Ace of Base Alleged Nazi-Connection

Dear Jow Forums. We need some help URGENTLY. We're trying to solve a mystery regarding nazi symbolism in the 90's eurodance hit "Happy Nation" by Ace of Base. We've been going through these runes from the music video and the lowest word seems to be "Aprobatur" which is latin for "approve" written in camunic runes.

In the beginning of the song the singer chants in weird mix of latin & hebrew, a rough translation of which would be something in the lines of:
>On the wings of the eagle, with God's help, I was there before everyone, in the meantime I will kill you, I was there before everyone.

"On the wings of the eagle" might be a reference to Nazi Germany.

For more information about the alleged ties:

>Actually, that they have ties to the neo-Nazi movement isn't in dispute, or at all a secret. A few years ago, Vice music editor Ben Shapiro wrote an article that revealed that Ace of Base founder Ulf Ekberg was once in a Nazi punk band called Commit Suiside.

Attached: 1539931242068.png (889x578, 528K)

Other urls found in this thread:

During the music video as the vocalist sings:
>A man can die, but not his idéas
The following book title flashes by. Pic related.

Might or might not be of improtance to this case.

Attached: Origin of Species - Charles Darwin.jpg (1110x701, 66K)

bump for rare

Is ace of base the new shadilay for 2020 election?

true if big!

In their other song "All That She Wants" the gist of the lyrics seem to describe a leech roastie who entraps a man with a child, to live off child support. In the music video the roastie fiddles with a necklace made out of stars of David.

Attached: dont trust the female merchant.jpg (884x658, 55K)

>All that's she wants is another baby
>She's going to getcha

We need to go deeper!

Attached: shes going to getcha.png (1572x673, 1.23M)

Excerpt from the lyrics to Ulf Ekbergs earlier project called "Commit Suiside", which might or might not be connected to alleged white supremacy.

Attached: 3.jpg (500x168, 31K)

Now, back to Happy Nation. Specifically the songtext:

Happy nation living in a happy nation
Where the people understand
And dream of the perfect man
Situation lead to sweet salvation
For the people, for the good
For mankind brotherhood
(We’re traveling in time)

Is this a play on the aryan archetype?

Attached: mushroom cloud.jpg (1920x1080, 244K)

Ace of BASED

It is speculated that the band's name actually derives from "Base of Aces" - the Keroman Submarine Base located in Lorient during World War 2.

Attached: Alexandra_WhiteDressTanPanty_025.jpg (2000x3000, 754K)
BASED Aryan reggae.

Attached: ok-hand.jpg (1600x1200, 76K)

White separatist anthem.

Apart from aryan silhouette jumping athletically with the flag & the proto-christian cross, we couldn't find any other hidden clues in this particular video...

it's tenuous, but you could interpet the lyrics as saying shitskins begone

Moving on to the song "Living in Danger" which had the roastie who wrote her little communist article literally shaking in rage. The lyrics go:

So many people are running around and 'round
Without no sense of logic

I see lies in the eyes of a stranger, oho
You'll be living in danger
I see lies in the eyes of a stranger, oho
You'll be living in danger

This was in the mid 90's and entices the aryan people by speaking to the soul by the sheer weight of it's true message. I feel a little bit melancholic about the situation in Sweden. They had so much hope back then...
Where have the sensible swede gone?

Attached: 2.jpg (791x861, 374K)

>implying your eyes need opening
>where do you belong?
>flashes of white people making out
>guy holding hands with girl as her hair turns blonde

OP, you are correct.
I read an interview by them (I think it was in "Making Music" - a free magazine distributed in guitar stores etc) which confirms they DID use to be "Neo-Nazis", but they later got cucked and started kissing nigger ass and making cod-reggae music.
They were terrible as a reggae band, I wonder what their "Neo-Nazi" phase was like, and if they actually recorded anything during this period, or if this was just their general philosophy before they took up music?

>guy holding hands with girl as her hair turns blonde

Haha my god, you're right! This is BIG.

Attached: 1461824324433.png (455x621, 400K)

Tried to link the URL with the time. It's at 2:50.

I saw the signs too my friend.

Don't trust the stranger, user.

Attached: living in danger.jpg (940x706, 86K)

>A man can die - But not his ideas

Attached: adie.jpg (618x410, 72K)

Last question, does anybody know what sign this is? It doesn't seem to be a rune.

Attached: wat.jpg (60x63, 2K)

curved nazi symbol when intersected

Case solved! Thanks m8

Attached: nationally weaponized autism.jpg (44x41, 2K)

Anytime! writer coming to a website of multiracial white supremacists for help decoding a 1990s euro beat group because some of their lyrics can be interpreted by semites as anti semite with enough mental gymnastics? thnx

Guy was unironically a skinhead

Attached: R-4917294-1388487315-2560.jpeg.jpg (600x596, 102K)

₪ is shekel in hebrew

That might be the closest one so far, thanks fren!

>Tricked into being Nazis

>"Haha, you have listened to my song, and you liked it. I tricked you with subliminal imagery, INTO BECOMING A NAZI!"

Ummmmmm that's not how that works... change that horrific tittle.
Might be one of the worst tittle I've ever seen, hoky fuck

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I'm not the author of the artcile, m8. I just had a lot of fun reading it!

This is Ulf Ekberg before joining Ace of Base.

Attached: 0CF2DC9F-CAC3-42EA-891D-6AE2D2B036A5.jpg (570x341, 46K)

I might even have that Ace of Base interview (from "Making Music") somewhere as I have a stack of them going back to 1988, in a filing cabinet somewhere, so if you can make this thread again tomorrow about 7pm GMT, I'll see if I can find it, and will scan it if it is in my collection.

This is the real reason all these 90s kids turned into Nazis. Ace of Base tricked them with through hypnotic beats and pure Aryan melodies.

Attached: 6FB6A828-D67E-4C5F-A83C-6B6588D0377C.jpg (500x699, 49K)

Classic: Hot woman doing something extremely dorky and embarassing but its fine because shes a hot woman

Sån jävla skön dude haha

That would be awesome to hear, thanks!

Attached: uffe.jpg (886x646, 152K)

I also have an interview of Moby (the baldy s0yb0y) defending child pornography - and Gary Glitter's right to possess it.
This gunna be gud.


Haha! The translation would be something like ”White power, shitskin slaughter”

what the fuck were you doing on cracked?
that place is cancer...

Saw the link posted on her in another thread. I actually had no fucking idea about Ulf before reading that. I can only imagine how fucking triggered that fat journo must have been writing about it.

>I also have an interview of Moby defending child pornography.

What the fuck? Wasn't he a junkie as well?

Hot women are just tools for raking in the normies as we spread our message.

Attached: Oyster smiling.png (435x293, 75K)

post them them my dude.....

Hammer of Thor

Attached: 71B2B7C0-6D23-4301-9E32-550F967211DF.jpg (1100x1377, 151K)

Really subtle swastika

Attached: 1454951626260.jpg (680x598, 56K)

it's just a short version of lateralus

Attached: Aces_of_the_Deep.jpg (350x310, 84K)

Back before Tumblr invaded, this was shit /x/ would deal with. They were efficient little autist spoops.

I can read it aaaaand..

Its just the runic alphabet upside down. No special connection. No story here boys.


hope its true. eurodance is literally peak 90s cucking when it comes to lyrics

But its even funnier when it isnt true

Attached: 0348ABD0-3520-444F-8D40-80466F17F835.jpg (1242x982, 515K)

Holy shit, someone shop a swastika in this video... they saw the sign lads, they saw it! This is a memetic goldmine

Attached: 1538865071842.jpg (641x530, 41K)

It could be a somewhat disguised and stylized Jera rune. Maybe.

Attached: jera.jpg (677x960, 149K)

>shekel in hebrew


Not even close.

Attached: 1525542308209.jpg (1024x768, 66K)

Not alleged. The guy was in Viking Youth (Swedish Neo-Nazi group) before joining the band.

>inb4 vice

The website PI from Germany already preached in 2007 massively about Islam and nationalism. I knew people who read that, but I could not do much with it myself. I only know that this was her absolute eternal cult song. Very strange and crazy time. I tell you that the Breivik era blew over everything. Denmark also played an important role in this puzzle.

Ace of base were Nazi skinheads before they started doing dance pop music.

The shekel sign, like the dollar sign ("$"), is usually placed left of the number (i.e. "₪12,000"

The ₪ symbolizes two hands rubbing together while contemplating currency and skullduggeries

Attached: 1529179610429.png (1000x955, 441K)

Here he is with former Swedens democrats party leader Anders Klarström who also was a former politician in ”Nordiska rikspartiet” (Nordic reich party”, a post WWII national socialist party with direct ties to Nazi Germany.

Attached: 920CF77E-5CCD-4567-9804-EA378675DBED.png (563x406, 150K)

It opened up my mind.

Heil Hitler

Based Swedish 90s music and redpilled Icelandic analyst

Ace of Based is the gift that keeps on giving haha

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Were they though? As far as I can tell that one guy was whereas the three siblings were raised to embrace multiculturalism in a Christian home. According to the blonde ones wiki she studied Judaism at university in the early 2000s.

The fuck is that country even lmfao come on kid

Attached: Versus-2000-Movie-4.jpg (450x315, 10K)

pure schizo fantasy

You guys are out of the loop, you should see how redpilled their unreleased stuff is.

speaking of that, was ABBA redpilled?

Bump for the fresh meat

Attached: aob81.jpg (600x426, 54K)

I love Jenny Berggren

Wizard's gonna take your soul away
But he will pay you well
The wizard's gonna make you rich and then
You're lost forever, girl

I can't breathe

Attached: the wizard.png (469x553, 5K)

Björn Ulvæus - Sweden's "highest-profile cash-free campaigner"
bluepilled all to hell unfortunately

Noir Jenny best Jenny

High crime rate goys
No no - dont mention immigration goy
Go cashless/electronic transaction/chip implants goy

I dont know about the females, but Björn and Benny are super progressive cucks today. A product of their generation.

Sexy blonde one is a recluse now. Wouldve been happier as a farmer's wife

Agneta is such a sweet soul! She lives alone with her horses

Attached: 08375C31-2E8E-4575-93D3-047CFF3575C3.jpg (368x500, 43K)

>lives alone with her horses
I suppose that's a step or two up from cats.

She is a sweet soul. The fact she hated attention/fame and crowds only makes her more attractive as a person. The polar opposite of the narcissistic skank sluts around today

Whats new since the election swedebro? Any hopeful developments?

I think it was the one Ace of Base member who was previously in a neo nazi band. I forget his name.

When they deny it in the media that will confirm it. They have to keep their mask on and not reveal their powerlevel like Tay.

Well since a gov has yet to be formed chances are we will get a situation where a re-election is called like last time but then suddenly the seven-sided-clover bands together to cuck SD and most of all voters oncemore to avoid them making additional gains

>all that she wants is another baby

Anti- Abortion song too. KEK!

>tfw OP saw the sign

Attached: 1521572856439.png (468x345, 207K)

Whats the general public mood? Any more redpilled? Hopefully that Danish comedian is still triggering leftists

Suppossedly, there was a verse in the song 'Bodyhouse' back when they were called Tech Nior that had a woman get raped when walking home alone.
There's a chopped version, but no evidence of the original surviving.

Attached: aob89.jpg (720x576, 72K)

Only this song gives you the beautiful feeling of
living again in a healthy, happy white ethno state.

There's good stuff out there

If Ace of being Based was trying to warn the right people, too bad all of the stupid Generation Xers didn't catch on and instead continued their "must give up my career for the Jews and their affirmative action."

Everything from Ace of Base is great. Only in Happy Nation is a hidden mystical element that revives that feeling and makes it a reality for me right now.



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Personally, I think they stagnated as they grew big.
That doesn't mean they aren't cool as hell, they released a bunch of demo material over their youtube over the last few years and more pops up all the time.
My money in on Lynn refusing to suck jewish cock to keep their ball rolling.
For anyone into their early stuff, look up the studio decibel recordings and the Tech Noir (their early band name) stuff.
Absolute best timeline would have them come back to record nationalist songs or a Swedish folk music album, but I'm happy with what we have.
vid related

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I see a Jew nose and his hands