Action : Go to leftist normie media and simply comment with the following statement :
>"Thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."
If they try to start an argument, simply keep repeating some variation of : >"As I said, thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right." to whatever arguments they try to make. Whenever you see the comment, upvote / like it.
Goals : - Demoralization. Make them realize that every action they take is counterproductive. - Subtly imply to bystanders that 'ordinary' people are already right wing. Remember, the major social currency among normies is conformity. If they believe that everybody else is moving right, so will they. - Point out that the rise of the right is a consequence of the actions & voices of the left. - Show 'the left' and the normies that we are everywhere, and that we are watching. Again, this plays into the normie desire to 'fit in'. - Embolden those who are already on the right but are kept silent by fear of social repercussions (see previous point). - The comment is polite and violates no 'guidelines'. They can't shut it down. - Short comments are more likely to be read, often more so than the actual article / post / story. - Create an atmosphere that discourages leftists to post in the first place.
This is solid enough that you could even post it on real accounts. If you ever have to walk it back just say “I AM a leftist myself. It was sarcasm. I meant that stuff like that damages OUR cause.” Even then, the statement has value as a divide and conquer strategy (ie. “a real leftist doesn’t believe that stuff”).
It doesn't matter whether you believe any of the above or not - the purpose is to make *them* believe it.
Ignore divide & conquer shills and demoralization shills (anybody who ‘dismisses’ the plan without providing genuine criticism is a shill.)
Here’s a favorite I’ve seen: >blaming The Russians for Hillary’s defeat is literally like the Westboro Baptist Church blaming an election result on “The Gays”.
Chase Ward
cool flags guys
cool OP pic, OP
Jace Bennett
This is brilliant.
Hunter Cooper
>Telling people what to do and what to think
Awfully NPC of you guys
Bentley Gray
"T-Thanks for p-p-pushing n--normal people even f-f-further to the r-right."
David King
Nice notice how someone tries to use logic and reason to their lefty comrades and the rest of NPC's just say nah this is better. Those guys have a chance of getting redpilled in the future
Oliver Wood
I rarely venture outside my bat cave
Nathaniel Sanders
or interact with humans
Jaxon Davis
women really can't think
Thomas Hughes
Lots of alt-right dudes were former lefties who got redpilled after Occupy Wall Street started shitting on its own white male members.
Ian Scott
would the real alt right please stand up
Michael Adams
>Using normie media
I'd rather they think they're going to win because of their hug boxes. "Why bother voting, the dems are pulling so far ahead anyway!" is the effect I'd like to create. This tactic is likely to just reinvigorate them in to turning up to vote.
Wyatt Bell
This is literally all we have to do. (((They))) have totally lost control of their golems. All we have to do is point them out to normies as they run amok.
these days twitters got your mobile number, your ip dress, they have rouge employees... whats the point if you want to stay user?
Michael Morales
"We" are actively pushing the sort of subtle propaganda that NPCs are programmed to respond to. Somebody or some group from here ("we") came up with this original plan. You didn't think through your statement did you.
Brandon Cooper
>being this new Ops generally are done by constant spam. Also fuck off kike shill and bring super sentai into your shill bullshit. Samurai hate jews
Easton Harris
how long before Hiro basedboys npc, it's being used to raid here
Nathaniel Martin
This plan has plausible deniability built in. Anybody who calls you an ebil racist right wing bigot for simply saying 'thanks' will look like a paranoid idiot.
Give it up Jew, we already won a long time ago. After the Red Tsunami you're going to see a tidal wave of normies shift toward Trump. His approval rating will be 60+% by 2020. The NPCs don't like feeling like losers, they will shift allegiance like they do for sports teams. We will gladly welcome their NPCs and your disillusioned golems into our big tent. This tipping point was already crossed long ago, things are speeding up exponentially as what has already been decided simply unfolds. The Left is 100% defeated. They will fracture and devour one another. It's going to be fucking glorious.
>Thinks NPCs have any idea that pol even exists. >Thinks NPCs are going to do the research necessary to equate a polite 'thankyou' to the ebil right wing. Nothing about this op is "Nazi", and the fact that you read it that way says more about you than it does about "us". Are there any Nazis under your bed? Have you checked since last night? This is merely intended to move a critical mass of normies away from the batshit insane left before it is too late. Pic related
>Ignore divide & conquer shills and demoralization shills (anybody who ‘dismisses’ the plan without providing genuine criticism is a shill.) Glow in the dark.
ohh boy you have no idea how much Jow Forums and Nazis has wacked the hornets nest down here this week in our federal politics its literally 2016 CNN pepe =nazi memes down here at the moment
So what are they gonna do? Arrest you for saying 'thanks'? Claim that 'thanks' is now a racial slur? Ban you for thanking people? PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY. Think about it.
> its literally 2016 CNN pepe =nazi memes down here at the moment And how does that not work in our favor? The more hysterical they get the crazier they look and the more people get redpilled
Liam Jenkins
there's a by-election for the ex-leader where the seat is %13 Jewish and average property price 2US million
so the left wheeled out the neo nazi boogeyman, fake hate emails saying homos have aids, trying to topple that 19% Swing buffer
Landon Wright
Very hot take, don't let this get slid- Jow Forums meme warfare has been very good recently
Switch up the wording if you feel the need. The key points are
-normal people -being pushed by the left -even further right
>"I hope you realize that you are moving normal folk even further right with this stuff" >"Everybody at my factory with keeps moving even further right because of crap like this" Be creative
These progressives sure love to spend a lot of time on Jow Forums. Probably explains why they've gone so far left they've looped back around to become the neo-gestapo of "tolerance."
Luis Perez
Except they are required by their moral code to double down. Getting them to chimp out is the point.
Yep. Just like pointing out to kike shills that their lies explode in their face when they keep lying in the face of sourced facts that expose said lies, they will just keep doubling down, thus further digging the grave of their causes ever further.
Chase Cruz
Most of their shills are pretty weak sauce. I think I ran into an intern of theirs because whenever I showed evidence he just said "nuh uh". I love watching Jews defend globalism, bankers, and dishonest media. Normal people hate those things, but don't get that Jews do them. Jews have terrible judgement in that regard.
Elijah Diaz
That's not what this is. The entrenched left dont have the ability to back down or change course. All they ever do is double down. Think about it. When have they ever said "oops we went a bit too far there"? It never happens. This op/meme isn't speaking to them anyway, it is all about reaching the bystanders and NPCs.
Charles Young
this works, I made my buddy's girlfriend almost have a brain aneurysm by saying this to her twice, like she had to leave and go cry in the car for 15 minuets
They're really going to implode once they don't regain the house or senate. They'll start being actively violent as they will feel so powerless they'll be left with nothing but wrath.
As long as you’re voting. (Also i agree with you completely, but Remember also the minority position is the underdog and the underdog gets public support usually) — make sure not to let anons get complacent about actually going to vote. Gotta get up go outside and actually go do it for this all to work. peace and love , bodhi sahtva.
Luis Jones
Word , checked.
Ethan Thompson
>everybody at my factory meh I think only if you are actually at a factory. Why risk Getting called out for a lie here when the lefties really and truely ARE pushing people farther to the right. I think just stick with truth and OPs plan definitely works and is effective.
Holy fuck this article is a horror. I'm laughing maniacally but for some reason their side is gonna win
Hunter Taylor
This has potential for small scale, but it's easy for this to backfire. The name for this tactic is "concern trolling" and a lot of places where political discourse take place (mostly forums) just flat out ban you for it being unproductive and a Poe's Law problem. Be prepared to actually have a discussion if you're pushed to defend against the accusation of concern trolling.
Angel Nguyen
That's why he says its for news website comments and faceberg.
Daniel Foster
Also when commenting on leftist media, use words like "PROBLEMATIC" Shorter comments are more effective because more people read them. One of the biggest mistakes some people make is writing paragraphs with pure data and no familiarity
Jacob Cooper
>Your enemies are acting wild and retarded. >This causes everyone else to band together under Trump.
Your goal is to stop your enemies from being wild and retarded.
Them being wild and retarded is the best thing we can ask for.
Landon Morgan
Have an archive of fully sourced facts to debate the issues you're talking about. Depository of JQ stuff here:
Fuck off kike. All this does is brings awareness to their own folly. Saying this comment will just get them to curve threir behavior anyone who is apart of this is a traitor. This message doesn't serve a proWhite agenda or a nationalist agenda.
Jeremiah Collins
Bad idea. Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake. They're genuinely pushing people to the right everyday.
Brandon Williams
Read this:
Wyatt Morris
one thing wouldn't "average" be better than "normal"? I think it may be a hook for them, like >"normal" means the majority thus alienating minorities blahblah