There's nothing wrong with Feminism

We are no longer living in the middle ages. There's no need to have woman in their traditional roles, like cooking a dinner in the Kitchen. Our modern society of the twenty first century can afford Feminism and independent women. Feminism wouldn't be so popular if it was impractical in our age.

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re women even human?

The main difference between humans and animals is culture and civilization.

Since it’s nearly exclusively men who create culture and civilization, ask yourself: are women really human?

In the long cultural and civilizational history of mankind, women have been near-worthless despite being pampered and privileged. They hardly ever composed noteworthy songs nor did they build skyscrapers or satellites

Even today, nearly everything women accomplish is only accomplished with the help of men or in a team with men.

Their main contribution to culture remains singing.

Their main contribution to civilization remains cleaning.

Their main contribution to society remains giving birth.

Thus it’s a legitimate question. Are women human? And if so at what ratio? 3 percent human, 97 percent animal?

Shouldn’t women therefore be deprived of all human rights and instead be governed by legislation concerning domestic animals? Isn’t that what they are essentially?

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Always quick on the scene....

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posting in a containment bread

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>can afford
We can afford it but it's a liability nevertheless.

Why do women need men to become more feminine to become our equals? They blame toxic masculinity which is supposed to be taught to young boys from a young age, totally disregarding all science that would suggest men and women are different and have different ambitions and like different things.
Feminism is as retarded as religion.

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most are TERFS, they don't want men to become feminine, they want men to become human

are men not human?

The ones that come here to bitch about feminist journalists and retarded whores could put more effort into not acting like retarded horny chimps, pushing religion and then complaining about the welfare state in another thread.

wtf I love slowly dying out with muh 1.7 fertility rate now

Said like a true woman.

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that woman has nothing in common with you ethnically as far as you know larper

>pointing out hypocrisy
>only women can do this
sure thing guy

You clearly don't understand the NPC meme.

Fuck off bitch kike

>could put more effort into not acting like retarded horny chimps, pushing religion and then complaining about the welfare state
Nice generalisation, turbo faggot.

>Doesn't believe in toxic masculinity

Eternal anglo

>people who do this
learn to READ fags

So you agree with his dementia?

go on then....give me the scientific rundown of what toxic masculinity is. There has to be piles of evidence since this is being taught to young boys in schools these days, surely you have a never ending cache of data to back this up?

Until women are equally willing to approach men, be the bread winner, have fair distribution of property in divorce court, give up all of their societal advantages such as affirmative action, etc. feminism can never work. And believe me, as a person into gentle femdom I would like it to work. It's just not reality.

Also when feminism starts pushing for women to be trades people, work on fixing the roads, laying electrical cables, water pipes building houses. Until women contribute equally to society they won't be treated equally.

it's a subjective term used by people who are barely literate and only know how to convey their ideas through buzzwords

the faggot redpill dad from American Beauty is a good example to use, guys masquerading as men and beating up on their wives and kids after they whack it to gay porn in their grug-caves

They are called criminals. You get those in female form too.

Oh wait I get it now. Women who break the law only do it because men oppress them, and men oppress women because we aren't taught to talk about our feelings as children so we grow up angry?
Women lash out at society because of oppressive men and the patriarchy? I get it now!!

Really? An equal number of violent crimes shared between men and women?

Men are the more aggressive of the sexes due to evolution, hence why we tend to be more violent, be involved in violent crime and become criminals. Wow, case solved.

I know most of you guys just hate feminism because your mother/sister/ex gf/professor is a dumb cunt and you have barely any point of reference for knowing even basic female anatomy but don't pretend you don't chimp out on the regular over retarded thots most self-respecting people don't even give the time of day.

o b s e s s e d

Haven't you tried to do some research yourself? fucking retard

You would experience Toxic masculinity if you were born in a Muslim country as a feminine male (Yes, not all men are born masculine and it is natural), but you autist were born in a first world developed country, which no longer lives by the medieval laws.

Not so much obsessed, more angry little boys are being taught to not be boys and they are being taught about 'toxic masculinity' when there is no science to back it up. It's some theory make up by a minority group of women. So yeah, more angry.

Muslims oppress women because of their religion. Next.

I dunno what goes on over there in bongland or what happens in schools here because honestly, screw kids, who needs them. I don't like the frankenqueers telling 7 year olds to dress in drag because it's cool but non-TERF feminism is irrelevant in this context.

You sound like a real progressive.

I'm not. You don't get to just wrap up the conversation by telling me what my political views are when you're in over your head.

What do women have to do with this? We are talking about Toxic masculinity. You don't even know what it means , yet you try to disprove it.

>or what happens in schools here because honestly, screw kids, who needs them.

I think the conversation ended there.

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Everything you are talking about was made up by a relatively small group of women.

>There's nothing wrong with Feminism

Apart from the women.

I see, you're a gay guy in the Middle East? And the religion of peace is giving you a hard time?

As if you give a shit about anybody but yourself. At least I can admit it.

You seem like a faggot coward yourself which is why the concept that masculinity can be "toxic" or misinterpreted threatens your world views. Stop injecting so much semen directly into your bloodstream.

Projecting your shitty personality traits onto people. You sound like a spoiled little kid with no life experience.

>It's 2018 goy

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>Our modern society of the twenty first century can afford Feminism and independent women
i can afford an x-ray machine, but is it something i need?

define 'toxic' without being subjective

>you can't

Is this how you cope?

With what? Liars?

So you think every single person secretly hates children and doesn't care about the next generation? What kind of sick demented mind do you have?


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>pushing religion and then complaining about the welfare state in another thread.
>anonymous posting
>magically links opinions expressed in one thread with those expressed in another
roastie "thinking"
>implying anything cited is in any way inhuman

No, I think YOU are a virtue signaling cunt.

>constantly talks about toxic masculinity
>ignores toxic femininity

Dishonesty is most definitely human, just antisocial.

So...because I don't agree with feminism...that means I hate children and don't care about the next generation, like you?

>toxic masculinity

you niggers fall for this bait every fucking time

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So if i wasn't born a fucking macho i'm gay?

you're not pointing out hypocrisy. you're pointing out that different opinions are expressed on this site. not to mention that none of those positions are that contradictorary either

No you're jumping to wild conclusions again since you're a lazy dishonest retard. You don't need to support feminism or even believe in toxic masculinity since it's a fucking buzzword. Just don't be a fucking manchild if you can help it. If you can't help it then fuck you.

I'm just joining the dots on the United Nations faggot


so how are men not human then?

you seem irked

The chimpouts, shootings, stabbings, rapes, etc. all in the name of "muh heritage" or just some faggot shit like being rejected by stacy. It all goes without saying you just want to pretend it doesn't happen, or that you're not like the other guys.

>or what happens in schools here because honestly, screw kids, who needs them.

>As if you give a shit about anybody but yourself. At least I can admit it.

So there was me calling you out on hating kids, and you projected that same personality trait onto me.

Women actually had it better under the middle ages on a social level.

True equality was found in the lower class. The working class woman was free to pursue any trade she pleased, though mainly found employment assisting her husband as he was bound to one trade only.

Upper class women were management level, and rarely did much of the work around the house, but oversaw the administration, defence, and more of the estate while the husband was out securing resources and basically being at war.

i hope every feminist eats shit and dies

Men re more aggressive than women, we do more aggressive shit. It's not hard to understand.

you have the right to remain dumb.

Nearly everybody who pretends to care about kids is virtue signaling, especially when they only care about kids when women are involved somehow. It has nothing to do with their well-being, you just want to be validated. It gets old seeing it over and over again for years and years.

It's subhuman behavior that is only tolerated because nobody has a choice. The least people can do is voice their concerns regarding the issue of letting animals run free.

So I was right then, you think all people hate kids and nobody cares about the future generations, it's all just to look like good people because are actually selfish pieces of shit?

>Our modern society
Until you run out of money and wake up from socialism, men will have to start rebuilding everything from scratch.

There was nothing wrong with feminism 10 years ago, but what it has become is actually oppressive to the common man

Would you be surprised if I were right? Can you prove I'm not?

No, you can't. Get over yourself.

Feminism isn't the answer to getting rid of crime. You'd need to kill all criminals, male and female.

>The chimpouts, shootings, stabbings, rapes, etc. all in the name of "muh heritage"
wtf are you rambling about?
off the top of my head:
dylan roof
that's it.
There's a lot of people in the world and most of them are alright.
The world is getting less and less violent.
Yes, men are better at violence3 than women. That's just how it is.
And violence is part of humanity in any case.

honestly, feminst whning about VAW and all that shit is just hysterical writhing about some basic facts of existence.

By primarily non-white men? Or are feminists too chickenshit to go down that rabbit hole

Holy shit, you're shockingly stupid.

I never said it was the answer to anything, I'm not a feminist, I just am calling a spade a spade, if any gender isn't human it's the one that's not safe to be around.

Great argument niggerfaggot

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>It's subhuman behavior that is only tolerated because nobody has a choice
it's not tolerated einstein. rape, assault and murder and against the law. you go to jail if you're convicted of them

You're just plain wrong, there are plenty of white shootings and crimes committed by whites, just because they are government sanctioned sometimes doesn't mean it's okay.

So you feel on edge around all men, and you hate kids and don't care about the future generations, and you think all people secretly hate kids?
You sound like you need psychiatric treatment.

I think you and anybody like you is intellectually dishonest and shouldn't be allowed 500ft near a school.

Still happens somehow, I guess even being someone's prison bitch isn't enough of a deterrent.

Aliens are real, God is real...all of them, the Earth is flat, also hollow.

Can you prove me wrong? Guess not, I win.

How is feminism at all sustainable?

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feminism is fine when it's pro-woman. but what we have today is anit-man feminism which is just a cunt's hair above schoolyard bullying in it's practical application.

just walk away.

I love how you're basically arguing for sexist discrimination against men. Yeah, feminism is definitely not a hate-movement or anything.

Says the person who hates kids. You sound like the next person who calls you a mean name and hurts your fee fees you're going to start shooting.

>completely ignoring reality: the post

Feminism isn't about changing traditional female roles
Feminism isn't about women's rights or equality
Feminism woulnd't be so popular if it didn't mean giving power to those who've done thing to deserve it other than being born a female that must be believed, shielded, and funded without merit.

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There are mountains of proof that people in general don't give a shit about society and are selfish, there is no proof of sky daddy or flat earth or ayys.

>if any gender isn't human it's the one that's not safe to be around.
lol. safe in what respect? women are just as evil as men, possibly more so, they express it differently, that's all.

Most shootings are committed by non-whites. Nice try.

You hate on men because it is "safe" to do so, and use them as a punching bag against the fact that you're so desperately terrified of losing face on a social level to call out overwhelmingly disproportionate violence committed by non-whites.