Here is a Quick Rundown on Virginia for the midterms for anyone who might not be aware
Was red for years and years before turning blue for Obama in 2008. Government workers living in DC suburbs turned blued it up. However, it is still possible to take back the state !
>Senate: Tim Kaine (D) vs Corey Stewart
>Tim Kaine:
>Hillary’s sidekick in 2016, got destroyed by Pence at the primaries, became governor of Virginia and later Senator despite looking and acting like a cross between child molester and teacher’s pet
>relies on government workers from Northern Virginia, felons, and illegal immigrants to win
>Corey Stewart:
>smeared as being “alt-right” (which means he’s almost certainly /ourguy/)
>smeared for his praise for Paul “can’t hide my power level” Nehlen when he was challenging Paul Ryan; denounced him after he revealed his power level
>hard worker, travels all around Virginia to campaign and speak to people directly and answer their questions
>Republican Party hasn’t won statewide in Virginia since 2009, though they’ve always ran establishment cucks. For 2018, we are trying something DIFFERENT
>strong on immigration and all the important issues,_2016
Corey must get turnout in those red counties as high as possible. If Tim Kaine gets mediocre turnout from Hillary 2016 voters and Stewart gets super high turnout from Trump 2016 voters, WE CAN WIN THIS
Volunteer, meme, donate
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