions that would be generated by bringing in the second guard
it is a field with practically no growth potential. Do you really think the Jews in Europe are joining right wing
movements in droves is because they won't to subvert them. No all they want is to be the first profiting
from a market that has giant growth potential, even if it fucks up other jews in the long run

How do you feel about the manipulation of gentiles in regards to the holocaust industry? Do most jews know deep down about the fabrication and flat out lies about several of "official" claims and just go along with it because it benefits the tribe and helps to subvert america and europe? Or, as has been demonstrated by several prominent historians and scholars, do your people engage in self deception in regards to the "shoah" like so many other aspects of their behavior such as not being able to understand why expulsion of your people/state sanctioned "antisemitism" has been necessary to maintain a nations health. Surely if you have done any of your own research into the "holocaust" you have seen the real history. Or do you and your people just put the blinders on because it results in inconvenient truths that unravel the "official" narrative. Also, are you able to objectively see that this "official" narrative of ww2 is a projection, as your people and movements led by them have been responsible for far more deaths and genocide/crimes against humanity than any european people have against you?

Now that I think about it, this makes a lot of sense. Jews are the true npcs, operating on an almost collective consciousness, like the lemmings that follow (((their))) msm for their thoughts, jews follow the same line of thinking.

>Some people on Jow Forums seem to think

people on /pol stopped thinking 2 years ago.
You have failed to analyze this place correctly.
They know the reason behind our success is intelligence, but the coping mechanism is too strong.
Even if you spin it into nepotism - nepotism doesn't work long term without intelligence, those who are selected into "positions of power" through nepotism still need to have the skill set to maintain that position and be successful in it.
no matter how the brain tries to cope, the final answer has to be intelligence regardless. even if you're evil you must be intelligent.

I trust the typical goy here is not as brain dead as we engineered them to want to be, so they understand the situation, as much as a sheep can that is. but coping mechanisms that existed even in their ancestors mind have passed on to the offspring, who simply. can't. compete.

Ironically smart non-jews realised this and employed jews in positions of power only to be rewarded with success.

Stay woke faggots. It's Friday and I should be having a christian slut jumping on my beautiful circumcised dick (like she was engineered to via porn).

I agree.
The die is cast.
I’m just saying that while it’s primary purpose may have been, as you said, to keep wayward jews paranoid and compliant, economically it can’t sustain the work that it does without money extorted from whites

sure thing.
All it was, was a way to keep the yid together by making him paranoid. If the yid would be a clever animal, he would have used a more long term strategy, but those that made money with needed to go all out for the short term. Shit is already dying after not even a century. where goy profit from traditions several centuries old.

>best composers

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The Jewish dominance is so fragile. If DJT our any subsequent president decided to release the 28 pages, Israel would become Libya overnight.
You HAVE to grease the palms of the white man to exist, otherwise your lies would be exposed and you'd be left to the wolves.
The white man has to tick and pay nobody. The white man does nothing to naturally sew hate.
Yes, you're technically in power but you can be undone so easily and your numbers are so small.
For every Jewish born, ten goy are born and ten more are taught the truth.
We are waking up.
Feel that tightness in your chest?
That's doubt, giving way to fear.
Do you think we'll even leave 1 alive next time we turn on you?

I will absolutely give you that the jews that have control over the media and academia are smarter than the average lemming that allows himself to be influenced by these sources. But the people here who see you for what you are absolutely not the average lemming, and you know this or you wouldn't be here shitposting. And it's not just nepotism, you're right. The goyim have allowed themselves to be taken advantage of by a clever people who have the strongest ethnic networking of any tribe. With this cohesiveness, it was easy for jewish scholars to only cite other jewish scholars, media moguls and the most prominent (((newspapers))) would only promote positive images of jews and only hire or work with good goys, and politically speaking, virtue signal to what used to be a white christian majority in regards to immigration reform and policy for the middle east by falsely seizing the moral high ground muh wwjd you filthy goyim.

Threaten Israel is retarded from a strategic pov
Give the yid the impression he has nothing to fear and he will start doing stupid shit destroying his own base of power. Soros vs. Isarel best jewish on jewish weakening since years

I am absolutely not surprised you don't want to even touch this one OP.

What is your weakness, inbred half demon? Silver daggers? Are you self-aware enough to realize you are an error of nature and life?

If the 28 pages were released, Americans would demand a cut of diplomatic ties to Israel and the moment the nation's surrounding Israel learn they lost US support, they'd decided upon them with delight, hand in hand.
And if they didn't, the US would.

You fucktards gave Israel nukes
and such a move would trigger worldwide jewish unity. Do anybody is interested in uniting jews beside jews. Not really, conquer and divide

They're already united. And they have nukes but they don't have hypersonic multi warhead ICBMs.
But we do.

no not really, what holds the jews together is the imagined threat by holocaust mythology and to a certain extend the arab threat to Israel. For the latter is weakening day by day, as lefty npc don't like Isarel and gladly pay, which is used by individual jews, banned from Isarel. The rise of rightwingers and another slightly anti semit community paying other jews is dividing them even more