Imagine if he wins

imagine if he wins

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No, NDP are incompetent fucktards right now.

I hope that Conservatives get a majority.

We are kidding ourselves if we think that anyone but Trudeau is gonna win, he is gonna get all the lazy stoners to go vote and win a majority again.


>sicks r bro tier bro

imagine if he wins

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He has 40% of NDP voters support, and NDP has maybe 15% popularity federally, you do the math.

poo man isn't getting anywhere near that job.

If he was leader of any other party he'd already be removed for being so ineffective. I still expect it to happen before the election; surely the NDP staffers/MPs realize they're doomed with him at the helm.

the new nafta will make up for the pipeline debacle and the weed thing

I don't know who this is but he looks like a very strong horse to me.

why is Poland so into Canada these days?
also, nice ID. "I so sav".

canada has a lot of poles in the durham region. my high school in oshawa was like 90% polish

Still a globalist. Anyone to supports free trade is.

There's no way. We actually need Dogmeat to poll highrt to siphon off more Lib support and offset any con votes lost to Mad Max.

How's that Dairy farmer cock taste?

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better than Trudeau, though the bar is quite low to begin with

Indian Keanu Reeves

Indian Keanu Reeves

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Sikhs are cunts. They only look after one another.

We had this one asshole PC organizer who would turn out bus loads of rag heads to nomination meetings to get whoever paid him elected as candidate.

t. PC Ontario organizer

Legal street pooing while your dog gives you a BJ with a joint in your hand and human flesh in your mouth.

thank you for visiting Canada.

why is my local PPC group full of shitskins and tranny loving race mixers...

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You going to the convention in Toronto in Nov? Would love some of that boipussy.

They're dumb enough to think the People's Party is communist. Max's plan is working! Canada will be great again!

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Says a lot about Canada that even the populist right is fully multicultural.

see: Faith for Toronto canvassers.jpg

Canada's choices in this upcoming election: jews or poos
A lose-lose!

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The only way he wins is if he gets the electoral reforms passed. You know, the reason many people voted for him.

probably not, I looked at my constituency and they are degenerates. this country is kiked bros. but maybe actually just for some swag.
kek, this is true. people are that fixated on the name. national socialist would have been more fitting desu.
99% certain she is a jew, but there's no way she could win while being blacklisted like she is even if I did vote for her. funny how even the (((Rebel))) wont touch her anymore.

This is the very tactic hitler used with his choice of party name, based

Sikhs always seemed chill guys, but I wonder, if he gets high place up in the office, will he fuck children and become warmonger? Like, how those Sikhis look like merged with modern elitist politics?

Feeling Max energy in this thread. Post some memes.

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I bet you come from one of those "have not" provinces that need support so they dont starve.

Here's a crazy idea, why import when we can produce it. Provide jobs, more tax income plus strengthens our sovereignty. But who cares because we may get shitty milk for 20 cents less.

>He has 40% of NDP voters support, and NDP has maybe 15% popularity federally, you do the math.
Mad Max is going to steal so much of the NDP base.

People think Bernier's just splitting the Conservatives, but he has come out and called the Conservative Party corrupt and subject to business interests, which is the main objection a lot of NDP and even Liberal followers have to the CP.

The Liberals and NDP have shown total disloyalty to the white majority of Canada. The new People's Party is going to win in a landslide.

Plus Andrew is also a cuck to global markets. There are no nationalist parties, only lesser cucks.

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I'm going to assume you have no idea how the economy works. Oh well, better keep 10 000 farmers happy while millions of Canadians have to pay more.

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PPC will take Montreal and 243 seats. Voting rights will be amended.

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Polish services activated agents to help PPC win seats.

>conservative going down
how, why, what, fucking leaf

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All the parties are going down while the PPC (Purple) is going up. We're gonna make it, Czech user

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Um no. Keanu Reeves is hot

Yep he is winning.


Dumb fuck.,

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Nice digits. Scheer confirmed as dumb queer

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Reminder that everyone shilling this guy are trying to split the right wing vote.

When will this split the right meme stop?

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Make party line friendly memes and they will be shared in official Twitter and Facebook pages

>party line friendly memes

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because he is. all fringe parties are founded by the opposition and (((them))) to disrupt and divide a country.
but please, vote for him. enjoy more Trudeau because you were dumb enough to vote.

nice try memeflag, you're jewish

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Jews are now attempting to blend in by pretending to blame Jews. I like this timeline. Soon (((They))) will learn to hate themselves.

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All latest polls have PPC at less than 1.5% of support.

Don't post those outdated misleading surveys.

libs got their weed lmao. now people will be switching to pc, and some to bernier.
>believing (((cbc))) liberal funded polls

i would like to put his beard on fire