Poland = not white

>3 month lapse in contract at work
>decide it's time to find a wife, travel around Europe, German bro I met along the way tells me Polish women are wife material and less bitchy/delusional than German girls
>get to Poland
>immediately upon arrival get chatted up by a qtpi, blonde hair, blue eyes, nice sharp features and bone structure
>takes me to tiny bar she likes on side street
>buy her a few drinks and we're really hitting it off
>two hours go by
>out of nowher two giga nigga The Mountain tier Polish hulks come out from the stock room
>they give me a bill that says my drinks are the equivalent of $50 US dollars each
>girl giggles and scoots off
>have to pay because they're about to kick my ass
>later see the guy who didn't talk much on the road on my way back to my rental and he mumbles something in Polish followed by "kurwa"
>immediately start looking for something to bash this gigantic fuck with
>says something like "haha only kid" and claps me so hard on the back that I lose my balance
Just got off the plane, FUCK Poland

Attached: pl.png (1772x1106, 212K)

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It's true this isn't a country for beta males like you.

>committing crime is alpha

Polandball gives no fucks

>getting coerced into paying
>not glassing the hired muscles
>net even trying to resist
pretty beta if you ask me

You got gopnicked.

Attached: zabka.jpg (492x549, 100K)

Attached: 1535974867832.png (1920x1080, 630K)

I attempted to resist physically but the moment I did the bartender shook his head and drew his finger across his neck, and then he pointed to the computer monitor attached to the cash register. He turned it around and on the screen was: Tibia

I could make out from my table a large group of player characters covered in red and white, marching through the streets of ff- and pf-covered streets of Carlin and saying, like a mantra, "PL? PL?" and SDing anyone who dared say "no"

"You resist, we rook you"

And suddenly it dawned on me. Why would a blonde qt care so much about my favorite vidya, including my username and playing habits? I knew then that I had no choice.

My only hope now is to recruit the Brazilians. This is what I have become...

Attached: 7qr3hlxr.jpg (260x225, 45K)


Poland is white you're just a faggot