Think for one fucking second, you imbeciles. If Israel were truly behind the migrant caravans, why in the fuck would they put a Star of David on the truck? Are you all really that retarded? Where is the famous pol skepticism?
Who Is Falseflagging Israel
You're right. This is totally unlike Jews. They never try to subvert nations with massive influxes of migrants. What was I thinking? h-heh
-t useful idiot
I don't care. Gas them either way.
Who false flaged Germany? All the bombers over poland had swastikas on them!?
>c-cmon goys you have GOT to be mistaken this time
Ok regular person on computer at their house
Jews work to flood white nations with "diversity" everywhere they can. Jweish finance NGO's are helping direct the flood into Europe. Soros probably spends close to a billion dollars a year on these efforts. What would be the point in a false flag over something everyone already knows is happening?
Israel is false flagging Israel.
Show your real flag.
>what would be the point
To make Trump and Israel look bad. The deep state wants to fracture the US-Israel alliance.
Because we know you gentiles won’t do shit to stop it or us ;)
enjoy your new 4000 voters, they should be there just in time to vote
>To make Trump and Israel look bad. The deep state wants to fracture the US-Israel alliance.
Sorry to bust your bubble, be we OWN the deep state
Maybe it was Jews for Jesus
>Meme Flag
That's what I was thinking. It's the most obvious bait
there's no way that's real, lol
t. Schlomo
>Be kike
>Send migrant caravan
>Put star on truck
>Say: If it were jews behind this w- they wouldn't put a star on the truck
polish jews killed german civs at the border
This is a jew acting this evil because we would think, this is totally a proxy acting like this.
Decietful rat.
Its not Israel its the left wing jews we have here. Soros like people.
Jews change depending on the situation. Jews with their own home land become right wing to protect it. Jews in other countries are different, The incentives change them. First off many mostly integrate but still have the ability to tribalize when needed. Some never integrate and mostly undermine shit as a profit.
These are the jews that are trying to undermine the country. They are likely elitist coastal types.
Nice flag Noseberg
>they don’t even try to hide it anymore
>Some 100 ISIS terrorists have been caught in Guatemala, where a caravan of thousands of migrants is headed to the United States.
Shut up kike.
Jesuits are behind the open southern border. (KINO Border Initiative)
Who do you think is behind false flagging the jews?